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A small loader HoC that helps you deffer the rendering of your Components untill an (asynchronous) action or actions finish.


 * attach a reducer to handle caching, if you skip this step the library will still function
 * but no caching functionality will be used
// store.js
import { reducer as preloadReducer } from "./redux-preload";

export default createStore(combineReducers({
  preload: preloadReducer,

// app.js
import { preload } from "redux-preload";

const OriginalComponent = () => {
  return <div>Preload completed</div>

 * Define the preload action, it will receive a `next` callback that should be
 * called once the desired criteria - data computed or fetched from remote
 * source are met
const waitOneSecond = (next) => {
  setTimeout(next, 1000);

 * Wrap our Component in the preload HoC and pass a set of preload actions to
 * be completed (in parallel) before the component is rendered.
const Preload = preload({
  preloader: waitOneSecond

const App = () => {
  return (
      <p>Example, should load after 1 second:</p>
      <Preload />



import { preload } from "redux-preload";
preload(preloadFunctions, [options, props])(Component);

preloadFunctions should be an Object which every key will be considered a preload function to be evaluated before rendering the Component. Each of the functions will be called with following parameters:

  • next - a callback to be called after the preloadFunction should be considered resolved

If you call the callback with an Object it will be spread as props onto the Component that will be rendered in the end. Multiple calls to next (eg. in multiple preloader functions) will be merged together.

  • dispatch - Redux dispatch() function attached to the current store supplied by react-redux <Provider />
  • props - the props passed to the Component while rendering

options - optional secondary parameter with following keys:

  • placeholder - default: null - a component to be rendered while the preloadFunctions are being evaluated. If provied a function, it will be called with the props passed in the JSX.
  • dontCache - default: false - by default each of the preloadFunctions is marked as completed, and stored in redux, so that subsequent calls to given preload functions are immediately considered resolved, set to true to skip caching current request
  • ttl - default: null - time (in miliseconds) after which the preloadFunction cache should be considered expired
  • showComponentWhileLoading - default: false - if set to true the component will be returned right away, and updated as preloader functions resolv. This mode can be used to support basic cache, as its rendering more does not differ from just rendering the same component while the data is still loading.


import { clearPreloadFunction } from "redux-preload";
preload({preloadFunctionId: preloadFunction})(Component);

Used to clear the information about resolution of given preloadFunction from the Redux store.




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