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An application built using .NET 8 and following a Domain-Driven Design approach by using the BridgingIT DevKit.


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An application built using .NET 8 and following a Domain-Driven Design approach by using the BridgingIT DevKit.


  • Application Commands/Queries: encapsulate business logic and data access
  • Application Models and Contracts: specifies the public API can be exposed to clients
  • Application Module Clients: expose a public API for other modules to use
  • Application Query Services: provide complex queries not suitable for repositories
  • Domain Model, ValueObjects, Events, Rules, TypedIds, Repositories: the building blocks to implement the domain model
  • Modules: encapsulates related functionality into separate modules
  • Messaging: provides asynchronous communication between modules based on messages
  • Presentation Endpoints: expose an external HTTP API for the application
  • Unit & Integration Tests: ensure the reliability of the application

Key Technologies and Frameworks

Architecture Overview

The application is designed as a modular monolith, adhering to Clean Architecture principles and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts. Built using .NET Core, it's organized into several distinct modules, each focusing on a specific business domain.

Patterns & Principles

This architecture provides a scalable, maintainable, and modular structure for the application, allowing for easy extension and modification of individual modules while maintaining a cohesive overall system. The modular approach combined with Clean Architecture and DDD principles ensures clear separation of concerns and high cohesion within each module.

  1. Domain-Driven Design (DDD): Evident in the use of aggregates, entities, value objects, and domain events.
  2. Modularization: The application is divided into distinct, loosely-coupled modules, each with its own domain logic and infrastructure.
  3. Screaming Architecture: The folder structure and namespaces reflect the business domains rather than technical concerns.
  4. The Dependency Rule: Dependencies can only point inwards. Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle (See Layers).
  5. Dependency Injection (DI): Widely used throughout the application for loose coupling and better testability.
  6. CQS (Command Query Separation): Commands and queries are separated, but using the same persistence store.
  7. Use Cases: Application logic is encapsulated in commands and queries, each with a single responsibility.
  8. Mediator Pattern: MediatR is used for handling commands and queries.
  9. Repository Pattern: Used for data access and persistence.
  10. Specification Pattern: Used for defining query criteria.
  11. Outbox Pattern: Used for reliable event and message publishing.


The solution is structured following the Clean Architecture layers and the references between them:

  • Domain: Contains the core business logic and domain model.
  • Application: Handles application-specific logic, including commands and queries.
  • Infrastructure: Manages data access, external services, and other infrastructure concerns.
  • Presentation: Provides the user interface and API endpoints.
  • SharedKernel: Contains shared concepts, such as value objects, rules, and interfaces.
graph TD
  subgraph Presentation
    CP[Module Definition]
    REG[DI Registrations]
    CA[Endpoint Routings]
    MP[Object Mappings]
    RP[Razor Pages/<br>Views/etc]

  subgraph Application
    SV[Services/<br>Jobs/ Tasks]
    CQ[Commands/<br>Queries/ <br>Validators]

  subgraph Domain
    DMM[Domain Model]
    EN[Entities/<br>Aggregates/<br>Value Objects]
    DR[Domain Rules/<br>Domain Policies]

  subgraph Infrastructure
    DC[DbContext/<br>Migrations/<br>Data Entities]
    DA[Domain +<br>Application<br>Interface<br>Implementations]

  Presentation -->|references| Application
  Application -->|references| Domain
  Infrastructure -->|references| Domain

Key Points:

  • Domain layer remains independent, not referencing other layers
  • Infrastructure layer doesn't directly reference the Application or Domain layer
  • Adheres to the DI principle: high-level layers (Domain, Application) don't depend on low-level layer (Infrastructure), but both depend on abstractions

1. Domain Layer

The Domain layer is the core of the application, containing the business logic and rules.

Key components:

  • Entities (e.g., Book, Author, Stock)
  • Value Objects (e.g., Money, BookIsbn, EmailAddress)
  • Aggregates (e.g., Book aggregate, Stock aggregate)
  • Domain Events (e.g., BookCreatedDomainEvent, StockUpdatedDomainEvent)
  • Specifications (e.g., BookForIsbnSpecification)
  • Policies
  • Rules


  • No dependencies on other layers or external libraries (except for some .NET base classes)
  • Contains the core business logic and rules
  • Defines interfaces for repositories (e.g., IBookRepository)

Example from the application:

public class Book : AuditableAggregateRoot<BookId>, IConcurrent
    public TenantId TenantId { get; }
    public string Title { get; private set; }
    public BookIsbn Isbn { get; private set; }
    public Money Price { get; private set; }
    // ... other properties and methods

2. Application Layer

The Application layer orchestrates the flow of data to and from the Domain layer, and coordinates application logic.

