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Command Line Arguments and Settings

w-e-w edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 39 revisions

Environment variables

Name Description
PYTHON Sets a custom path for Python executable.
VENV_DIR Specifies the path for the virtual environment. Default is venv. Special value - runs the script without creating virtual environment.
COMMANDLINE_ARGS Additional commandline arguments for the main program.
IGNORE_CMD_ARGS_ERRORS Set to anything to make the program not exit with an error if an unexpected commandline argument is encountered.
REQS_FILE Name of requirements.txt file with dependencies that will be installed when is run. Defaults to requirements_versions.txt.
TORCH_COMMAND Command for installing PyTorch.
INDEX_URL --index-url parameter for pip.
TRANSFORMERS_CACHE Path to where transformers library will download and keep its files related to the CLIP model.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES Select GPU to use for your instance on a system with multiple GPUs. For example, if you want to use secondary GPU, put "1".
(add a new line to webui-user.bat not in COMMANDLINE_ARGS): set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0
Alternatively, just use --device-id flag in COMMANDLINE_ARGS.
SD_WEBUI_LOG_LEVEL Log verbosity. Supports any valid logging level supported by Python's built-in logging module. Defaults to INFO if not set.
SD_WEBUI_CACHE_FILE Cache file path. Defaults to cache.json in the root directory if not set.
SD_WEBUI_RESTAR A value set by launcher script (like webui.bat informing Webui that restart function is available
SD_WEBUI_RESTARTING A internal value signifying if webui is currently restarting or reloading, used for disabling certain actions asuch as auto launching browser.
set to 1 disables auto launching browser
set to 0 enables auto launch even when restarting
Certain extensions might use this value for similar purpose.


The recommended way to specify environment variables is by editing webui-user.bat (Windows) and (Linux):

  • set VARNAME=VALUE for Windows
  • export VARNAME="VALUE" for Linux

For example, in Windows:

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--xformers --skip-torch-cuda-test --no-half-vae --api --ckpt-dir A:\\stable-diffusion-checkpoints 

Running online

Use the --share option to run online. You will get a link. This is the intended way to use the program in colabs. You may set up authentication for said gradio shared instance with the flag --gradio-auth username:password, optionally providing multiple sets of usernames and passwords separated by commas.

Running within Local Area Network

Use --listen to make the server listen to network connections. This will allow computers on the local network to access the UI, and if you configure port forwarding, also computers on the internet. Example address: Where your "" is the local IP address.

Use --port xxxx to make the server listen on a specific port, xxxx being the wanted port. Remember that all ports below 1024 need root/admin rights, for this reason it is advised to use a port above 1024. Defaults to port 7860 if available.

Running on CPU

Running with only your CPU is possible, but not recommended. It is very slow and there is no fp16 implementation.

To run, you must have all these flags enabled: --use-cpu all --precision full --no-half --skip-torch-cuda-test

Though this is a questionable way to run webui, due to the very slow generation speeds; using the various AI upscalers and captioning tools may be useful to some people.


For the technically inclined, here are some steps a user provided to boost CPU performance:



All command line arguments

Argument Command Value Default Description
-h, --help None False Show this help message and exit.
--exit Terminate after installation
--data-dir DATA_DIR ./ base path where all user data is stored
--config CONFIG configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml Path to config which constructs model.
--ckpt CKPT model.ckpt Path to checkpoint of Stable Diffusion model; if specified, this checkpoint will be added to the list of checkpoints and loaded.
--ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR None Path to directory with Stable Diffusion checkpoints.
--no-download-sd-model None False Don't download SD1.5 model even if no model is found.
--do-not-download-clip None False do not download CLIP model even if it's not included in the checkpoint
--vae-dir VAE_PATH None Path to Variational Autoencoders model
--vae-path VAE_PATH None Checkpoint to use as VAE; setting this argument
--gfpgan-dir GFPGAN_DIR GFPGAN/ GFPGAN directory.
--gfpgan-model GFPGAN_MODEL GFPGAN model file name.
--codeformer-models-path CODEFORMER_MODELS_PATH models/Codeformer/ Path to directory with codeformer model file(s).
--gfpgan-models-path GFPGAN_MODELS_PATH models/GFPGAN Path to directory with GFPGAN model file(s).
--esrgan-models-path ESRGAN_MODELS_PATH models/ESRGAN Path to directory with ESRGAN model file(s).
--bsrgan-models-path BSRGAN_MODELS_PATH models/BSRGAN Path to directory with BSRGAN model file(s).
--realesrgan-models-path REALESRGAN_MODELS_PATH models/RealESRGAN Path to directory with RealESRGAN model file(s).
--scunet-models-path SCUNET_MODELS_PATH models/ScuNET Path to directory with ScuNET model file(s).
--swinir-models-path SWINIR_MODELS_PATH models/SwinIR Path to directory with SwinIR and SwinIR v2 model file(s).
--ldsr-models-path LDSR_MODELS_PATH models/LDSR Path to directory with LDSR model file(s).
--dat-models-path DAT__MODELS_PATH models/DAT Path to directory with DAT model file(s).
--lora-dir LORA_DIR models/Lora Path to directory with Lora networks.
--clip-models-path CLIP_MODELS_PATH None Path to directory with CLIP model file(s).
--embeddings-dir EMBEDDINGS_DIR embeddings/ Embeddings directory for textual inversion (default: embeddings).
--textual-inversion-templates-dir TEXTUAL_INVERSION_TEMPLATES_DIR textual_inversion_templates Directory with textual inversion templates.
--hypernetwork-dir HYPERNETWORK_DIR models/hypernetworks/ hypernetwork directory.
--localizations-dir LOCALIZATIONS_DIR localizations/ Localizations directory.
--styles-file STYLES_FILE styles.csv Path or wildcard path of styles files, allow multiple entries.
--ui-config-file UI_CONFIG_FILE ui-config.json Filename to use for UI configuration.
--no-progressbar-hiding None False Do not hide progress bar in gradio UI (we hide it because it slows down ML if you have hardware acceleration in browser).
--ui-settings-file UI_SETTINGS_FILE config.json Filename to use for UI settings.
--allow-code None False Allow custom script execution from web UI.
--share None False Use share=True for gradio and make the UI accessible through their site.
--listen None False Launch gradio with as server name, allowing to respond to network requests.
--port PORT 7860 Launch gradio with given server port, you need root/admin rights for ports < 1024; defaults to 7860 if available.
--hide-ui-dir-config None False Hide directory configuration from web UI.
--freeze-settings None False disable editing of all settings globally
--freeze-settings-in-sections None False disable editing settings in specific sections of the settings page by specifying a comma-delimited list such like "saving-images,upscaling". The list of setting names can be found in the modules/ file
--freeze-specific-settings None False disable editing of individual settings by specifying a comma-delimited list like "samples_save,samples_format". The list of setting names can be found in the config.json file
--enable-insecure-extension-access None False Enable extensions tab regardless of other options.
--gradio-debug None False Launch gradio with --debug option.
--gradio-auth GRADIO_AUTH None Set gradio authentication like username:password; or comma-delimit multiple like u1:p1,u2:p2,u3:p3.
--gradio-auth-path GRADIO_AUTH_PATH None Set gradio authentication file path ex. /path/to/auth/file same auth format as --gradio-auth.
--disable-console-progressbars None False Do not output progress bars to console.
--enable-console-prompts None False Print prompts to console when generating with txt2img and img2img.
--api None False Launch web UI with API.
--api-auth API_AUTH None Set authentication for API like username:password; or comma-delimit multiple like u1:p1,u2:p2,u3:p3.
--api-log None False Enable logging of all API requests.
--nowebui None False Only launch the API, without the UI.
--ui-debug-mode None False Don't load model to quickly launch UI.
--device-id DEVICE_ID None Select the default CUDA device to use (export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 etc might be needed before).
--administrator None False Administrator privileges.
--cors-allow-origins CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS None Allowed CORS origin(s) in the form of a comma-separated list (no spaces).
--cors-allow-origins-regex CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS_REGEX None Allowed CORS origin(s) in the form of a single regular expression.
--tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE None Partially enables TLS, requires --tls-certfile to fully function.
--tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE None Partially enables TLS, requires --tls-keyfile to fully function.
--disable-tls-verify None False When passed, enables the use of self-signed certificates.
--subpath SERVER_SUB_PATH customize the subpath for gradio, use with reverse proxy
--server-name SERVER_NAME None Sets hostname of server.
--no-gradio-queue None False Disables gradio queue; causes the webpage to use http requests instead of websockets; was the default in earlier versions.
--gradio-allowed-path None None Add path to Gradio's allowed_paths; make it possible to serve files from it.
--no-hashing None False Disable SHA-256 hashing of checkpoints to help loading performance.
--skip-version-check None False Do not check versions of torch and xformers.
--skip-python-version-check None False Do not check versions of Python.
--skip-torch-cuda-test None False Do not check if CUDA is able to work properly.
--skip-install None False Skip installation of packages.
