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pedestal: A solid base for terminal bioinformatics

A collection of Python programs and Bash wrappers acrounds common UNIX tools that facilitate working in the terminal with sequence-based data.

Requirements: Python >= 3.8

cons: intelligent consensus formation

cons aims to solve problems deriving accurate consensus data from alignments with uneven depths across their length. This is a frequent problem with alignments of sequences clustered by vsearch, usearch, or cd-hit-est. Intuitively, a small region of low depth within a larger region of higher depth is of comparatively less relevance than if the same low depth formed a larger, independent, region at a different position within the alignment, especially towards either end. Normal methods using thresholding approaches will either remove all or include all of these regions, if the threshold is high or low, respectively. cons run with -l/--local treats the alignment as a time series, and performs changepoint detection to determine localised regions of equivalent depth. These are smoothed (-s/--smooth) and a consensus is derived using thresholds appropriate for each region independently. Separately, cons will report bases using IUPAC degeneracy codes but will also interpret these codes within alignments and use the appropraite base possibilities when calulating majority rule at the position.

cons [-h] -n NAME [-a [AMBIG]] [-m [MIN]] [-g [GLO]] [-l [LOC]]
    [-s [SMOOTH]] [-w [WRAP]] [--retaingaps] [--changepoints] [input]
--- usage examples ---
cat aligned.fa | cons -n mycons -g -l -s 10 --retaingaps >> aligned.fa
cat aligned.fa | cons -n mycons -l > aligned.cons

cuti: ordering and selection of columnar data

Builds on UNIX cut to allow re-ordering of selected columns and selection by name

cuti [-h] (-n NAMES [NAMES ...] | -N NAMES_FILE | -f FIELDS) [-d IN_DELIM]
    [-D OUT_DELIM] [--fill FILL] [input [input ...]]
--- usage examples ---
cat *.tsv | cuti -f-2,5,3-4 > merged.tsv
cuti file.csv -d, -n pvalue > pvalues

deinterleave: separation of interleaved FASTQ stream data

See also: interleavei

deinterleave [-h] out1 out2
--- usage examples ---
cat interleaved.fq | deinterleave file_1.fq file_2.fq
zcat interleaved.fq.gz | deinterleave >(pigz | file_1.fq.gz) >(pigz | file_2.fq.gz)

edIted: statistical comparison of RNA editing

edIted performs stranded assessments of RNA editing from samtools mpileup data, building on the Dirichlet-based models implemented in ACCUSA2 [Piechotta (2013) Bioinf]. When run with test data alone, edIted runs in 'detect' mode, finding base modifications by comparing the goodness of fit of Dirchlet models of the base error (derived from the Phred quality data in the mpileup input) and the background sequencing error to the base frequencies recorded at a specific position. With an additional control dataset, edIted runs in 'differential' mode, performing the above analysis to determine significantly edited sites before additionally testing for differential editing by comparing the goodness of fit of Dirichlet models of the base error from the test and control datasets to their own and each other's base frequencies. When biological replicates are provided, edIted adjusts the reported Z scores to reflect the proportion of test dataset samples displaying editing.

Transcript stranding information is required to run edIted - data must come from the sequencing of stranded libraries and have the TS/XS tag added. Note that the XS tag is implementation-specific and the TS (transcript strand) tag has been created to standardise reporting. Currently, only HISAT2 reports an XS tag that also conforms to the TS specification and other aligners will need a TS tag adding in post-alignment processing (see below). To include this information samtools mpileup data should then be produced with --output-extra TS, the column location of which can be passed to edIted with --ts if necessary. Allowing samtools mpileup to calculate BAQs is recommended to further improve the accuracy of results.

edIted [-h] -t TEST [TEST ...] [-c CONTROL [CONTROL ...]] [-R REGION]
    [-o OUTPUT] [-e EDIT] [-r REPS] [--detect_noise DETECT_NOISE]
    [--differential_noise DIFFERENTIAL_NOISE] [--z_score Z_SCORE]
    [--min_fold MIN_FOLD] [--min_depth MIN_DEPTH] [--min_alt_depth MIN_ALT_DEPTH]
    [--min_edited MIN_EDITED] [--max_edited MAX_EDITED] [--ts TS]
    [--blacklist BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]] [-q]

--- adding TS tags ---
STAR --outStd SAM <arguments> \
| samtools view --no-PG -h -F268 - \
| awk -v F="-" -v R="+" \ # First read is antisense to the originating transcript, otherwise swap + and -
    'BEGIN { OFS="\\t"; strand[0]=F; strand[1]=R; } \
    { if (substr(\$1,1,1)=="@") { print; next; }; \
    s=and(\$2,0x10)/0x10; if (and(\$2,0x80)) s=1-s; print \$0,"TS:A:" strand[s]; }' \
| samtools view --no-PG -b@2 \
> ${name}.bam \
&& samtools index ${name}.bam

--- preparing mpileups ---
samtools mpileup -Q 15 -q 30 -R -f indexedgenome.fa --output-extra TS test.bam | \
awk '$4 > 1' | pigz > test.mpileup.gz

