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This repo contains various recipes for testing common scenarios using Cypress: Fundamentals, Testing the DOM, Logging in, Preprocessors, Blogs, Stubbing and spying, Unit Testing, Server Communication, Other Cypress Recipes, Community Recipes


Recipe Description
Node Modules Import your own node modules
Environment variables Passing environment variables to tests
Handling errors Handling thrown errors and unhandled promise rejections
Dynamic tests Create tests dynamically from JSON data
Dynamic tests from CSV Create tests dynamically from CSV file
Dynamic tests from API Create tests dynamically by calling an external API
Fixtures Loading single or multiple fixtures
Adding Custom Commands Write your own custom commands using JavaScript with correct types for IntelliSense to work
Adding Custom Commands (TS) Write your own custom commands using TypeScript
Adding Chai Assertions Add new or custom chai assertions with correct types
Cypress module API Run Cypress via its module API
Wrapping Cypress module API Writing a wrapper around "cypress run" command line parsing
Custom browsers Control which browsers the project can use, or even add a custom browser into the list
Use Chrome Remote Interface Use Chrome debugger protocol to trigger hover state and print media style
Out-of-the-box TypeScript Write tests in TypeScript without setting up preprocessors
Per-test timeout Fail a test if it runs longer than the specified time limit
Cypress events Using Cypress.on and cy.on to listen to Cypress events like before:window:load
Video resolution Increase the browser window size to record high quality videos and capture detailed screenshots

Testing the DOM

Recipe Description
Tab Handling and Links Links that open in a new tab
Hover and Hidden Elements Test hidden elements requiring hover
Form Interactions Test form elements like input type range
Drag and Drop Use .trigger() to test drag and drop
Shadow DOM You need to use any of available custom commands
Waiting for static resource Shows how to wait for CSS, image, or any other static resource to load
CSV load and table test Loads CSV file and quickly compares objects against cells in a table
Evaluate performance metrics Utilize Cypress to monitor a website
Root style Trigger input color change that modifies CSS variable
Select widgets Working with <select> elements and Select2 widgets
Lit Elements Testing Lit Elements with Shadow DOM
File download Download and validate CSV, Excel, text, Zip, and image files
Page reloads Avoiding while loop when dealing with randomness
Pagination Clicking the "Next" link until we reach the last page
Clipboard Copy and paste text into the clipboard from the test
Page source Get the source of the page under test
Responsive image Uses cy.intercept to confirm the image loaded by the <picture> element

Logging in recipes

Recipe Description
Basic Auth Log in using Basic Authentication
Single Sign On Log in across multiple servers or providers
HTML Web Forms Log in with a basic HTML form
XHR Web Forms Log in using an XHR
CSRF Tokens Log in with a required CSRF token
Json Web Tokens (JWT) Log in using JWT
Using application code Log in by calling the application code

Also see Authentication plugins and watch video "Organizing Tests, Logging In, Controlling State"


Recipe Description
grep Filter tests by name using Mocha-like grep syntax
Typescript with Browserify Add typescript support with browserify
Typescript with Webpack Add typescript support with webpack
Flow with Browserify Add flow support with browserify


Demo recipes from the blog posts at

Recipe Description
Application Actions Application actions are a replacement for Page Objects
Direct Control of AngularJS Bypass the DOM and control AngularJS
E2E API Testing Run your API Tests with a GUI
E2E Snapshots End-to-End Snapshot Testing
Element Coverage Track elements covered by tests Testing Test a HyperApp Codepen demo
Testing Redux Store Test an application that uses Redux data store
Vue + Vuex + REST Testing Test an application that uses central data store
A11y Testing Accessibility testing with cypress-axe
Automate Angular Testing Run Angular tests in a build environment
React DevTools Loads React DevTools Chrome extension automatically
Expect N assertions How to expect a certain number of assertions in a test
Browser notifications How to test application that uses Notification
Testing iframes Accessing elements in 3rd party iframe, spy and stub network calls from iframe
Class decorators Using JavaScript class decorator to expose objects created by the application so they are reachable from tests
Form Submit Removing flake from the test where a page is reloaded after form submission
Using Day.js instead of Moment.js Using day.js library instead of the deprecated Cypress.moment

