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InfluxDB Studio is a UI management tool for the InfluxDB time series database.


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InfluxDB Studio


This is a fork of the InfluxDBStudio repository that no longer seems to be maintained.

The goal of this fork is to

  • merge community pull requests
  • be able to make smaller changes
  • automatically build the project so others can download the executable

Unfortunately I cannot develop new features, but feel free to open an issue for that. Maybe someone from the community can do it and open a pull request.

Allowed statements

Since the InfluxData API is no longer developed, the queries are limited to following statements: ALTER, CREATE, DELETE, DROP, EXPLAIN, GRANT, KILL, REVOKE, SELECT, SET and SHOW.

Yes, the INSERT statement is unfortunately NOT supported.

InfluxDB 2.x

The API does not support InfluxDB 2.x and Flux language directly. As I know it also can't be added whithout rewriting the whole program. You can use the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.


InfluxDB Studio is a UI management tool for the InfluxDB 1.x time series database.

Its inspiration comes from other similar database management tools such as SQL Server Management Studio and Robomongo. Under the hood it's powered by InfluxData.Net which is a portable InfluxDB client library for .NET (plus some Kapacitor support). InfluxDB Studio presently implements interfaces and workflows for most of the InfluxData.Net API.

The following are planned features that are not yet implemented in the current version:

  • Retention Policy management implemented, but not documented
  • Custom stats view for server stats (diagnostics is presently supported) implemented, but not documented
  • Listing currently running queries implemented, but not documented
  • Stopping long running queries implemented, but not documented
  • An interface for writing point data directly to the database

Table of Contents


Binary releases can be found here.

You can build locally by downloading the source or cloning the repository. Eventually some binary releases might be included with the repository going forward. To build, you will need Visual Studio (2015, 2017, 2019 or 2022). Building with Mono might be possible with additional steps but it's not clear how usable it will be.

Open the solution file CymaticLabs.InfluxDB.sln to get started.

Managing Connections

Upon running InfluxDBStudio.exe you will be prompted with the Manage Connections dialog. This window will let you create, edit, and delete InfluxDB server connections.

Empty Manage Connections Dialog

Press the Create button to add your first InfluxDB connection using the Connection Setting dialog.

Connection Settings

Use the Connection Settings dialog to configure the details of the InfluxDB connection:

  • Name - The name of the connection. This is the label you will see when working with this connection.
  • Address - The InfluxDB server's host URI. Exclude protocol information. Port is filled in to the right.
  • Database - The database to use for the connection. Leave this blank to list all databases (requires admin privileges).
  • Username - The InfluxDB username to use with the connection.
  • Password - The InfluxDB password to use with the connection.
  • Use SSL - Whether or not to use SSL security (HTTPS) when connecting to InfluxDB.

Create/Edit Connection Dialog

The Test button to lets you test the connection to InfluxDB using the provided connection details.

The Ping button lets you ping the InfluxDB server and check response time and server version.

Press the Save button to create or update the connection information.

Connecting to a Server

Once you have created at least one connection, select it in the Manage Connections dialog and press the Connect buton.

Connect to a Server

After pressing the Connect button you will see the the main application window. The list of active connection(s) is located in the tree view to the left. This window is where perform most of your interactions with the various InfluxDB connections that you have chosen to connect to. You can launch the Manage Connections dialog again at any time by pressing the toolbar button in the top-left corner or by selecting from the application menu ConnectionsManage.

Main Window

Explore databases and measurements by using the tree view in the left panel.

Working with Connections

Right-click when you have a Connection node selected in the tree view. You will see a context menu of available commands for the server. These commands are also available at the top of the application in the toolbar. Find the corresponding toolbar button by matching its icon to the context menu command.

Connection Commands

The following connection commands are available:

  • Refresh - Refreshes the connections data; refetches database information from the server. You can also press Ctrl + F5.
  • Create Database - Creates a new database on the server.
  • Show Users - Lists users on the server and provides a user management interface.
  • Diagnostics - Shows server diagnostics including runtime, version, uptime, etc.
  • Disconnect - Closes the connection and removes it from the active connection list.

Showing Server Diagnostics

To show connection diagnostics right-click or use the toolbar button to select the Show Diagnostics command:

Show Diagnostics

Working with Databases

The following commands are available from the Database context menu and toolbar buttons:

  • Refresh - Refreshes the database data; refetches measurement/series information from the server. You can also press Ctrl + F5.
  • New Query - Opens a new query tab where you can run custom queries and explore the results.
  • Show Continuous Queries - Allows you to list, create, and delete Continuous Queries for the database.
  • Run Backfill - Lets your run a Backfill Query that downsamples or processes data into new measurements.
  • Drop Database - Drops the current database from the server.

