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Go API client for swagger


The Edgegap API lets you manage all your resources from standard HTTP requests. We promote using them to automate all your processes that are using Edgegap.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us via email, or you can also jump on our Discord. We will be happy to help. Feel free to make features request; we also love those.

Pagination - Response​

The GET response body can be returned with pagination to avoid requesting all the data at once.

Pagination object will always be under the paginator key.

\"number\": \"The Current page, default=1\",
\"next_page_number\": \"The Next page number or null\",
\"previous_page_number\": \"The Previous page number or null\",
\"paginator\": {
\"num_pages\": \"The total numbers of pages\"
\"has_next\": \"Boolean if there is a next page\",
\"has_previous\": \"Boolean if there is a previous page\"

Full Body Example:

\"count\": 100,
\"data\": [\"value-0\", \"[...]\", \"value-9\"],
\"success\": true,
\"pagination\": {
\"number\": 1,
\"next_page_number\": 2,
\"previous_page_number\": null,
\"paginator\": {
\"num_pages\": 10
\"has_next\": true,
\"has_previous\": false

Pagination - Parameters​

You can add those values to manipulate the pagination object in the URL Parameters.

  • page
  • limit


# To get the second page

# To change the count of element in one page (20/page)

# You can mix those (20/page, second page)


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import ""