--- running edIted ---
edIted -e TC --min_edited 0.2 -t test.mpileup.gz --blacklist blacklists/*.bed.gz > TC_edits.bed
edIted -r 2 --min_depth 10 -t test1.mpileup.gz test2.mpileup -c control.mpileup.gz -o differential_AG_edits.bed

explode: split FASTA/Q records to new files

explode [-h] [-c CHUNKS] [-w [WRAP]] [--dir DIR] [--prefix PREFIX] [input ...]
--- usage examples ---
cat file.fa | explode --dir splitfiles
explode *.fq -c 50 --dir splitfiles --prefix chunk_

graph: basic plotting in the terminal

graph [-h] [--xy [XY]] [--col COL] [--delim DELIM] [--perc] [--header [HEADER]]
    [--xmin XMIN] [--xmax XMAX] [--ymin YMIN] [--ymax YMAX] [input ...]
--- usage examples ---
samtools view file.bam -f64 \
| head -100000 \
| awk 'function abs(x) {return x<0 ? -x : x} {print abs($9)}' \
| ./graph --perc --xmax 500

    4.5                       ███
    4.2                      █   ██
    3.9                            █
    3.7                     █       █
    3.4                   ██         █
    3.2                               █
    2.9                                █ █
    2.6                                 █
    2.4                 █                 ██
    2.1                  █                   █
    1.8                █                    █ █
    1.6               █                        █
    1.3                                         ██
    1.1                                           ██
   0.79              █                              ███
   0.53                                                █████
   0.26             █                                       ████
      0      ███████                                            ████████████████
        0         69.4      139       208       278       347       417

interleave: interleaving FASTQ data

See also: interleavei

interleave [-h] in1 in2
--- usage examples ---
interleave file_1.fq file_2.fq > interleaved.fq
interleave <(zcat file_1.fq.gz) <(zcat file_2.fq.gz) | pigz > interleaved.fq.gz

interleavei: intelligent FASTA/Q interleaving

Interleaves FASTA/Q data where both reads of a pair are not guaranteed to be present or supplied in the correct order. Alternatively, when run with -v, deinterleaves scrambled reads into ordered, paired, files.

interleavei [-h] [-v INVERSE INVERSE] [-w [WRAP]] [-q] [input [input ...]]
--- usage examples ---
interleavei file_1.fa <(zcat file_2.fa.gz) | pigz > interleaved.fa.gz
samtools fastq -n file.bam | interleavei -v file_1.fq file_2.fq

linearise: FASTA/Q <-> TSV conversion

Conversion of FASTA/Q data to and from a columnar format to facilitate common terminal workflows.

linearise [-h] [-v] [-w [WRAP]] [input ...]
--- usage examples ---
linearise file.fq | cut -f2 | parallel "wc -c" | graph
cat file.fq | linearise | cut -f-2 | grep -wF "test" | linearise -v > test.fa

mutator: comprehensive DNA mutation simulation

mutator simulates both substitution and indel mutation at user-defined rates, or for the human by default. mutator can output sequential -c/--cycles (generations / years) of mutation within a single run, and output a requested number of -r/--replicates for each cycle. Importantly, mutator does not sample from a pool of mutations generated to represent the cycles, but directly uses their relative probabilities, ensuring that low-frequency events can still occur in early mutation cycles.

mutator [-h] -c CYCLES [CYCLES ...] [-s [SUBSTITUTION]] [-i [INSERTION]]
    [-d [DELETION]] [-r REPLICATES] [-l INDEL_LENGTH] [--sub_sd SUB_SD]
    [--ins_sd INS_SD] [--del_sd DEL_SD] [-w [WRAP]] [-q] [input [input ...]]
--- usage examples ---
cat file.fa | mutator -c $(seq -f"%.0f" -s" " 0 1000000 10000000) -r 100 -i -d > mutated.fa
mutator -c 100000 -s 5.4e-9 -i 1.55e-10 -d 1.55e-10 file.fq > mutated.fa

orf_scanner: robust CDS prediction

orf_scanner outputs CDS predictions from input sequences. With -m/--model, orf_scanner scores codon and 3-mer residue usage frequencies for the predicted CDS regions using Markov chains built from supplied validated data (e.g. Ensembl CDS sequences) and outputs only those predictions that fit the profile.

orf_scanner [-h] [-m [MODEL [MODEL ...]]] [-l [CDS_LEN] | -p [CDS_LEN]] [--unstranded]
    [--longest] [--complete] [-w [WRAP]] [-q] [input [input ...]]
--- usage examples ---
cat *.fa | orf_scanner -l --unstranded > file.cds.fa
orf_scanner file.fa file2.fq -m ensembl_cds.fa --longest -w > cds.fa

rc: reverse complement

rc [-h] [-w [WRAP]] [input ...]
--- usage examples ---
rc file.fa -w 80 > file.rc.fa
zcat file.fq.gz | rc | pigz > file.rc.fq.gz

subsample: subsampling of streamed FASTQ data

subsample [-h] proportion
--- usage examples ---
cat file.fq | subsample 0.25 > file2.fq


A solid base for terminal bioinformatics







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