Creating a Database

To create a database, select the Connection where you would like to create the database and select Create Database from the context menu or the toolbar button. Next provide the name for the database to create and press the Create button:

Create Database

The created database should now appear in the tree view on the left:

Database Created

Dropping a Database

To drop a database, select it in the tree view on the left. Then right-click or use the toolbar button and select Drop Database:

Confirm Drop Database

Confirm that you would like to drop the selected database (this is a permanent operation).

Running a Database Query

Select a database node in the tree view and either double-click, right-click, use the toolbar button, or select from the application menu Query → New to select the New Query command.

Press CTRL+R, the toolbar button, or select from the application menu Query → Run to run the query. Results will be displayed in the table area below:

Run Query

Using aggregation (GROUP BY) in queries will group the series results into their own tabs in the results area:

Group Results

Exporting Database Query Results

The results of most query windows in InfluxDB Studio can be exported to file. Right-click in the results table and choose from the available export options. Data can be exported in either CSV or JSON format. Choosing Export All will export the entire set of returned rows to file. Alternatively you can export just the selected rows by using CTRL + Left Click and Shift + Left Click to select the rows you want to export and then choosing Export Selected in the export context menu.

Exporting Database Results

Creating Continuous Queries

Continious Queries run at an interval that you specify and are often used to downsample data by averaging it or processing it as it streams in and dumping the downsample data into a new measurement.

To create and manage Continuous Queries, right-click or use the toolbar button and select the Show Continuous Queries command.

Create Continuous Query

Once the CQ tab opens, click the Create CQ button which will bring up the Create Continuous Query Dialog.

Continuous Query Dialog

Use the dialog to design a new Continuous Query. Mouse over the help tool tips to learn more about the different form values.

Create Continuous Queries Dialog

Once you are satisified with your CQ press the Create button to create and run your query. You can verify that the CQ is working by running queries against its destination measurement and exploring the data:

Continuous Query Created

Running a Backfill Query

Backfill Queries are similar to Continuous Queries in that they are typically used to process or downsample data from one measurement into another. The difference is that where as Continuous Queries run in realtime at a fixed interval and process incoming data inside a user-specified rolling time window, Backfill Queries are typically only run once on older measurment data that is already stored in the database and outside of the CQ time window.

For example: imagine that you decided you needed to start downsampling data that you've already been collecting for months. You could create a Continuous Query that would downsample the data every hour and average it on all new, incoming data. However since that would only begin downsampling new data, you might also consider running a Backfill Query on the older historic data so that all data becomes downsampled both backwards and forwards through time.

To run a Backfill Query either right-click or click the toolbar button and select Run Backfill. The Run Backfill Query Dialog will open:

Run Backfill Query Dialog

Use the dialog to design a Backfill Query. Mouse over the help tool tips to learn more about the different form values.

Run Backfill Query Dialog

Click the Run button when you are ready to run the backfill. Unless you receive an error message, the query has successfully run. Check to see that the data exists in the destination measurement as expected:

Backfill Query Results

If you don't see any data or your destination measurement was not created check your time ranges to make sure the Backfill Query did not operate on an empty result set.

Working with Measurements and Series

The following commands are available from the Measurement context menu and toolbar buttons:

  • New Query - Opens a new query tab where you can run custom queries and explore the results.
  • Show Tag Keys - Lists all tag names/keys that exist for the selected measurement/series.
  • Show Tag Values - Lets you explore the values of all tags keys.
  • Show Field Keys - Lists the names/keys of all fields in the measurement as well as their data types.
  • Show Series - Lists all Series that exist under the selected measurement.
  • Drop Measurement - Drops the selected measurement from the database.
  • Drop Series - Leaves the measurement but drops all series data from it.

Running a Measurement Query

Select a measurement node in the tree view and either double-click, right-click → New Query, use the toolbar button, press Ctrl + N or select from the application menu Query → New Query to select the New Query command.

Press F5, the toolbar button, or select from the application menu Query → Run Query to run the query. Results will be displayed in the table area below:

Run Query

Using aggregation (GROUP BY) in queries will group the series results into their own tabs in the results area:

Group Results

Exporting Measurement Query Results

The results of most query windows in InfluxDB Studio can be exported to file or copied to clipbloard.

Export to file

Right-click in the results table and choose from the available export options. Data can be exported in either CSV or JSON format. Choosing Export All will export the entire set of returned rows to file. Alternatively you can export just the selected rows by using CTRL + Left Click and Shift + Left Click to select the rows you want to export and then choosing Export Selected in the export context menu.

Copy to clipboard

Select all by clicking in the result table, then press Ctrl + A or CTRL + Left Click and Shift + Left Click to select the rows you want to export. Finally press Ctrl + C to copy all selected rows to the clipboard.