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationsApi AppVersionDelete Delete /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Delete an Application Version
ApplicationsApi AppVersionGet Get /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Get an Application Version
ApplicationsApi AppVersionPost Post /v1/app/{app_name}/version Create a New Application Version
ApplicationsApi AppVersionWhitelistEntryDelete Delete /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist/{entry_id} Delete an ACL Entry
ApplicationsApi AppVersionWhitelistEntryGet Get /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist/{entry_id} Get an ACL Entry
ApplicationsApi AppVersionWhitelistGet Get /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist List All ACL Entries for an Application Version
ApplicationsApi AppVersionWhitelistPost Post /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name}/whitelist Create an ACL Entry
ApplicationsApi AppVersionsGet Get /v1/app/{app_name}/versions List All Versions for an Application
ApplicationsApi AppVersionsPatch Patch /v1/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Update an Application Version
ApplicationsApi ApplicationDelete Delete /v1/app/{app_name} Delete an Application
ApplicationsApi ApplicationGet Get /v1/app/{app_name} Get an Application
ApplicationsApi ApplicationPatch Patch /v1/app/{app_name} Update an Application
ApplicationsApi ApplicationPost Post /v1/app Create a New Application
ApplicationsApi ApplicationsGet Get /v1/apps List All Applications
ContextApi ContextCreateDeploymentTag Post /v1/context/{request_id}/{security_number}/tags Create a Tag for a Running Deployment
ContextApi ContextDeleteDeploymentTag Delete /v1/context/{request_id}/{security_number}/tags/{tag_name} Delete a Tag from a Running Deployment
ContextApi ContextGet Get /v1/context/{request_id}/{security_number} Get the Context of a Deployment
CustomSessionsApi DeleteCustomSession Delete /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/session/{custom_id} Delete a Custom Session
CustomSessionsApi DeleteCustomSessions Delete /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/sessions Delete Custom Sessions in Bulk
CustomSessionsApi GetCustomSession Get /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/session/{custom_id} Get a Custom Session
CustomSessionsApi GetCustomSessions Get /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/sessions List All Custom Session of a Deployment
CustomSessionsApi PatchCustomSession Patch /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/session/{custom_id} Update a Custom Session
CustomSessionsApi PostCustomSession Post /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/session/{custom_id} Create a New Custom Session
CustomSessionsApi PostCustomSessions Post /v1/deployment/{request_id}/custom/sessions Create Custom Sessions in Bulk
DeploymentTagsApi DeploymentsTagsCreate Post /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags Create Tag for a Deployment
DeploymentTagsApi DeploymentsTagsDelete Delete /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags/{tag_name} Delete Tag for a Deployment
DeploymentTagsApi DeploymentsTagsList Get /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags List tags for a Deployment
DeploymentTagsApi DeploymentsTagsRead Get /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags/{tag_name} Get tag for a Deployment
DeploymentTagsApi DeploymentsTagsUpdate Patch /v1/deployments/{request_id}/tags/{tag_name} Update Tag for a Deployment
DeploymentsApi Deploy Post /v1/deploy Create a Deployment
DeploymentsApi DeploymentDelete Delete /v1/stop/{request_id} Delete a Deployment
DeploymentsApi DeploymentGetLogs Get /v1/deployment/{request_id}/container-logs Get Deployment Container Logs
DeploymentsApi DeploymentStatusGet Get /v1/status/{request_id} Get a Deployment Status and Information
DeploymentsApi DeploymentUpdate Patch /v1/deployments/{request_id} Updates properties of a deployment
DeploymentsApi DeploymentsBulkDelete Post /v1/deployments/bulk-stop Delete Deployments in Bulk
DeploymentsApi DeploymentsGet Get /v1/deployments List All Deployments
DeploymentsApi SelfDeploymentDelete Delete /v1/self/stop/{request_id}/{access_point_id} Delete a Deployment from inside the container
EndpointStorageApi EndpointCreate Post /v1/storage/endpoint Create a New Endpoint Storage
EndpointStorageApi EndpointDelete Delete /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name} Delete an Endpoint Storage
EndpointStorageApi EndpointGet Get /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name} Get an Endpoint Storage
EndpointStorageApi EndpointUpdate Patch /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name} Update an Endpoint Storage
EndpointStorageApi EndpointsList Get /v1/storage/endpoints List All Endpoint Storage
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileCreate Post /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile Create a New Pull Profile
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileDelete Delete /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name} Delete a Pull Profile
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileGet Get /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name} Get a Pull Profile
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileLinkAppVersion Put /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Link a Pull Profile to an Application Version
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileList Get /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profiles List All Pull Profile of an Endpoint Storage
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileUnlinkAppVersion Delete /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Unlink a Pull Profile From an Application Version
EndpointStorageApi PullProfileUpdate Patch /v1/storage/endpoint/{endpoint_name}/pull-profile/{pull_profile_name} Update a Pull Profile
FleetsApi FleetCreate Post /v1/fleet Create a Fleet
FleetsApi FleetDelete Delete /v1/fleet/{fleet_name} Delete a Fleet
FleetsApi FleetGet Get /v1/fleet/{fleet_name} Get a Fleet
FleetsApi FleetLinkAppVersion Put /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Link an Application Version to a Fleet
FleetsApi FleetPoliciesCreate Post /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies Create a Fleet Policy
FleetsApi FleetPoliciesDelete Delete /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies/{policy_name} Delete a Policy
FleetsApi FleetPoliciesGet Get /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies/{policy_name} Get a Policy
