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422 lines (353 loc) · 13.9 KB


Milestone 1

Brief description of your planned DSL idea

  • Create a DSL that would allow user with some programming experience set up and deploy discord bots
  • Users would be able to set up multiple bots for multiple servers
  • DSL would wrap around Discord.js library

Ideas so far for main language features

  • Ability to set bot name
create bot FredBot
  • Create basic variables
create string a_string= "hello"
create string todo_list = ["todo1", "todo2"]
create boolean a_boolean = true
  • Create commands
create command add_to_list(item): 

create command remove_from_list(index): 
  • Use previosly created commands in other commands in nested way
create command is_guess_correct(start, end, guess): 
    create number random_number = random(start, end)
    return random_number == guess

create command test_guess(): 
    create number start = 0
    create number end = 10
    create number guess = 5
    create boolean is_correct = is_guess_correct(start, end, guess)
    # or pass the values directly: create boolean is_correct = is_guess_correct(0, 10, 5)
    if is_correct:
  • Looping
create command print_1_10(): 
    create number a_number = 1
    10 times:
        a_number += 1

create command print_list(): 
    # normal loop
    # index is optional to get the index of the loop kinda like how .map() in javascript allows you to get the index optionally
    todo_list.length times index:

    # or 

    # for each loop for lists
  • Add events that can trigger and repeat
# Time is a standard library that we will implement
use cron from Time
create command create_timer(): 
    cron("0 0 0 * * *", print_1_10)
  • Add bots to servers using list of discord tokens
# add both to all servers in list
add bot FredBot to servers [DISCORD_TOKEN_1, DISCORD_TOKEN_2]
  • Will provide a standard library of various functionalities built into the language
# example of importing a function from the Math standard library (we will support a bunch of common Math functions)
use random from Math

Example Program:

create bot FredBot

create string a_string= "hello"
create string todo_list = ["todo1", "todo2"]
create boolean a_boolean = true

# this is a comment

create command print_1_10(): 
    create number a_number = 1
    10 times:
        a_number += 1

create command print_list(): 
    # normal loop
    # index is optional to get the index of the loop kinda like how .map() in javascript allows you to get the index optionally
    todo_list todo_list.length times index:

    # or 

    # for each loop for lists

create command add_to_list(item): 

create command remove_from_list(index): 

# example of importing a function from the Math standard library (we will support a bunch of common Math functions)
use random from Math

create command is_guess_correct(start, end, guess): 
    create number random_number = random(start, end)
    return random_number == guess

create command test_guess(): 
    create number start = 0
    create number end = 10
    create number guess = 5
    create boolean is_correct = is_guess_correct(start, end, guess)
    # or pass the values directly: create boolean is_correct = is_guess_correct(0, 10, 5)
    if is_correct:

# add event that calls repeats
# Time is a standard library that we will implement
use cron from Time
create command create_timer(): 
    cron("0 0 0 * * *", print_1_10)

# add both to all servers in list
add bot FredBot to servers [DISCORD_TOKEN_1, DISCORD_TOKEN_2]

Notes of any important changes/feedback from TA discussion

  • TA suggested enriching our language by adding variables, standard math functions and ability to call previosly created functions
  • TA suggested a good way to test complexity of the language is to see if the user is capable of creating a simple game like rock/paper/scissors or slot machine

Any planned follow-up tasks or features still to design

  • Still need to discuss the limitations of the language
  • Planning to further develop language example to be more natural english

Milestone 2

Planned division of responsibilities

  • Split up into small teams when starting to implement:
    • team for lexer/parser
    • team for ast tree design
    • team for compiler


  • make discord bot based on popular discord bots

    • use this to help further restrict and simplify our language
  • First draft of DST

    • Have grammar ready and code examples
    • Pick a simple goal that our language can accomplish and write psuedo code with our language that fulfills said goal
    • Give DST to user with code example and see if they can explain what the code example does and get feedback
      • can they understand what the code does/makes? why or why not?
    • Give DST to users and see if they are able to achieve goal using our language
      • were they able to do it? how long did it take?
    • get feedback from user
  • implementation

    • After getting feedback, start with actual implementation of language

Draft Grammar

Setting program start/end
`start bot` `end bot`--> keywords
`var name = <value>`
Only use WHILE
`while (counter<10) {}`
Binary logic:
Numerical comparison (>, ==, <, <=, >=, !=)
If (true) {}
else  {}
Commands: → “/commands
`command <name>(arg, arg2, …): {STATEMENTS+}`
If a command is added to the bot (via `addCommand(command1, “command1”)`) then it cannot be called from within another command
Can be variable initialization
Binary logic
Math operation
Adding commands as `/` callable
`addCommand(command1, “command1”)`
Math operations:
operators: +, -, *, /
NUM operator NUM
Array operations
Adding elements: push(<arrayName>, <value>)
Removing elements: remove(<arrayName>, <index>)
Accessing elements: get(<arrayname>, <index>)
Access length of array: len(<arrayName>
In-built functions
print(<text> : string)Setting program start/end

TA feedback (already applied to draft grammar):

  • Types can be removed
  • Array operations good
  • Figure out what specific bot we want -> write example program -> cut off what we dont need
  • Zone in on what specific bot we want to make and specialize our DSL on that
    • Looked at the most popular bots and found some trends. Used this info to decide on bot ideas for now