Network stubbing and spying

Recipe Description
Stubbing using cy.intercept Control network using cy.intercept API

JS-level stubbing and spying

Recipe Description
Stubbing Functions Use cy.spy() and cy.stub() to test function calls
Stubbing window.fetch Work around the window.fetch limitation
Stubbing and console.log Use cy.stub() and cy.spy() to test application behavior
Stubbing window.print Use cy.stub() to test window.print call made from the application
Stubbing Google Analytics Use cy.stub() or cy.intercept() to test Google Analytics calls
Spying and stubbing methods on console object Use cy.spy() and cy.stub() on console.log
Stub resource loading Use MutationObserver to stub resource loading like img tags
Stub navigator.cookieEnabled property Use cy.stub() to mock the navigator.cookieEnabled property

Unit Testing

Recipe Description
Application Code Import and test your own application code

Note: looking for the React/Vue component testing recipes? Read the Introducing the Cypress Component Test Runner– new in 7.0.0 blog post.

Server Communication

Recipe Description
Bootstrapping your App Seed your application with test data
Seeding your Database in Node Seed your database with test data
XHR assertions Spy and assert on application's network calls
Visiting 2nd domain Visiting two different domains from two different tests and passing value from one test to another
Pass value between specs Pass a value from spec to spec via the plugin file using cy.task
Stream test results Streams each test result from the browser to the plugins to an external process via IPC
Offline Test web application when the network is offline
Server timing Report server timing results from Cypress test
Wait for API Call the backend using cy.request until it responds
Making HTTP requests How to use cy.request, window.fetch, and cy.task commands to make HTTP requests to the server with and without cookies

Other Cypress Recipes

Recipe Description
Visual Testing Official Cypress guide to visual testing
Code Coverage Official Cypress guide to code coverage
detect-page-reload How to detect from Cypress test when a page reloads using object property assertions
run in Docker Run Cypress with a single Docker command
SSR E2E End-to-end Testing for Server-Side Rendered Pages
Using TS aliases Using TypeScript aliases in Cypress tests
stub-navigator-api Stub navigator API in end-to-end tests
Readable tests How to write readable tests using custom commands and custom Chai assertions
Parallel or not Run Cypress in parallel mode on CircleCI depending on environment variables
Use TypeScript With Cypress Step by step tutorial on how to set up TypeScript support in Cypress using WebPack bundler
Cypress should callback Examples of .should(cb) assertions
Cypress jump Create a React component using JSX and inject it into live application from a Cypress test
Unit testing Vuex data store using Test Runner Complete walkthrough for anyone trying to unit test a data store
Triple Tested Static Site How to test static sites three times before and after deployment to GitHub pages

Community Recipes

Recipe Description
Visual Regression Testing Adding visual regression testing to Cypress
Code coverage Cypress with Coverage reports
Cucumber Example usage of Cypress with Cucumber
Jest Example for the jest-runner-cypress
Mailosaur Utilizes cy.request() or cy.task() with mailosaur to test emails sent with sendmail
Chat App Test a Chat App using Cypress
Email Testing Full Testing of HTML Emails using SendGrid and Ethereal Accounts


  • This repo is structured similar to how other "Monorepos" work.
  • Each example project has its own Cypress configuration, tests, backend and frontend assets.
  • Each of these example projects share a single "root" Cypress that is installed in the root node_modules folder.
  • This structure looks different from normal projects, but its the easiest way to manage multiple projects without installing Cypress independently for each one.


## install all dependencies from the root directory
npm install

Opening Cypress GUI

cd ./examples/testing-dom__drag-drop
# start local server
npm start &
# and open Cypress GUI
npm run cypress:open

Running from the CLI

Same as running Cypress GUI but with cypress run command (and any CLI arguments)

cd ./examples/testing-dom__drag-drop
# start local server
npm start &
# run Cypress tests headlessly
npm run cypress:run

### runs all example projects in specific browser
### similar to cypress run --browser <name>
npm run cypress:run -- --browser chrome

### sends test results, videos, screenshots
### to Cypress dashboard
npm run cypress:run -- --record

You can find the recording at the Cypress Dashboard linked below

Cypress Dashboard




Various recipes for testing common scenarios with Cypress






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