Key components:

  • Command/Query Handlers (e.g., BookCreateCommandHandler, BookFindOneQueryHandler)
  • Commands and Queries (e.g., BookCreateCommand, BookFindOneQuery)
  • Interfaces for infrastructure concerns (e.g., IBookRepository)
  • Application Services (e.g., ICatalogQueryService)
  • Application Models (Contracts)


  • Depends on the Domain layer
  • Contains no business logic
  • Orchestrates the execution of business logic defined in the Domain layer
  • Uses the Mediator pattern (via MediatR) for handling commands and queries

Example from the application:

public class BookCreateCommand(string tenantId, BookModel model)
  : CommandRequestBase<Result<Book>>, ITenantAware
    public string TenantId { get; } = tenantId;

    public BookModel Model { get; } = model;

    public override ValidationResult Validate()
        return new Validator().Validate(this);

    public class Validator : AbstractValidator<BookCreateCommand>
        public Validator()
          // Add validation rules (RuleFor)

public class BookCreateCommandHandler
  : CommandHandlerBase<BookCreateCommand, Result<Book>>
    private readonly IGenericRepository<Book> repository;

    public BookCreateCommandHandler(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IGenericRepository<Book> repository)
        : base(loggerFactory)
        this.repository = repository;

    public override async Task<CommandResponse<Result<Book>>> Process(BookCreateCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Create book entity, apply business rules, save to repository

3. Infrastructure Layer

The Infrastructure layer provides implementations for database access, external services, and other infrastructure concerns.

Key components:

  • Repository/QueryService Implementations
  • Database Contexts (e.g., CatalogDbContext, InventoryDbContext)
  • Entity Configurations (e.g., BookEntityTypeConfiguration)
  • External Service Clients
  • Infrastructure-specific Models


  • Depends on the Application and Domain layers
  • Implements interfaces defined in the Application layer
  • Contains database-specific logic and ORM configurations
  • Handles data persistence and retrieval

Example from the application:

public class CatalogDbContext : ModuleDbContextBase, IDocumentStoreContext, IOutboxDomainEventContext
    public DbSet<Book> Books { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Author> Authors { get; set; }
    // ... other DbSets and configuration

4. Presentation Layer

The Presentation layer is responsible for handling HTTP requests and presenting data to the client.

Key components:

  • API Controllers or Minimal API Endpoints
  • Middleware


  • Depends on the Application layer
  • Handles HTTP requests and responses
  • Maps between Application models and Application layer commands/queries
  • Implements API-specific concerns (authentication, authorization, etc.)

Example from the application:

public class CatalogBookEndpoints : EndpointsBase
    public override void Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder app)
        app.MapGet("/api/books/{id}", GetBook);
        app.MapPost("/api/books", CreateBook);
        // ... other endpoint mappings

    private static async Task<IResult> GetBook(IMediator mediator, string id)
        var result = await mediator.Send(new BookFindOneQuery(id));
        return result.Match(
            success => Results.Ok(success),
            failure => Results.NotFound());

Request Processing Flow

The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of a request through the layers of the application:

  participant C as Client
  participant EA as External API
  participant CM as Command
  participant CV as CommandValidator
  participant CH as CommandHandler
  participant M as Mapper
  participant R as Repository
  C ->> EA: 1. Request
  EA ->> CM: 2. Create Command (with Model)
  CM ->> CV: 3. Validate
  CV -->> CM: 4. Validation Result
  CM ->> CH: 5. Process
  CH ->> R: 6. FindOneResultAsync(EntityId)
  R -->> CH: 7. Result
  CH ->> M: 8. Map Model to existing Domain Entity
  M -->> CH: 9. Updated Domain Entity
  CH ->> CH: 10. Apply Domain Rules
  CH ->> R: 11. UpdateAsync(Domain Entity)
  R -->> CH: 12. Updated Domain Entity
  CH -->> EA: 13. Result
  EA ->> M: 14. Map Domain Entity to Model
  M -->> EA: 15. Model
  EA ->> EA: 16. Format Response
  EA -->> C: 17. Response
  1. The process begins when a Client sends a Web Request to the External API.
  2. The External API creates a Command object, which includes a Model.
  3. The Command is then validated by a CommandValidator, which returns a Validation Result.
  4. If validation passes, the Command is processed by a CommandHandler.
  5. The CommandHandler interacts with a Repository to find an existing entity using FindOneResultAsync(EntityId).
  6. Once the existing entity is retrieved, a Mapper is used to update the Domain Entity with the new data from the Model.
  7. The CommandHandler then applies any necessary Domain Rules to the updated entity.
  8. The updated Domain Entity is then saved back to the Repository using UpdateAsync(Domain Entity).
  9. The Repository returns the updated Domain Entity to the CommandHandler.
  10. The CommandHandler returns a Result to the External API.
  11. The External API uses the Mapper again to convert the Domain Entity back into a Model.
  12. Finally, the External API formats the response and sends the Web Response back to the Client.