Exporting Measurement Results

Showing Tag keys

Select a measurement node in the tree view and either right-click or use the toolbar button and select Show Tag Keys:

Showing Tag Keys

Tag keys can be exported by right-clicking in the results area and using the export context menu.

Showing Tag Values

Select a measurement node in the tree view and either right-click or use the toolbar button and select Show Tag Values:

Showing Tag Values

Use the drop down menu in the Tag Values tab to explore the values for each tag. Tag values can be exported by right-clicking in the results area and using the export context menu.

Showing Field Keys

Select a measurement node in the tree view and either right-click or use the toolbar button and select Show Field Keys:

Showing Field Keys

Field keys can be exported by right-clicking in the results area and using the export context menu.

Showing Series

Select a measurement node in the tree view and either right-click or use the toolbar button and select Show Series:

Showing Series

Series information can be exported by right-clicking in the results area and using the export context menu.

Dropping Measurements

To drop a measurement, select it in the tree view on the left. Then right-click or use the toolbar button and select Drop Measurement:

Confirm Drop Measurement

Confirm that you would like to drop the selected measurement (this is a permanent operation).

Dropping Series

To drop all series for a measurement, select the measurement in the tree view on the left. Then right-click or use the toolbar button and select Drop Series:

Confirm Drop Series

Confirm that you would like to drop series for the selected measurement (this is a permanent operation). The measurement will be left intact, but all series data will be dropped.

Working with Users and Privileges

The following is a list of available commands when working with users and privileges:

  • Create User - Creates a new user on the InfluxDB server.
  • Edit User - Allows a user's administrator status to be updated.
  • Change Password - Allows a user's password to be updated.
  • Drop User - Drops a user from the InfluxDB server.
  • Grant Privilege - Grants a privilege (Read, Write, All) to a user for a particular database.
  • Edit Privilege - Updates a user's privilege for a particular database.

Showing Users

Select a connection node in the tree view and either right-click or use the toolbar button and select Show Users:

Showing Users

Users for the connection will be listed with an indicator of whether or not they have administrator privileges. Clicking on a user in the list will also let you browse and edit their database privileges.

Managing Users

Creating a User

After bring up the Users tab by selecting the Show Users command, right-click or use the Create User button in the Users tab:

Create User Dialog

Enter the user's name and password and select whether or not they will be a server administrator and click the Create button.

User Created

Editing a User

Presently the only editable aspect of a user is whether or not they are a server administrator. To edit a user right-click or click the Edit User button in the Users tab:

Edit User

Changing a User's Password

To update a user's password, right-click or click the Change Password button in the Users tab:

Change User Password

Dropping a User

To drop a user, right-click or click the Drop User button in the Users tab:

Confirm Drop User

Confirm that you would like to drop the selected user (this is a permanent operation).

Managing Privileges

After bring up the Users tab by selecting the Show Users command, click on a user to select them from the list. The user's various databases privileges will be listed in the Privileges Panel below the users list.

Granting a Privilege

To grant a new database privilege to a user make sure the user is selected in the users list and then right-click in the Privileges Panel or click the Grant Privilege button:

Granting a Privilege

Select the database the privilege will be for and then select one of the following privileges to grant:

  • Read - The user can only read from the database.
  • Write - The user can only write to the database.
  • All - The user can read and write to the database.

Click the Grant button to grant the user the privilege:

Privilege Granted

Editing a Privilege

To edit a privilege make sure the user is selected in the users list and then right-click in the Privileges Panel or click the Edit Privilege button:

Edit a Privilege

Select the desired privilege from the drop down and save. To revoke all privileges, select the None option.

Application Settings

Application settings can be adjusted in the application Settings menu. Settings and connection information can also be imported and exported.

Settings Overview

  • Settings → Time Format
    • 12 hour - Time will be displayed in a 12 hour format with AM/PM.
    • 24 hour - Time will be displayed in a 24 hour format.
  • Settings → Date Format
    • Month First - Dates will be displayed as: mm/dd/yyyy.
    • Day First - Dates will be displayed as: dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Allow Untrusted SSL - When this setting is turned on, untrusted SSL certificates for InfluxDB servers will be allowed.

Exporting Settings

To export application settings, including all configured InfluxDB server connections, select File → Export → Settings from the application menu and choose a location and file name for the settings file and click Save.

Importing Settings

To import application settings, including all configured InfluxDB server connections, select File → Import → Settings from the application menu and browse to and select the exported settings file you would like to import then click Open.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
F5 Run the current query
Ctrl + N Create a new query when a database or measurement is selected
Ctrl + F5 Reload connections and databases
Ctrl + A Select all rows in the results table
Ctrl + C Copy all selected rows from the results table to the clipboard


Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License (see LICENSE).


InfluxDB Studio is a UI management tool for the InfluxDB time series database.







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  • C# 100.0%