FleetsApi FleetPoliciesList Get /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies List All Policies of a Fleet
FleetsApi FleetPoliciesUpdate Patch /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/policies/{policy_name} Update a Policy
FleetsApi FleetUnlinkAppVersion Delete /v1/fleet/{fleet_name}/app/{app_name}/version/{version_name} Unlink an Application Version From a Fleet
FleetsApi FleetUpdate Patch /v1/fleet/{fleet_name} Update a Fleet
FleetsApi Fleets Get /v1/fleets List All Fleets
IPLookupApi IP Get /v1/ip Get Your Public IP
IPLookupApi IPLookup Get /v1/ip/{ip}/lookup Get an IP's information
IPLookupApi IPsLookup Post /v1/ips/lookup Get IPs Information in Bulk
LobbiesApi LobbyCreate Post /v1/lobbies Create a Lobby
LobbiesApi LobbyDeploy Post /v1/lobbies:deploy Deploy a Lobby
LobbiesApi LobbyGet Get /v1/lobbies/{lobby_name} Get a Lobby
LobbiesApi LobbyTerminate Post /v1/lobbies:terminate Terminate a Lobby
LocationsApi LocationBeaconList Get /v1/locations/beacons List All Location Beacons
LocationsApi LocationsGet Get /v1/locations List All Locations
MatchmakerApi DeleteMatchmaker Delete /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name} Delete a Matchmaker
MatchmakerApi DeleteMatchmakerComponent Delete /v1/aom/component/{component_name} Delete a Matchmaker Component
MatchmakerApi DeleteMatchmakerComponentEnv Delete /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env/{env_key} Delete a Matchmaker Component ENV
MatchmakerApi DeleteMatchmakerManagedRelease Delete /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed/{release_version} Delete a Matchmaker Managed Release
MatchmakerApi DeleteMatchmakerRelease Delete /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/{release_version} Delete a Matchmaker Release
MatchmakerApi DeleteMatchmakerReleaseConfig Delete /v1/aom/release/config/{config_name} Delete a Matchmaker Release Config
MatchmakerApi GetComponentList Get /v1/aom/components List All Matchmaker Components
MatchmakerApi GetEnvsList Get /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/envs List All Matchmaker Component ENVs
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmaker Get /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name} Get a Matchmaker
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmakerComponent Get /v1/aom/component/{component_name} Get a Matchmaker Component
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmakerComponentEnv Get /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env/{env_key} Get a Matchmaker Component ENV
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmakerList Get /v1/aom/matchmakers List All Matchmakers
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmakerManagedRelease Get /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed/{release_version} Get a Matchmaker Managed Release
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmakerRelease Get /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/{release_version} Get a Matchmaker Release
MatchmakerApi GetMatchmakerReleaseConfig Get /v1/aom/release/config/{config_name} Get a Matchmaker Release Config
MatchmakerApi GetReleaseConfigsList Get /v1/aom/release/configs List All Matchmaker Release Configs
MatchmakerApi GetReleaseList Get /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/releases List All Matchmaker Releases
MatchmakerApi PatchMatchmaker Patch /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name} Update a Matchmaker
MatchmakerApi PatchMatchmakerComponent Patch /v1/aom/component/{component_name} Update a Matchmaker Component
MatchmakerApi PatchMatchmakerComponentEnv Patch /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env/{env_key} Update a Matchmaker Component ENV
MatchmakerApi PatchMatchmakerManagedRelease Patch /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed/{release_version} Update a Matchmaker Managed Release
MatchmakerApi PatchMatchmakerRelease Patch /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/{release_version} Update a Matchmaker Release
MatchmakerApi PatchMatchmakerReleaseConfig Patch /v1/aom/release/config/{config_name} Update a Matchmaker Release Config
MatchmakerApi PostMatchmaker Post /v1/aom/matchmaker Create a Matchmaker
MatchmakerApi PostMatchmakerComponent Post /v1/aom/component Create a Matchmaker Component
MatchmakerApi PostMatchmakerComponentEnv Post /v1/aom/component/{component_name}/env Create a Matchmaker Component ENV
MatchmakerApi PostMatchmakerManagedRelease Post /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release/managed Create a Matchmaker Managed Release
MatchmakerApi PostMatchmakerRelease Post /v1/aom/matchmaker/{matchmaker_name}/release Create a Matchmaker Release
MatchmakerApi PostMatchmakerReleaseConfig Post /v1/aom/release/config Create a Matchmaker Release Config
MetricsApi DeploymentMetricsGet Get /v1/metrics/deployment/{request_id} Get a Deployment Metrics
MonitoringApi Monitoring Get /monitor
RelaysApi RelaySessionCreate Post /v1/relays/sessions Create a Relay Session
RelaysApi RelaySessionDelete Delete /v1/relays/sessions/{session_id} Delete a Relay Session
RelaysApi RelaySessionGet Get /v1/relays/sessions/{session_id} Get a Relay Session
RelaysApi RelaySessionList Get /v1/relays/sessions List all Relay Sessions
RelaysApi RelayUserAuthorize Post /v1/relays/sessions:authorize-user Authorize a user on a Relay Session
RelaysApi RelayUserRevoke Post /v1/relays/sessions:revoke-user Remove a user on a Relay Session
SessionsApi DeleteUsersSession Delete /v1/session/{session_id}/users Delete Users From a Session
SessionsApi GetSession Get /v1/session/{session_id} Get a Session
SessionsApi GetUsersSession Get /v1/session/{session_id}/users List Users of a Session
SessionsApi ListSessions Get /v1/sessions List All Sessions
SessionsApi PutUsersSession Put /v1/session/{session_id}/users Put Users in a Session
SessionsApi SessionDelete Delete /v1/session/{session_id} Delete a Session
SessionsApi SessionPost Post /v1/session Create a Session
SessionsApi SessionsBulkStop Post /v1/sessions/bulk-stop Delete Sessions in Bulk
TelemetryApi ActiveDeploymentTelemetryGet Get /v1/telemetry/active-deployments/{retrieval_key} Get the Result of an Active Deployment Telemetry Request
TelemetryApi ActiveDeploymentTelemetryPost Post /v1/telemetry/active-deployments Create a New Active Deployment Telemetry Request

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
	Key: "APIKEY",
	Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)


[email protected]


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