Architecture Decision Records (ADR)

An Architecture Decision Record (ADR) is a document that captures an important architectural decision made along with its context and consequences.

These ADRs outline key architectural decisions for the application, focusing on a modular monolith structure with clear boundaries between modules, rich domain models, and a mix of synchronous and asynchronous communication between modules:

Cross-cutting Concerns

While not a specific layer, cross-cutting concerns are handled across all layers:

  • Logging (using Serilog)
  • Validation (using FluentValidation)
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Error Handling
  • Caching
  • Multitenancy

These concerns are often implemented using middleware, attributes, or by integrating into the request pipeline.

This layered architecture ensures a clear separation of concerns, with each layer having a distinct responsibility. The dependencies flow inwards, with the Domain layer at the core having no external dependencies. This structure allows for easier testing, maintenance, and evolution of the system over time.

Data Storage

  • SQL Server is used as the primary database.
  • Each module has its own DbContext for database operations.
  • Each module has its own schema and migrations in the database.

External API Layer

  • RESTful APIs are implemented using minimal API syntax in .NET Core.
  • OpenAPI (Swagger) is used for API documentation.

Application Testing

  • The architecture supports unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
  • Integration testing depends on docker containers.

Modular Structure

The application is structured as a modular monolith, comprising several distinct modules that are deployed as a single unit. The main modules are:

graph TD
  C[Catalog Module]
  I[Inventory Module]
  O[Organization Module]
  C --> SK
  I --> SK
  O --> SK
  C -- Public API --> I
  • Logical Separation: Provides clear boundaries between different functional areas of the application.
  • Development Focus: Allows teams to concentrate on specific modules, reducing complexity and potential conflicts.
  • Code Organization: Improves codebase navigation and maintenance.

The SharedKernel is not a module and contains common elements, concepts, and utilities that are shared across multiple modules. It includes value objects like TenantId, Address, Money, EmailAddress, and others that are used throughout the application.

Organization Module

Manages tenants, companies, and subscriptions.

This module handles the management of tenants, companies, and their associated subscriptions and branding. It includes entities like Tenant, Company, TenantSubscription, and TenantBranding.


Catalog Module

Manages books, authors, and categories.

This module manages the book catalog, including entities such as Book, Author, Category, and Publisher. It handles the relationships between these entities and provides functionalities for managing the product catalog.


Inventory Module

Handles stock management and inventory tracking.

This module is responsible for managing book inventories, tracking stock levels, and handling stock-related operations. It includes entities like Stock and StockSnapshot.


Getting Started



  • Docker Desktop
  • Visual Studio (Code)

Running the Application

The supporting containers should first be started with docker-compose up or docker-compose up -d. Then the Presentation.Web.Server project can be set as the startup project. On CTRL+F5 this will start the host at https://localhost:7144.

  • SQL Server details: Server=,14339;Database=bit_devkit_bookfiesta;User=sa;Password=Abcd1234!;Trusted_Connection=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;encrypt=false;
  • Swagger UI is available here.
  • Seq Dashboard is available here.

Solution Structure


Testing the API

Ensuring reliability through comprehensive unit, integration, and HTTP tests.

Swagger UI

Start the application (CTRL-F5) and use the following UI to test the API:

Swagger UI


Unit Tests


Integration Tests


Http Tests

Start the application (CTRL-F5) and use the following HTTP requests to test the API: API.http



An application built using .NET 8 and following a Domain-Driven Design approach by using the BridgingIT DevKit.



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