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Climate Token Driver Suite

Minimum Chia Version Tested Up to Chia Version

This application can run in 4 modes, each providing a separate application with a distinct use case:

  • Chia Climate Tokenization:
    • Mode: Registry
    • Use case: A registry would use this to tokenize carbon credits onto the Chia blockchain
    • Port: 31312
    • Application Name: climate-tokenization-chia
    • Only listens on localhost for connections from the Climate Tokenization Engine
  • Climate Explorer:
    • Mode: Explorer
    • Use case: A registry (or interested observer) would use this to track all on-chain activity related to tokenized carbon credits
    • Port: 31313
    • Application Name: climate-explorer
  • Climate Token Driver:
    • Mode: Client
    • Use case: A carbon token holder could use this in conjunction with the Climate Wallet to manage their tokenized carbon credits
    • Port: 31314
    • Application Name: climate-token-driver
  • Dev Mode (for developers only!):
    • Mode: Dev
    • Use case: Developers are able to test the software without having to communicate with the blockchain
    • Port: 31999
    • Application Name: Only available from source builds

When compiling from source, the "mode" is controlled by the .env file. Each application, or mode, is offered as precompiled binaries, appropriate for most users.

Related Projects


  • app:
    • api: API layer implementations
    • core: service layer implementations
    • crud: repository layer implementations
    • db: database utilities
    • models: database models
    • schemas: schemas shared by all the layers
  • tests: pytest suites

Installation and configuration

Precompiled executables are available for Mac, Windows, and Linux (both ARM and x86) on the releases page.

Debian-based Linux Distros

For users of Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, PopOS, and other Debian-based distributions, a .deb file is provided on the releases page. This can be installed with

dpkg -i package-filename.deb

The Chia Climate Tokenization and Climate Explorer applications are also available via apt:

  1. Start by updating apt and allowing repository download over HTTPS:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
  1. Add Chia's official GPG Key (if you have installed Chia with apt, you'll have this key already and will get a message about overwriting the existing key, which is safe to do):
curl -sL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/chia.gpg
  1. Use the following command to setup the repository.
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/chia.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/climate-tokenization.list > /dev/null
  1. Install Chia Clmate Tokenization and Climate Explorer
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install climate-tokenization-chia
sudo apt-get install climate-explorer-chia
  1. Start Chia Climate Tokenization and Climate Explorer with systemd
sudo systemctl start climate-tokenization-chia@<USERNAME>
sudo systemctl start climate-explorer-chia@<USERNAME>

For <USERNAME>, enter the user that Chia runs as (the user with the .chia directory in their home directory). For example, if the ubuntu is where Chia runs, start Chia Climate Tokenization with systemctl start climate-tokenization-chia@ubuntu.

  1. Set the Chia Climate Tokenization and Climate Explorer to run at boot
sudo systemctl enable climate-tokenization-chia@<USERNAME>
sudo systemctl enable climate-explorer-chia@<USERNAME>

From Source

  • Clone this repo.

    git clone --recurse-submodules https:/Chia-Network/climate-token-driver.git

    or, using SSH...

    git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:Chia-Network/climate-token-driver.git
  • Note that chia-blockchain is used as a submodule of this repo to involve its test suites from the source file. Include chia-blockchain in python search path with:

    export PYTHONPATH=.:./chia-blockchain:$PYTHONPATH
  • Make a .env file for your environment variables. See the section below for setting up a correct .env file.

    cp .env.example .env
    # then change variable in .env


Note there are two steps the application loads the configurations:

  1. The application will first look for any environment variables set on the host machine for MODE, CHIA_ROOT, and CONFIG_PATH. Any variables not set on the host system will be loaded from the .env environment file, which is opened via python-dotenv, where ${CHIA_ROOT} and ${CONFIG_PATH} are pre-loaded. This file is not visible to end users in packaged binaries, and are suitable for binary builders to change the default flavor for the binary (though it is overridden by system environment variables).

  2. Then, a config.yaml file located at ${CHIA_ROOT}/${CONFIG_PATH} is loaded, which adds to the configurations after .env. This part of the configuration is free to change by end binary users. When the application is closed and reopened, the new configurable would automatically apply.

