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3DS2 Android SDK

With this SDK, you can accept 3D Secure 2.0 payments via Adyen.


The SDK is available either through Maven Central or via manual installation.

Import from Maven Central

  1. Import the SDK by adding this line to your build.gradle file.
implementation "com.adyen.threeds:adyen-3ds2:2.2.21"

Import manually

  1. Copy the SDK package adyen-3ds2-2.2.21.aar to the /libs folder in your module.
  2. Import the SDK by adding this line to your module build.gradle file.
implementation "com.adyen.threeds:adyen-3ds2:2.2.21@aar"


Creating a transaction

First, create an instance of ConfigParameters with values from the additional data retrieved from your call to /authorise. Then use the on ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE to create a transaction.

val configParameters = AdyenConfigParameters.Builder(
    directoryServerId, // Retrieved from Adyen Server
    directoryServerPublicKey, // Retrieved from Adyen Server
    directoryServerRootCertificates, // Retrieved from Adyen Server

val initializeResult = ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.initialize(
    /* Activity */ this,
    /* Locale */ null,
    /* UI Customization */ null,

if (initializeResult is InitializeResult.Failure) {
    // The initialization failed.
    // Submit the initializeResult.additionalDetails and initializeResult.transactionStatus
    // to /authorise3ds2

val transactionResult = ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.createTransaction(

if (transactionResult is TransactionResult.Failure) {
    // The creation of transaction failed.
    // Submit the transactionResult.additionalDetails and transactionResult.transactionStatus
    // to /authorise3ds2

val transaction = transactionResult.transaction
val authenticationRequestParameters = transaction?.authenticationRequestParameters
// Submit the authenticationRequestParameters to /authorise3ds2.

When the transaction is created successfully use the transaction's authenticationRequestParameters in your call to /authorise3ds2.

When the initialize or createTransaction is failed, submit the additionalDetails and the transactionStatus in your second call to /authorise3ds2.

⚠️ Keep a reference to your Transaction instance until the transaction is finished.
⚠️ When the transaction is finished successfully or not it must be closed.
⚠️ When the 3DS2 flow is finished the 3DS2 service ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE must be cleaned up.

Performing a challenge

When a challenge is required, create an instance of ChallengeParameters with values from the additional data retrieved from your call to /authorise3ds2.

⚠️ Because of recent updates to the 3D Secure protocol, we strongly recommend that you provide the threeDSRequestorAppURL parameter as an Android App Link instead of custom link. This requires your app to handle the provided Android App Link. More details on how to handle Android App Link can be found on docs page

val additionalData = resonse.additionalData // Retrieved from Adyen Server

val challengeParameters = ChallengeParameters().apply {
    acsTransactionID = additionalData.get("threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsTransID")
    acsRefNumber = additionalData.get("threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsReferenceNumber")
    acsSignedContent = additionalData.get("threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.acsSignedContent")
    threeDSRequestorAppURL = "https://{}/adyen3ds2"

Use these challenge parameters to perform the challenge with the transaction you created earlier:

val challengeStatusHandler = ChallengeStatusHandler { challengeResult ->
    when (challengeResult) {
        is ChallengeResult.Completed -> {
            // Submit the challengeResult.transactionStatus to /authorise3ds2
        is ChallengeResult.Cancelled -> {
            // Challenge cancelled by the user
            // Submit the challengeResult.additionalDetails and challengeResult.transactionStatus 
            // to /authorise3ds2 
        is ChallengeResult.Timeout -> {
            // The user didn't submit the challenge within the given time (default 5 minutes)
            // Submit the challengeResult.additionalDetails and challengeResult.transactionStatus 
            // to /authorise3ds2 
        is ChallengeResult.Error -> {
            // An error occurred
            // Submit the challengeResult.additionalDetails and challengeResult.transactionStatus 
            // to /authorise3ds2 

    /* Activity */ this,
    /* Timeout in minutes */ 5,

When the challenge is completed successfully, submit the transactionStatus in the ChallengeResult.Completed in your second call to /authorise3ds2.

When the challenge is cancelled, times out or an error occurs, submit the additionalDetails and the transactionStatus in the ChallengeResult.Cancelled, ChallengeResult.Timeout or ChallengeResult.Error in your second call to /authorise3ds2.

Closing the transaction

Every Transaction instance is usable only once, so when the transaction is finished successfully or not, it should be closed like so:


Cleaning up the 3DS2 service

When the 3DS2 flow is finished, the 3DS2 service ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE must be cleaned up like so:

ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.cleanup(/*Context*/ this)

Customizing the UI

The SDK provides a default challenge flow look and feel that can be customized to fit your App's look and feel with one or the combination of the following methods.

Customize the SDK theme

Override the ThreeDS2Theme style attributes by adding the following XML snippet to your App's styles.xml file.

⚠️ The SDK theme ThreeDS2Theme must inherit from one of AppCompat's theme variants.

  • Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar
  • Theme.AppCompat.Light
  • Theme.AppCompat
<style name="ThreeDS2Theme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize the SDK theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

Using UiCustomization class

In case that further UI customizations are needed, the SDK provides some customization options. These customization options are available through the UiCustomization class. To use them, create an instance of UiCustomization, configure the desired properties and pass it during initialization of the ThreeDS2Service.INSTANCE.

For example, to change the Toolbar's title text and text color:

val toolbarCustomization = ToolbarCustomization().apply {
    headerText = "Secure Checkout"
    textColor = "#FFFFFF"

val uiCustomization = UiCustomization().apply {
    toolbarCustomization = toolbarCustomization

    /* Activity */ this,
    /* Locale */ null,

See also

Compatibility Table

Each SDK version is designed with an Android version in mind. In this table you can find what is the latest functional Android version for each 3DS2 SDK version.

3DS2 SDK Android API
2.2.21 API 35/Android 15
2.2.20 API 34/Android 14
2.2.19 API 34/Android 14
2.2.18 API 34/Android 14
2.2.17 API 34/Android 14
2.2.16 API 34/Android 14
2.2.15 API 35/Android 15
2.2.13 API 35/Android 15
2.2.12 API 35/Android 15


This SDK is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more information, see the LICENSE file.