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Adam English edited this page Aug 22, 2021 · 10 revisions

After you've created your benchmarking results with truvari bench, you'll often want to plot different views of your results. We enjoy using pandas/seaborn for python plotting, so we've made the command truvari vcf2df. This will take an output Truvari directory and convert each vcf entry into a row of a pandas DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will always have the columns:

  • id : VCF column ID
  • svtype : SVTYPE as determined by truvari.entry_variant_type
  • svlen : SVLEN as determined by truvari.entry_size
  • szbin : SVLEN's size bin as determined by truvari.get_sizebin
  • qual : VCF column QUAL
  • filter : VCF column FILTER
  • is_pass : boolean of if the filter is empty or PASS
  • state : The truvari state assigned to the variant
    • tpbase : Parsed from the tp-base.vcf
    • tp : Parsed from the tp-call.vcf
    • fp : Parsed from the fp.vcf
    • fn : Parsed from the fn.vcf

Additionally, the DataFrame is assigned an index of a description of the variant CHROM:START-STOP.ALT. This enables operations such as pandas.DataFrame.join to assist creating a union between sets of variants.

Optionally, vcf2df can attempt to pull INFO and FORMAT fields from the VCF and put each field into the DataFrame as a new column. For FORMAT fields, the VCF header definition's Number is considered and multiple columns may be added. For example, the AD field, typically holding Allele Depth has Number=A, indicating that there will be one value for each allele. Truvari assumes that all VCFs are single-allele per line, so there are only 2 alleles described per-VCF line, the reference and alternate allele. Therefore, two columns are added to the DataFrame, AD_ref and AD_alt corresponding to the 0th and 1st values from the AD field's list of values. Similarity, for PL (genotype likelihood) with Number=G, there's three values and columns are created named PL_ref, PL_het, PL_hom.

The created DataFrame is saved into a joblib file, which can then be plotted as simply as:

import joblib
import seaborn as sb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = joblib.load("test.jl")
p = sb.countplot(data=data[data["state"] == 'tp'], x="szbin", hue="svtype", hue_order=["DEL", "INS"])
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
p.set(title="True Positives by svtype and szbin")

This enables concatenation of Truvari results across multiple benchmarking experiments for advanced comparison. For example, imagine there's multiple parameters used for SV discovery over multiple samples. After running truvari bench on each of the results with the output directories named to params/sample/ and each converted to DataFrames with truvari vcf2df, we can expand/concatenate the saved joblib DataFrames with:

import glob
import joblib
import pandas as pd

files = glob.glob("*/*/data.jl")
dfs = []
for f in files:
    params, sample, frame = f.split('/')
    d = joblib.load(f)
    d["params"] = params
    d["sample"] = sample
df = pd.concat(dfs)
joblib.dump(df, "results.jl")

Since these DataFrames may be useful outside of Truvari results, by default a single VCF file is converted to a DataFrame where --bench-dir needs to be specified for a directory.

usage: vcf2df [-h] [-b] [-i] [-f] [-S] [--debug] VCF JL

Takes a vcf and creates a data frame. Can parse a bench output directory

positional arguments:
  VCF                   VCF to parse
  JL                    Output joblib to save

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b, --bench-dir       Input is a truvari bench directory
  -i, --info            Attempt to put the INFO fields into the dataframe
  -f, --format          Attempt to put the FORMAT fileds into the dataframe
  -S, --skip-compression
                        Skip the attempt to optimize the dataframe's size
  --debug               Verbose logging
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