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Quick Start

Scott Hunter edited this page Jun 22, 2023 · 27 revisions



Binary releases are available on NuGet, or on the releases page.


Binary releases are available for download on the releases page.

Building from source


Using Visual Studio 2022:

  • Open DotNet\CesiumLanguageWriter.sln
  • Build the solution.
  • Run unit tests in the CesiumLanguageWriterTests project using NUnit


  • In IntelliJ IDEA:
    • File - Import - General - Existing Projects into Workspace
    • Open the project using directory: \czml-writer\Java
  • Build the projects:
    • Build - Build Project
  • Run the unit tests:
    • In the Project view, right-click the CesiumLanguageWriterTests project and select Run 'All Tests'.

Or using Gradle:

  • gradlew build
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