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Bez edited this page Oct 29, 2017 · 37 revisions

You have a topic?

If you have an idea for a topic you want to pitch and work on at the BaselHack 2017, you can add it here. It is optional to publish them beforehand, you can also just pitch them on Saturday morning. By publishing it here, you give other participants the possibility to already get familiar with it.

To give you an idea on how such a topic could look like, we prepared one: nearest-free-BS-parking-space

Just add your topic to the end of this page.

Need some inspiration?

Disclaimer: if you have trouble editing this site, please send your proposal to [email protected]

template for a topic description "nearest-free-BS-parking-space"

Problem: The search for available parking space frequently wastes time and resources, if required to enter densely constructed areas by car.

Data resources: The city of Basel provides real-time information on the occupation of the majority of the public and private parking buildings via RSS-feeds.

proposed hack topic: We propose to incorporate this information into a mobile routing app (eg to guide users to the closest available parking space, including information on parking fees, and permitted duration of occupation. An additional innovative aspect is a proof-of-concept inclusion of open space parking. The topic includes the ad-hoc monitoring of selected parking spots with IoT-enabled smart parking sensor (eg ) and their integration into a LoRaWAN network.

Time-based prevoyance as the fourth pillar of old-age provision

Problem: Relieve financial burden for old-age provision by making time-based provision efficient and attractive.

Description: In coming years Switzerland will face up to 50% more pensioners. The old-age provision institutions (AVH, BVG, 3rd pillar) and the healthcare sector are under financial stress. To counter this trend, several associations have been established to offer a voluntary, time-based 4th pillar: retirees can collect time credits in the "younger" years during which they take care of elderly retirees (e.g. go shopping, take them for a walk, etc.). Later, when they need help themselves, they can redeem the collected time credits against services at local associations. This time-based prevoyance provides financial relief for old-aged provision, promotes intergenerational justice, and helps elderly staying in their homes longer.

Proposed hack topics: Develop a system to make time-keeping efficient, and allow the participating associations to easily manage time credits. We aim to deliver a proof-of-concept solution for creating, managing, and redeeming time credits. To avoid fraud, important pieces of metadata relating to the time credits will be stored in a blockchain / wallet.

For safety and more efficient traffic in Basel

Problem: In Basel, the traffic situation is getting worse and worse every year. By means of a targeted evaluation of the traffic data, the traffic flow of the city can be optimized.

Data resources: The city of Basel provides Radar data from more than 300 Streets. How many cars and other vehicles passed in which speed. How high is the transgression rate of each street? In which streets is the tendency to drive too fast? Which are the busiest and most dangerous streets in the City?

proposed hack topic: There are different approaches. On one hand it is interesting to show the traffic situation graphically (for example categorisation of streets) and enable the inhabitants to choose a better route (kind of self-regulation). On the other hand, it is possible to improve the cantonal processes with software so that traffic can be better distributed through the city. More information at saturday :)

BaselStat - An Open Data Search Engine

  Nowadays, an enormous amount of data is generated every day. Unfortunately, this data is mostly available on different sources and stored in different file formats.  

We would like to create our own open data search engine with all available statistical data from the Kanton Basel Stadt. Thus, the exploration of these records should become easy and intuitive, as if one would be googeling any topic.  

The public API would allow other developers to create their own applications. Of course our frontend also retrieves its data from the public API.  

Additionally to our Web Application we would like to create a visualisation by using the Microsoft HoloLens.  


  • Denise Bauman
  • Fabrizio Parrillo
  • Quentin Garnier
  • ... you? Join our team and clone the repo.

They Live AR

Problem: “The System” is turning our brains to mush with an overload of branding, advertisements and information in the public space. Can technology save us?

Proposed hack topic: An ad-blocker for the real world. Create a mobile AR app or webpage which detects “information” such as text or branding and blocks it out. (Or replace the information with alternative messages or art.)

Tech resources:

Prior art:

Chat Visualiser

Problem: Chat is utterly useless without a visualiser.


Proposed hack topic: An “online chat” web application that creates a realtime visual experience based on the contents of the chat. The app retrieves (hopefully) relevant images, videos, webpages, maps, emoticons, icons, or other content and displays them in a “visualiser panel” adjacent to the chat space. (Maybe the core of the system could be used in other contexts than chat, such as live performance.)

Data resources: Any Content API, such as...

Internet of things / Serverless cloud computing - Kegbot I/O

Adobe’s project to be hacked is a fun educational project within the trending topics Internet of things and serverless cloud computing called the Kegbot I/O. It demands your creativity and is challenging on various difficulty levels from low to high.

Current Setup: The present setup at the hacking kick-off is a fully functional Kegbot which is a Kegerator (Zapfanlage) linked to an Arduino board and an Android tablet. Once you tap fluid, data is transferred to the linked tablet and is distributed to a slack channel.

Challenge: Your challenge will be to come up with new features and creative and valid use cases. You might want to use Adobe Sensei features as for example face detection or auto-cropping. But you are free to hack whatever cool idea you come up with.


  • In addition we provide more sensors for your potential use case.
  • We will have 2 coaches dedicated to this project helping you to get started and during the hack.
  • As all touchpoints are open source this makes it a perfect and fun project to hack at BaselHack!

Entry points for Hacking:

  1. Leverage the available data in the server, collected by the open source kegbot library:
  2. Leverage Adobe I/O Runtime to run serverless functions (e.g. connector for the kegbot API in #1, webhook for kegbot events, web actions)
  3. Enhance Kegtab (Android app) with UI of the new feature
  1. Hacking around Kegboard (IOT device) to collect more data

Public transport development visualization tool

Problem: For a city the development of the public transportation system is of huge importance. People move and live in interconnected areas. Shaping public transportation means shaping the city. But what areas are well connected? Where is room for improvement? Which area would profit most from a planed tramline? How can we strengthen a particular area?

Furthermore in Basel very often a public vote decides whether a new tramline gets build or not. How can I as a citizens learn about the consequences of this project. Beyond the arguments in the political discussion, how can I see how it affects myself and the area I live in?

Data resources: Timetables and geolocation data of public transportation stops are available from

Proposed hack topic: Develop a visualization tool that shows how different spots of the city are interconnected by showing the travel time as a time based color plot. A user should be possible to select any location on the map. After selection the city map becomes colored indicating the travel time it takes to get to any spot of the city. Ideally we also have the possibility to change public transportation lines or add new ones. E.g. we could try to analyze the effect of the „Herzstück“ project.


Problem: There is a lot of medical research going on, but usually there is no real information about it other than on the prescription. Additionally, not all side effects are distributed equally, or you are even allergic to some ingredients.


  • Analyzing medical science papers about adverse side effects, save them and keep the information updated
  • Provide a interface for searching the name of a drug, and showing old and new information about it
  • Based on a Symptom, showing relevant drugs and the severity and frequency of their side effects

Data resources:

  • PubMed (MEDLINE)
  • (others?)

github: https:/MySideEffect-Team/MySideEffect/

-> complement with YOUR ideas: ...