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A ClojureScript library to provide form data bindings for Reagent, see here for a live demo.


Clojars Project


The library uses a Reagent atom as the document store. The components are bound to the document using the :field attribute. This key will be used to decide how the specific type of component should be bound. The component must also provide a unique :id attribute that is used to correlate it to the document. While the library is geared towards usage with Twitter Bootstrap, it is fairly agnostic about the types of components that you create.

The :id can be a keyword, e.g: {:id :foo}, or a keywordized path {:id} that will map to {:foo {:bar "value"}}. Alternatively, you can specify a vector path explicitly [:foo 0 :bar].

The following types of fields are supported out of the box:


An input field can be of type :text, :numeric, :range, :password, :email, and :textarea. The inputs behave just like regular HTML inputs and update the document state when the :on-change event is triggered.

[:input.form-control {:field :text :id :first-name}]
[:input.form-control {:field :numeric :id :age}]

The input fields can have an optional :fmt attribute that can provide a format string for the value:

  {:field :numeric :fmt "%.2f" :id :bmi :disabled true}]


The typeahead field uses a :data-source key bound to a function that takes the current input and returns a list of matching results. The control uses an input element to handle user input and renders the list of choices as an unordered list element containing one or more list item elements. Users may specify the css classes used to render each of these elements using the keys :input-class, :list-class and :item-class. Users may additionally specify a css class to handle highlighting of the current selection with the :highlight-class key. Reference css classes are included in the resources/public/css/reagent-forms.css file.

(defn friend-source [text]
    #(-> % (.toLowerCase %) (.indexOf text) (> -1))
    ["Alice" "Alan" "Bob" "Beth" "Jim" "Jane" "Kim" "Rob" "Zoe"]))

[:div {:field :typeahead 
       :id :ta 
       :input-placeholder "pick a friend"
       :data-source friend-source 
       :input-class "form-control" 
       :list-class "typeahead-list" 
       :item-class "typeahead-item" 
       :highlight-class "highlighted"}]

The typeahead field supports both mouse and keyboard selection.


The checkbox field creates a checkbox element:

  [:div.col-md-2 "does data binding make you happy?"]
   [:input.form-control {:field :checkbox :id :happy-bindings}]]]


Range control uses the :min and :max keys to create an HTML range input:

 {:field :range :min 10 :max 100 :id :some-range}]


Radio buttons do not use the :id key since it must be unique and are instead grouped using the :name attribute. The :value attribute is used to indicate the value that is saved to the document:

[:input {:field :radio :value :a :name :radioselection} "foo"]
[:input {:field :radio :value :b :name :radioselection} "bar"]
[:input {:field :radio :value :c :name :radioselection} "baz"]


List fields contain child elements whose values are populated in the document when they are selected. The child elements must each have a :key attribute pointing to the value that will be saved in the document. The value of the element must be a keyword.

The elements can have an optional :visible? keyword that points to a predicate function. The function should accept the document and return a boolean value indicatiing whether the field should be shown.


The :list field is used for creating HTML select elements containing option child elements:

[:select.form-control {:field :list :id :many-options}
  [:option {:key :foo} "foo"]
  [:option {:key :bar} "bar"]
  [:option {:key :baz} "baz"]]

(def months
  ["January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"
   "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"])

[:select {:field :list :id}
      (for [i (range 1 32)]
         {:key (keyword (str i))
          :visible? #(let [month (get-in % [:dob :month])]
                        (< i 29) true
                        (< i 31) (not= month :February)
                        (= i 31) (some #{month} [:January :March :May :July :July :October :December])
                        :else false))}
[:select {:field :list :id :dob.month}
  (for [month months]
    [:option {:key (keyword month)} month])]
[:select {:field :list :id :dob.year}
  (for [i (range 1950 (inc (.getFullYear (js/Date.))))]
    [:option {:key (keyword (str i))} i])]


The single-select field behaves like the list, but supports different types of elements and allows the fields to be deselected:

[:h3 "single-select buttons"]
[:div.btn-group {:field :single-select :id :unique-position}
  [:button.btn.btn-default {:key :left} "Left"]
  [:button.btn.btn-default {:key :middle} "Middle"]
  [:button.btn.btn-default {:key :right} "Right"]]

[:h3 "single-select list"]
[:ul.list-group {:field :single-select :id :pick-one}
  [:li.list-group-item {:key :foo} "foo"]
  [:li.list-group-item {:key :bar} "bar"]
  [:li.list-group-item {:key :baz} "baz"]]


The multi-select field allows multiple values to be selected and set in the document:

[:h3 "multi-select list"]
[:div.btn-group {:field :multi-select :id :position}
  [:button.btn.btn-default {:key :left} "Left"]
  [:button.btn.btn-default {:key :middle} "Middle"]
  [:button.btn.btn-default {:key :right} "Right"]]


Labels can be associated with a key in the document using the :id attribute and will display the value at that key. The lables can have an optional :preamble and :postamble keys with the text that will be rendered before and after the value respectively. The :placeholder key can be used to provide text that will be displayed in absence of a value:

[:label {:field :label :id :volume}]
[:label {:field :label :preamble "the value is: " :id :volume}]
[:label {:field :label :preamble "the value is: " :postamble "ml" :id :volume}]
[:label {:field :label :preamble "the value is: " :postamble "ml" :placeholder "N/A" :id :volume}]


Alerts are bound to an id of a field that triggers the alert and can have an optional :event key. The event key should point to a function that returns a boolean value.

When an event is supplied then the body of the alert is rendered whenever the event returns true:

[:input {:field :text :id :first-name}]
[:div.alert.alert-success {:field :alert :id :last-name :event empty?} "first name is empty!"]

When no event is supplied, then the alert is shown whenever the value at the id is not empty and displays the value:

(def doc (atom {}))

;;define an alert that watches the `:errors.first-name` key for errors
[:div.alert.alert-danger {:field :alert :id :errors.first-name}]

;;trigger the alert by setting the error key
    #(if (empty? (:first-name @doc))
      (swap! doc assoc-in [:errors :first-name] "first name is empty!"))}


[:div {:field :datepicker :id :birthday :date-format "yyyy/mm/dd" :inline true}]

The date is stored in the document using the following format:

{:year 2014 :month 11 :day 24}

The date picker can also take an optional :auto-close? key to indicate that it should be closed when the day is clicked. This defaults to false.

The datepicker requires additional CSS in order to be rendered correctly. The default CSS is provided in reagent-forms.css in the resource path. Simply make sure that it's included on the page. The File can be read using:

(-> "reagent-forms.css" slurp)


The container element can be used to group different element. The container can be used to set the visibility of multiple elements.

 {:field :container
  :visible? #(:show-name? %)}
 [:input {:field :text :id :first-name}]
 [:input {:field :text :id :last-name}]]

Setting component visibility

The components may supply an optional :visible? key in their attributes that points to a decision function. The function is expected to take the current value of the document and produce a truthy value that will be used to decide whether the component should be rendered, eg:

(def form
   [:input {:field :text
            :id :foo}]
   [:input {:field :text
            :visible? #(empty? (:foo %))
            :id :bar}]])

Binding the form to a document

The field components behave just like any other Reagent components and can be mixed with them freely. A complete form example can be seen below.

Form elements can be bound to a nested structure by using the . as a path separator. For example, the following component [:input {:field :text :id :person.first-name}] binds to the following path in the state atom {:person {:first-name <field-value>}}

(defn row [label input]
    [:div.col-md-2 [:label label]]
    [:div.col-md-5 input]])

(def form-template
   (row "first name" [:input {:field :text :id :first-name}])
   (row "last name" [:input {:field :text :id :last-name}])
   (row "age" [:input {:field :numeric :id :age}])
   (row "email" [:input {:field :email :id :email}])
   (row "comments" [:textarea {:field :textarea :id :comments}])])

important note

The templates are eagerly evaluated, and you should always call the helper functions as in the example above instead of putting them in a vector. These will be replaced by Reagent components when the bind-field is called to compile the template.

