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Chris McIntosh edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 6 revisions

1 - Branches in a Nutshell

  • Git stores data as snapshots
  • Branches are just pointers to a commit
  • git checkout -b <branch_name> creates and checkout the new branch
  • git branch <branch_name> creates the new branch
  • git log --decorate shows branch pointers
  • git checkout <branch_name> changes to the branch
  • git log --decorate --graph shows how history diverged
  • Branches are a file with the 41 bytes of the SHA-1 that it points to

2 - Branching and Merging

  • Create and checkout a new branch
  • Add a commit
  • git merge <branch> Merges the branch to the current branch
    • For instance if you are currently on master and you merge a branch, you will merge those commits on top of master
  • fast-forward means the commit you are merging has the current commit in its history, so you can simply update the pointer
  • git branch -d <branch name> deletes the branch locally
  • recursive merge happens when you can't fast-forward
    • Starts at the nearest common ancestor
    • creates a new snapshot with the merge
    • Does a simple three way merge
  • Merge conflicts
    • Git pauses the merge process when it can't auto merge
    • git status will list the unmerged paths that need to be manually merged
    • Adds standard conflict-resolution markers to the merge conflicts
    • HEAD: means the top of the branch you are merging too
      • Often the HEAD of master
    • : means the data in the file you are merging from, so the feature branch
    • After the conflict is fixed, remove the conflict-resolution lines, including the ='s
    • git mergetool starts a graphical merge tool
      • Need to set the merge.tool config option to pick the merge tool you prefer, though it will default to something usually
    • git commit finally to merge the fix, no comment is needed

3 - Branch Management

  • git branch lists all current branches
    • * points to the current branch
  • git branch -v shows the last commit on each branch
  • git branch --merged and git branch --no-merged will filter the branches to those that are or are not merged to the current branch
  • Deleting branches that have not been merged will result in an error message that you can override with a -D command
  • git branch <--merged|--no-merged> <branch name> will show you the status for branches other than the current one

4 - Branching Workflows

  • Three way merging allows long lived branches without overhead
    • IE Master, Develop, Next, etc branches for release management
  • Most all work should be in short lived topic branches
  • These are only local until you push them to the server

5 - Remote Branches

  • git ls-remote <remote> or git remote show <remote> lists all the references in the remote
    • branches
    • tags
    • etc?
  • <remote>/<reference> refers to the remote reference, go figure
  • git clone -o <remote name> will clone and name the remote instead of defaulting to origin
  • git fetch <remote> grabs the remote info, not necessarily only the origin
  • git push <remote> <branch>
    • this is a shortcut for git push <remote> refs/heads/<branch>:refs/heads/<branch>
  • git push <remote> <branch>:<branch> does the same thing
  • git config --global credential.helper cache sets up caching for your https username/password
  • After a git fetch <remote> gets you a server branch, you don't necessarily have it locally
    • You need to do a git checkout -b <branch> origin/<branch> to get a local editable branch
  • git checkout -b <branch> <remote>/<branch> sets up tracking against the remote
  • git checkout --track <remote>/<branch> is shorthand for this
  • Even better, git checkout <branch> automatically starts tracking if
    • The local branch doesn't exist
    • The local branch name exactly matches the remote branch name
  • git branch -u <remote>/<branch> sets up tracking for a local branch you are in
  • @{u} or '@{upstream}is an alias to/`
    • For example git merge @{u} instead of git merge origin/master
  • git branch -vv lists all branches and their tracking
  • git pull is an alias to git fetch; git merge
  • git push <remote> --delete <branch> delete the branch from the remote .

6 - Rebasing

  • Rebasing allows you to take all of your commits from one branch and replay them on top of another branch
  • The simple example is when two branches have diverged, you can apply one branch on top of the other to get its history
  • Rebasing does not have a merge snapshot added to the history
  • git rebase --onto <branch1> <branch2> <branch3>
    • Rebases branch3's commits and the common commits from branch2 onto branch1
    • Use case for this is if you branched a feature branch off of master, then branched a feature branch off of the feature branch, and only want the second feature branch onto master (which will need to take any commits in the first feature branch with it)
    • This will allow the first feature branch to stay separate as much as possible while getting the second feature branch onto master
  • git rebase <base branch> <feature branch> replays the feature branch onto the base branch
  • Only rebase local work, work that is pushed to the server and used by collaborators shouldn't be rebased, it gets ugly
  • git pull --rebase will automatically try and fix when a collaborator has rebased your commits
  • Rebase rewrites history, Merge shows exactly what happened. Up to your team to decide what you want your history to show (where rebasing is applicable)

7 - Summary

  • Useful Commands
    • git checkout -b <branch_name>`
    • git branch <branch_name>
    • git checkout <branch_name>
    • git log --decorate --graph
    • git merge <branch>
    • git branch -d <branch name>
    • git branch
    • git branch <--merged|--no-merged> <branch name>
    • git ls-remote <remote>
    • git fetch <remote>
    • git push <remote> <branch>
    • git merge @{u}
    • git rebase --onto <branch1> <branch2> <branch3>