--loglevel None None log level; one of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG
--log-startup None False argument: print a detailed log of what's happening at startup
--api-server-stop None False enable server stop/restart/kill via api
--timeout-keep-alive int 30 set timeout_keep_alive for uvicorn
--xformers None False Enable xformers for cross attention layers.
--force-enable-xformers None False Enable xformers for cross attention layers regardless of whether the checking code thinks you can run it; do not make bug reports if this fails to work.
--xformers-flash-attention None False Enable xformers with Flash Attention to improve reproducibility (supported for SD2.x or variant only).
--opt-sdp-attention None False Enable scaled dot product cross-attention layer optimization; requires PyTorch 2.*
--opt-sdp-no-mem-attention False None Enable scaled dot product cross-attention layer optimization without memory efficient attention, makes image generation deterministic; requires PyTorch 2.*
--opt-split-attention None False Force-enables Doggettx's cross-attention layer optimization. By default, it's on for CUDA-enabled systems.
--opt-split-attention-invokeai None False Force-enables InvokeAI's cross-attention layer optimization. By default, it's on when CUDA is unavailable.
--opt-split-attention-v1 None False Enable older version of split attention optimization that does not consume all VRAM available.
--opt-sub-quad-attention None False Enable memory efficient sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization.
--sub-quad-q-chunk-size SUB_QUAD_Q_CHUNK_SIZE 1024 Query chunk size for the sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization to use.
--sub-quad-kv-chunk-size SUB_QUAD_KV_CHUNK_SIZE None KV chunk size for the sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization to use.
--sub-quad-chunk-threshold SUB_QUAD_CHUNK_THRESHOLD None The percentage of VRAM threshold for the sub-quadratic cross-attention layer optimization to use chunking.
--opt-channelslast None False Enable alternative layout for 4d tensors, may result in faster inference only on Nvidia cards with Tensor cores (16xx and higher).
--disable-opt-split-attention None False Force-disables cross-attention layer optimization.
--disable-nan-check None False Do not check if produced images/latent spaces have nans; useful for running without a checkpoint in CI.
--use-cpu {all, sd, interrogate, gfpgan, bsrgan, esrgan, scunet, codeformer} None Use CPU as torch device for specified modules.
--use-ipex None False Use Intel XPU as torch device
--no-half None False Do not switch the model to 16-bit floats.
--precision {full,autocast} autocast Evaluate at this precision.
--no-half-vae None False Do not switch the VAE model to 16-bit floats.
--upcast-sampling None False Upcast sampling. No effect with --no-half. Usually produces similar results to --no-half with better performance while using less memory.
--medvram None False Enable Stable Diffusion model optimizations for sacrificing a some performance for low VRAM usage.
--medvram-sdxl None False enable --medvram optimization just for SDXL models
--lowvram None False Enable Stable Diffusion model optimizations for sacrificing a lot of speed for very low VRAM usage.
--lowram None False Load Stable Diffusion checkpoint weights to VRAM instead of RAM.
--disable-model-loading-ram-optimization None False disable an optimization that reduces RAM use when loading a model
--autolaunch None False Open the web UI URL in the system's default browser upon launch.
--theme None Unset Open the web UI with the specified theme (light or dark). If not specified, uses the default browser theme.
--use-textbox-seed None False Use textbox for seeds in UI (no up/down, but possible to input long seeds).
--disable-safe-unpickle None False Disable checking PyTorch models for malicious code.
--ngrok NGROK None ngrok authtoken, alternative to gradio --share.
--ngrok-region NGROK_REGION us The region in which ngrok should start.
--ngrok-options NGROK_OPTIONS None The options to pass to ngrok in JSON format, e.g.: {"authtoken_from_env":true, "basic_auth":"user:password", "oauth_provider":"google", "oauth_allow_emails":"[email protected]"}
--update-check None None On startup, notifies whether or not your web UI version (commit) is up-to-date with the current master branch.
--update-all-extensions None None On startup, it pulls the latest updates for all extensions you have installed.
--reinstall-xformers None False Force-reinstall xformers. Useful for upgrading - but remove it after upgrading or you'll reinstall xformers perpetually.
--reinstall-torch None False Force-reinstall torch. Useful for upgrading - but remove it after upgrading or you'll reinstall torch perpetually.
--tests TESTS False Run test to validate web UI functionality, see wiki topic for more details.
--no-tests None False Do not run tests even if --tests option is specified.
--dump-sysinfo None False argument: dump limited sysinfo file (without information about extensions, options) to disk and quit
--disable-all-extensions None False disable all non-built-in extensions from running
--disable-extra-extensions None False disable all extensions from running
--skip-load-model-at-start None False if load a model at web start, only take effect when --nowebui
--unix-filenames-sanitization None False allow any symbols except '/' in filenames. May conflict with your browser and file system
--filenames-max-length int 128 maximal length of filenames of saved images, longer filenames will be truncated. if overridden it can potentially cause issues with the file system
--no-prompt-history None False disable read prompt from last generation feature; disables --data-path/params.txt
--show-negative-prompt None False No longer has an effect.
--deepdanbooru None False No longer has an effect.
--unload-gfpgan None False No longer has an effect.
--gradio-img2img-tool GRADIO_IMG2IMG_TOOL None No longer has an effect.
--gradio-inpaint-tool GRADIO_INPAINT_TOOL None No longer has an effect.
--gradio-queue None False No longer has an effect.
--add-stop-route None False No longer has an effect.
--always-batch-cond-uncond None False No longer has an effect, move into UI under Setting > Optimizations
--max-batch-count MAX_BATCH_COUNT 16 No longer has an effect. moved to ui-config.json txt2img/Batch count/maximum img2img/Batch count/maximum User-Interface-Customizations
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