Once a form template is created it can be bound to a document using the bind-fields function:

(ns myform.core
  (:require [reagent-forms.core :refer [bind-fields]]))

(defn form []
  (let [doc (atom {})]
    (fn []
       [ [:h1 "Reagent Form"]]
       [bind-fields form-template doc]
       [:label (str @doc)]])))

(reagent/render-component [form] (.getElementById js/document "container"))

The form can be initialized with a populated document, and the fields will be initialize with the values found there:

(def form-template
   (row "first name"
        [:input.form-control {:field :text :id :first-name}])
   (row "last name"
        [:input.form-control {:field :text :id :last-name}])
   (row "age"
        [:input.form-control {:field :numeric :id :age}])
   (row "email"
        [:input.form-control {:field :email :id :email}])
   (row "comments"
        [:textarea.form-control {:field :textarea :id :comments}])])

(defn form []
  (let [doc (atom {:first-name "John" :last-name "Doe" :age 35})]
    (fn []
       [ [:h1 "Reagent Form"]]
       [bind-fields form-template doc]
       [:label (str @doc)]])))

Adding events

The bind-fields function accepts optional events. Events are triggered whenever the document is updated, and will be executed in the order they are listed. Each event sees the document modified by its predecessor.

The event must take 3 parameters, which are the id, the value, and the document. The id and the value represent the value that was changed in the form, and the document is the atom that contains the state of the form. The event can either return an updated document or nil, when nil is returned then the state of the document is unmodified.

The following is an example of an event to calculate the value of the :bmi key when the :weight and :height keys are populated:

(defn row [label input]
    [:div.col-md-2 [:label label]]
    [:div.col-md-5 input]])

(def form-template
   [:h3 "BMI Calculator"]
   (row "Height" [:input {:field :numeric :id :height}])
   (row "Weight" [:input {:field :numeric :id :weight}])
   (row "BMI" [:input {:field :numeric :id :bmi :disabled true}])])

  (fn [id value {:keys [weight height] :as doc}]
    (when (and (some #{id} [:height :weight]) weight height)
      (assoc-in doc [:bmi] (/ weight (* height height)))))]

Adding custom fields

Custom fields can be added by implementing the reagent-forms.core/init-field multimethod. The method must take two parameters, where the first parameter is the field component and the second is the options.

By default the options will contain the get and the save! keys. The get key points to a function that accepts an id and returns the document value associated with it. The save! function accepts an id and a value that will be associated with it.

Using adapters

Adapters can be provided to fields so as to create custom storage formats for field values. These are a pair of functions passed to the field through the keys :in-fn and :out-fn. :in-fn modifies the stored item so that the field can make use of it while :out-fn modifies the output of the field before it is stored. For example, in order to use a native js/Date object as the storage format, the datepicker can be initialized thusly:

[:div {:field :datepicker :id :birthday :date-format "yyyy/mm/dd" :inline true
       :in-fn #(when % {:year (.getFullYear %) :month (.getMonth %) :day (.getDate %)})
       :out-fn #(when % (js/Date (:year %) (:month %) (:day %)))}]

Adapters may be passed nulls so they must be able to handle those.

Mobile Gotchas

React requires additional initialization in order to handle touch events:

(.initializeTouchEvents js/React true)

Safari on iOS will have a 300ms delay for :on-click events, it's possible to set a custom trigger event using the :touch-event key. See here for the list of events available in React. For example, if we wanted to use :on-touch-start instead of :on-click to trigger the event then we could do the following:

[:input.form-control {:field :text :id :first-name :touch-event :on-touch-start}]

Note that you will also have to set the style of cursor: pointer for any elements other than buttons in order for events to work on iOS.

The TapEventPlugin for react is another option for creating responsive events, until the functionality becomes available in React itself.


Copyright © 2014 Yogthos

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Bootstrap form components for Reagent






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