Milestone 3

Concrete Grammar Design used for the user study

The grammar already includes feedback from the TA

# Setting program start/end (also reserved, key words)
`start bot` `end bot`

# Variables 
`var name = <value>`

# Loops:
`while (counter<10) {}`
`for (<item> in <arrayName>) {}`

# Numerical comparison
(>, ==, <, <=, >=, !=)

# Logical operators

# If/else (conditional statement)
`If (true) {}`
`else  {}`

# Math operations:
`operators: +, -, *, /`
`NUM operator NUM`

# Array operations
# Adding elements: 
`push(<arrayName>, <value>)`
# Removing elements: 
`remove(<arrayName>, <index>)`
# Accessing elements:
`get(<arrayname>, <index>)`
# Access length of array: 
# Return the index of first match. Return -1 if can't find
find(<arrayName>, <value>)

# Commands. They will be callable from Discord using /<command name>
`command <name>(arg, arg2, …): {STATEMENTS+}`

# Can be variable initialization
# Binary logic
# if/else
# Loop
# Math operation
# Built in function

# In-built functions
# Bot will reply in channel with the input string
reply (<text> : string)
# Returns random number between min and max (inclusive) 
random (min, max)

# Allowed types in language
Number # will think of everything as float

TA feedback

  • Due to time constraints, remove majority of built-in functions and focus on reply and random
  • Special classes like User and Role can be removed for now. Only implement if there is enough time
  • Goal for MVP is to implement a simple bot e.g. rock paper scissors, random item from array, etc.
  • User studies looked good

User studies

Our user studies

Plan for week 4

  • Lexer team start on implementing parser for everything that can be used outside of commands and loops
  • Implementation team will start building architecture for the project

Milestone 4

Status of implementation

Lexer and Parser team

  • This week Lexer & Parser team has completed implementation for majority of the features
  • Main priority is now testing the parser and lexer Team Board bellow:

Lexer & Parser Team Board

AST and Compiler team

  • The team has completed implementation of features such as:
    • Generating .env config file
    • Comments
    • Variable declaration
    • Math operations
    • Binary operations
  • Final features are yet to be implemented:
    • Parsing conditions
    • Parsing loops
    • Parsing functions Team Board bellow:

AST & Compiler Team Board

Plans for final user study

  • Majority of the project will be finalized by Wednesday, October 12th
  • The final user study will take place right after
  • Goals:
    • Have at least 2 users
    • Provide documentation and basic instructions
    • Ask the users to implement a bot of their liking or provide some ideas for them, e.g. rock-paper-scissors bot, random item in array bot, etc.
    • Record user study
    • Note to what extent were the users able to utilize the language features
  • The final video will include the user studies

Planned timeline for the remaining days

  • Complete AST and Compiler team final tickets
  • Testing
  • Create a thorough documentation
  • Main dates:
    • October 12th, complete majority of functionality
    • October 12th - October 14th, conduct final user study
    • October 14th-17th, work on the final video

TA feedback

  • Attempt to do user study earlier to allow for some time to tweak the last few things
  • Had a conversation about TS-morph
    • Bulk of evaluation will be done by TS-morph (like math operations)
    • The TA said it should be OK to use as long as other project details are up to standard

Milestone 5

Status of Implementation

  • Parser and Lexer rules completed
  • AST, Evaluator, Static Checks completed
  • Parser, Lexer, Static checks tests added
  • All tests pass
  • Added Documentation and overview
  • Documentation
  • Overview

Status/results of final user study

  • Completed 3 user studies
  • All users were able to write and compile EZD code and test the bots on the server
  • Things users were confused about:
    • Conditionals and loops work only with variables
      • Many user wanted to do if (a > 10) instead of if (var_name)
    • Some were confused about the difference between ' and "
      • Some tried to set up strings with " but thanks to the syntax highlighting they were able to figure it out
    • Some users thought there should also be a way to string concatenation
      • Some tried to use a = a + "fff" however it was not supported in our language design
    • One user thought else if should be present
      • One user wanted to use else if but quickly realized that everything his bot needed to do could be done with just if and else

Reflecting on User studies

  • One big point of confusion was the lack of binary expressions inside conditionals
    • After much deliberation among the team members we decided that we will still not allow binary expressions inside conditionals or loops
    • The main reasoning behind it is the posibility of more errors on run time
    • For instance:
    • arr = [TRUE, '1', FALSE]
      a = get(arr, 1)
      if (a > 10) {
    • This code will generate run time error since we won't know what the value of a is until we actually reach conditional statement
    • Thus, this might increase error-proneness
    • Furthermore, our current implementation can still do everything the users need even without allowing the binary expressions in conditionals
    • Hence, we decided to stick with our current implementation
  • Another point of confusion was the lack of string concatenation
    • We added a new built-in function concat() which can take any type of arguments and return a string concatenation of them
    • More in documentation
  • There was small confusion about lack of else if
    • After some deliberation, we decided to not include else if
    • Our current implementation allows for the same functionality even without elsee if
    • Furthermore, only 1 user wanted the change and was still able to write the code without else if
  • Finally, some people were confused about ' vs "
    • As a team we decided to keep ' instead of using "
    • The functionality is the same whether it's ' or "
    • Furthermore, our syntax highlighter allows for the users to see if they make this mistake

Any changes to the language design

Planned timeline for the remaining days

  • Add integration tests on Friday night
  • Complete the script for the video on Saturday
  • Film video and voice-over on Saturday
  • Complete editing and submit the video on Saturday

TA feedback

  • TA was satisfied with progress
  • Suggested we include user studies in the video