4003: Wi-Fi error and auto recovering... 8000: Service sends the signal to adaptor for starting the connection 8001: Service recieve the connection suncceed from adaptor 8002: Service receive the connection failed from adaptor 8003: Service receive the disconnection succeed from adaptor 8004: This Wi-Fi is bad so blocked for few minute 8005: Starting hosted network (Hotspot, Screen Cast, etc...) 8006: Succeed hosted network 8007: Failed hosted network 8008: Disconnecting hosted network 8009: Successfully disconnected hosted network 8010: Couldn't disconnect hosted network 8011: Returned last good Wi-Fi (mobile network off, far from Wi-Fi AP, etc...) 11000: Adaptor is trying to connect the Wi-Fi 11001: Adaptor succeed to connect 11002: Adaptor failed to connect 11003: Trying to start WAP security 11004: Deactive Wi-Fi security 11005: Succed to Wi-Fi security 11006: Failed to activate WAP security 11007: Trying to start IHV security 11008: Activate IHV security 11009: Failed to start IHV security 11010: Activate WAP security 12011: Starting PEAP certification 12012: Complete PEAP certification 12013: Failed to PEAP certification 12014: Recerity PEAP 20019: Client is connected to hosted network 20020: Client is certified to hoested network 20021: Client failed to certified to hosted network