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Image Source: COCO2017


PP-TinyPose is a real-time keypoint detection model optimized by PaddleDetecion for mobile devices, which can smoothly run multi-person pose estimation tasks on mobile devices. With the excellent self-developed lightweight detection model PicoDet, we also provide a lightweight pedestrian detection model. PP-TinyPose has the following dependency requirements:

If you want to deploy it on the mobile devives, you also need:

Deployment Case

  • Android Fitness Demo based on PP-TinyPose, which efficiently implements fitness calibration and counting.
  • Welcome to scan the QR code for quick experience.

Model Zoo

Keypoint Detection Model

Model Input Size AP (COCO Val) Inference Time for Single Person (FP32) Inference Time for Single Person(FP16) Config Model Weights Deployment Model Paddle-Lite Model(FP32) Paddle-Lite Model(FP16)
PP-TinyPose 128*96 58.1 4.57ms 3.27ms Config Model Deployment Model Lite Model Lite Model(FP16)
PP-TinyPose 256*192 68.8 14.07ms 8.33ms Config Model Deployment Model Lite Model Lite Model(FP16)

Pedestrian Detection Model

Model Input Size mAP (COCO Val) Average Inference Time (FP32) Average Inference Time (FP16) Config Model Weights Deployment Model Paddle-Lite Model(FP32) Paddle-Lite Model(FP16)
PicoDet-S-Pedestrian 192*192 29.0 4.30ms 2.37ms Config Model Deployment Model Lite Model Lite Model(FP16)
PicoDet-S-Pedestrian 320*320 38.5 10.26ms 6.30ms Config Model Deployment Model Lite Model Lite Model(FP16)


  • The keypoint detection model and pedestrian detection model are both trained on COCO train2017 and AI Challenger trainset. The keypoint detection model is evaluated on COCO person keypoints val2017, and the pedestrian detection model is evaluated on COCO instances val2017.
  • The AP results of keypoint detection models are based on bounding boxes in GroundTruth.
  • Both keypoint detection model and pedestrian detection model are trained in a 4-GPU environment. In practice, if number of GPUs or batch size need to be changed according to the training environment, you should refer to FAQ to adjust the learning rate.
  • The inference time is tested on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 865, with 4 threads at arm8.

Pipeline Performance

Model for Single-Pose AP (COCO Val Single-Person) Time for Single Person(FP32) Time for Single Person(FP16)
PicoDet-S-Pedestrian-192*192 + PP-TinyPose-128*96 51.8 11.72 ms 8.18 ms
Other opensource model-192*192 22.3 12.0 ms -
Model for Multi-Pose AP (COCO Val Multi-Persons) Time for Six Persons(FP32) Time for Six Persons(FP16)
PicoDet-S-Pedestrian-320*320 + PP-TinyPose-128*96 50.3 44.0 ms 32.57 ms
Other opensource model-256*256 39.4 51.0 ms -


  • The AP results of keypoint detection models are based on bounding boxes detected by corresponding detection model.
  • In accuracy evaluation, there is no flip, and threshold of bounding boxes is set to 0.5.
  • For fairness, in multi-persons test, we remove images with more than 6 people.
  • The inference time is tested on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 865, with 4 threads at arm8, FP32.
  • Pipeline time includes time for preprocess, inferece and postprocess.
  • About the deployment and testing for other opensource model, please refer to Here.
  • For more performance data in other runtime environment, please refer to Keypoint Inference Benchmark.

Model Training

In addition to COCO, the trainset for keypoint detection model and pedestrian detection model also includes AI Challenger. Keypoints of each dataset are defined as follows:

COCO keypoint Description:
    0: "Nose",
    1: "Left Eye",
    2: "Right Eye",
    3: "Left Ear",
    4: "Right Ear",
    5: "Left Shoulder,
    6: "Right Shoulder",
    7: "Left Elbow",
    8: "Right Elbow",
    9: "Left Wrist",
    10: "Right Wrist",
    11: "Left Hip",
    12: "Right Hip",
    13: "Left Knee",
    14: "Right Knee",
    15: "Left Ankle",
    16: "Right Ankle"

AI Challenger Description:
    0: "Right Shoulder",
    1: "Right Elbow",
    2: "Right Wrist",
    3: "Left Shoulder",
    4: "Left Elbow",
    5: "Left Wrist",
    6: "Right Hip",
    7: "Right Knee",
    8: "Right Ankle",
    9: "Left Hip",
    10: "Left Knee",
    11: "Left Ankle",
    12: "Head top",
    13: "Neck"

Since the annatation format of these two datasets are different, we aligned their annotations to COCO format. You can download Training List and put it at dataset/. To align these two datasets, we mainly did the following works:

  • Align the indexes of the AI Challenger keypoint to be consistent with COCO and unify the flags whether the keypoint is labeled/visible.
  • Discard the unique keypoints in AI Challenger. For keypoints not in this dataset but in COCO, set it to not labeled.
  • Rearranged image_id and annotation id.