The whole list of configurable variables are detailed in, and below we provide brief explanations:

  • MODE (environment variable): one of dev, registry, client, and explorer. In dev mode, the application essentially enables all functionalities (endpoints), while in the rest, some select endpoints will be allowed. Each mode has installers and executable binaries built and available on the releases page.
  • CHIA_ROOT (environment variable): the root of Chia wallets on the local machine, typically ~/.chia/mainnet.
  • CONFIG_PATH (environment variable): the path of the config.yaml file, relative to ${CHIA_ROOT}. Rarely needs to be changed.
  • LOG_PATH: the path this application write logs to, relative to ${CHIA_ROOT}.
  • CADT_API_SERVER_HOST: the CADT API URL in the format of scheme://domain:port/path.
  • CADT_API_KEY: the CADT API key.

Only when in registry (Chia Climate Tokenization) and client (Climate Token Driver) modes, the following configurations are relevant:

  • DEFAULT_FEE: the fee, in mojos, for token-related transactions.
  • CHIA_HOSTNAME: the Chia service to connect to.
  • CHIA_FULL_NODE_RPC_PORT: the Chia full node RPC port.
  • CHIA_WALLET_RPC_PORT: the Chia wallet RPC port.

Only in registry mode (Chia Climate Tokenization), the following configurations are relevant:

  • CLIMATE_TOKEN_REGISTRY_PORT: 31312 by default.

There is no option to set the SERVER_HOST in registry mode as this is designed to only integrate with the Climate Tokenization Engine or other tokenization engines on localhost and will therefore only listen on

Only in client mode (Climate Token Driver) are the following configurations relevant:

  • CLIMATE_TOKEN_CLIENT_PORT: 31314 by default.

As with registry mode, client mode is only designed to integrate with other tools (such as the Climate Wallet) on localhost and therefore only listens on

Only when in explorer mode, the following configurations are relevant:

  • CLIMATE_EXPLORER_SERVER_HOST: Network interface to bind the climate explorer to. Default is as the Climate Explorer is intended to be a publicly available interface. Can be set to to be privately available only on localhost.
  • CLIMATE_EXPLORER_PORT: 31313 by default.
  • DB_PATH: the database this application writes to, relative to ${CHIA_ROOT}.
  • BLOCK_START: the block to start scanning for climate token activities.
  • BLOCK_RANGE: the number of blocks to scan for climate token activities at a time.
  • MIN_DEPTH: the minimum number of blocks an activity needs to be on chain to be recorded.
  • LOOKBACK_DEPTH: this number of latest blocks are always rescanned to ensure all latest token activities are picked up for newly created tokens.

For Developers

Run from source for development

  • Install Poetry

  • Optionally create virtual environment, and install dependencies.

    python -m virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
    poetry install
  • Run the main script for development.

    python app/

Package app

  • Package the app.

    # first ensure the `MODE` is set to the intended mode, then
    python -m PyInstaller --clean pyinstaller.spec
  • Run the binary.


Run test cases

  • Invoke pytest with:
    # first ensure the `MODE` is set to the `dev` for all tests to be discoverable, then
    python -m pytest ./tests


Signed commits are required.

​This repo uses a commit convention. A typical commit message might read: ​

    fix: correct home screen layout

​ The first part of this is the commit "type". The most common types are "feat" for new features, and "fix" for bugfixes. Using these commit types helps us correctly manage our version numbers and changelogs. Since our release process calculates new version numbers from our commits it is very important to get this right. ​

  • feat is for introducing a new feature
  • fix is for bug fixes
  • docs for documentation only changes
  • style is for code formatting only
  • refactor is for changes to code which should not be detectable by users or testers
  • perf is for a code change that improves performance
  • test is for changes which only touch test files or related tooling
  • build is for changes which only touch our develop/release tools
  • ci is for changes to the continuous integration files and scripts
  • chore is for changes that don't modify code, like a version bump
  • revert is for reverting a previous commit

After the type and scope there should be a colon.

​ The "subject" of the commit follows. It should be a short indication of the change. The commit convention prefers that this is written in the present-imperative tense.

Branch Layout

All pull requests should be made against the develop branch. Commits to the main branch will trigger a release, so the main branch is always the code in the latest release.