Training with merged annotation file converted to COCO format:

# keypoint detection model
python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch tools/ -c configs/keypoint/tiny_pose/tinypose_128x96.yml

# pedestrian detection model
python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch tools/ -c configs/picodet/application/pedestrian_detection/picodet_s_320_pedestrian.yml

Model Deployment

Deploy Inference

  1. Export the trained model through the following command:
python3 tools/ -c configs/picodet/application/pedestrian_detection/picodet_s_192_pedestrian.yml --output_dir=outut_inference -o weights=output/picodet_s_192_pedestrian/model_final

python3 tools/ -c configs/keypoint/tiny_pose/tinypose_128x96.yml --output_dir=outut_inference -o weights=output/tinypose_128x96/model_final

The exported model looks as:

├── infer_cfg.yml
├── model.pdiparams
└── model.pdmodel

You can also download Deployment Model from Model Zoo directly. And obtain the deployment models of pedestrian detection model and keypoint detection model, then unzip them.

  1. Python joint inference by detection and keypoint
# inference for one image
python3 deploy/python/ --det_model_dir=output_inference/picodet_s_320_pedestrian --keypoint_model_dir=output_inference/tinypose_128x96 --image_file={your image file} --device=GPU

# inference for several images
python3 deploy/python/ --det_model_dir=output_inference/picodet_s_320_pedestrian --keypoint_model_dir=output_inference/tinypose_128x96 --image_dir={dir of image file} --device=GPU

# inference for a video
python3 deploy/python/ --det_model_dir=output_inference/picodet_s_320_pedestrian --keypoint_model_dir=output_inference/tinypose_128x96 --video_file={your video file} --device=GPU
  1. C++ joint inference by detection and keypoint
  • First, please refer to C++ Deploy Inference, prepare the corresponding paddle_inference library and related dependencies according to your environment.
  • We provide Compile Script. You can fill the location of the relevant environment variables in this script and excute it to compile the above codes. you can get an executable file. Please ensure WITH_KEYPOINT=ON during this process.
  • After compilation, you can do inference like:
# inference for one image
./build/main --model_dir=output_inference/picodet_s_320_pedestrian --model_dir_keypoint=output_inference/tinypose_128x96 --image_file={your image file} --device=GPU

# inference for several images
./build/main --model_dir=output_inference/picodet_s_320_pedestrian --model_dir_keypoint=output_inference/tinypose_128x96 --image_dir={dir of image file} --device=GPU

# inference for a video
./build/main --model_dir=output_inference/picodet_s_320_pedestrian --model_dir_keypoint=output_inference/tinypose_128x96 --video_file={your video file} --device=GPU

Deployment on Mobile Devices

Deploy directly using models we provide

  1. Download Lite Model from Model Zoo directly. And get the .nb format files of pedestrian detection model and keypoint detection model.
  2. Prepare environment for Paddle-Lite, you can obtain precompiled libraries from PaddleLite Precompiled Libraries. If FP16 is needed, you should download Precompiled Libraries for FP16.
  3. Compile the code to run models. The detail can be seen in Paddle-Lite Deployment on Mobile Devices.

Deployment self-trained models on Mobile Devices

If you want to deploy self-trained models, you can refer to the following steps:

  1. Export the trained model
python3 tools/ -c configs/picodet/application/pedestrian_detection/picodet_s_192_pedestrian.yml --output_dir=outut_inference -o weights=output/picodet_s_192_pedestrian/model_final TestReader.fuse_normalize=true

python3 tools/ -c configs/keypoint/tiny_pose/tinypose_128x96.yml --output_dir=outut_inference -o weights=output/tinypose_128x96/model_final TestReader.fuse_normalize=true
  1. Convert to Lite Model(rely on Paddle-Lite)
  • Install Paddle-Lite:
pip install paddlelite
  • Run the following commands to obtain .nb format models of Paddle-Lite:
# 1. Convert pedestrian detection model
# FP32
paddle_lite_opt --model_dir=inference_model/picodet_s_192_pedestrian --valid_targets=arm --optimize_out=picodet_s_192_pedestrian_fp32
# FP16
paddle_lite_opt --model_dir=inference_model/picodet_s_192_pedestrian --valid_targets=arm --optimize_out=picodet_s_192_pedestrian_fp16 --enable_fp16=true

# 2. keypoint detection model
# FP32
paddle_lite_opt --model_dir=inference_model/tinypose_128x96 --valid_targets=arm --optimize_out=tinypose_128x96_fp32
# FP16
paddle_lite_opt --model_dir=inference_model/tinypose_128x96 --valid_targets=arm --optimize_out=tinypose_128x96_fp16 --enable_fp16=true
  1. Compile the code to run models. The detail can be seen in Paddle-Lite Deployment on Mobile Devices.

We provide Example Code including data preprocessing, inferece and postpreocess. You can modify the codes according to your actual needs.


  • Add TestReader.fuse_normalize=true during the step of exporting model. The Normalize operation for the image will be executed in the model, which can achieve acceleration.
  • With FP16, we can get a faster inference speed. If you want to deploy the FP16 model, in addition to the model conversion step, you also need to compile the Paddle-Lite prediction library that supports FP16. The detail is in Paddle Lite Deployment on ARM CPU.

Optimization Strategies

TinyPose adopts the following strategies to balance the speed and accuracy of the model:

  • Lightweight backbone network for pose estimation, wider naive Lite-HRNet.
  • Smaller input size.
  • Distribution-Aware coordinate Representation of Keypoints (DARK), which can improve the accuracy of the model under the low-resolution heatmap.
  • Unbiased Data Processing (UDP).
  • Augmentation by Information Dropping (AID).
  • FP16 inference.