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kibble - brain food for kittens

Tutorials, presentations and what-nots.

##Read this first

Working with the Kibble repository won't be the same as with litterbox. You don't have an access to directly push your changes to kibble. It's not that we don't like you anymore -- we do! -- we just want to make you comfortable with a differend kind of a workflow.

Suggested reading: GitHub flow

##Set up your kibble It's really simple. Ok, maybe it's not that simple, but you can do it.

###First time only - fork and clone the kibble

  1. Fork this repository (repo) by clicking the Fork button (hint: opposite of the repo's name)
  2. Copy the clone url of your repo (you can find it in the right sidebar)
  3. Open a terminal, move to the folder with your projects (let's keep your work organized) and clone the repo.

Make sure you clone your own forked repository, not this one.

  1. Go to the kibble folder (it's created by cloning) and list all remotes linked to you forked repository:
git remote -v

You should see only something like this:

origin  https:/<YOUR USERNAME>/kibble.git (fetch)
origin  https:/<YOUR USERNAME>/kibble.git (push)

5. Add a remote for this CodeCatz kibble by typing:

git remote add upstream https:/CodeCatz/kibble.git

This will add a link with a name upstream to the original repo you forked from.
6. Verify new remote:

git remote -v

You should see additional two rows:

origin https://kibble.git (fetch) origin https://kibble.git (push) upstream https:/CodeCatz/kibble.git (fetch) upstream https:/CodeCatz/kibble.git (push)

You are all set and can go prepare materials for your presentation/tutorial. Check next section on where to put your materials.

###Any other time: preparing new kibble materials and sharing it with others

1. Open a terminal, move to the kibble folder
2. check if *topic folder* exists (e.g. jQuery, php, django), if not *create it*
3. inside the topic folder create a _new folder_ for your presentation in following format _year-month-day-keywords_ (see example below)
4. put your files in the folder you created
5. create/edit in the topic folder and add a short description about your kibble
5. commit and push to *your* forked repository
6. create a pull request to push to this repository

Example of directory structure:

/kibble /jQuery /2013-08-28-jquery-basics /php /2013-09-04-php-forms ...

##Weekly presentations
Every week we'll have a short presentation (or more) on something we want to learn about: a functionality, library, tips and tricks...

###kibble 21.08.2013
- [x] [@pijab](https:/pijab): complicator
- [x] [@ialja](https:/ialja): complicator - validating user input in forms

###kibble 28.8.2013
- [x] [@ashocka](https:/ashocka): introduction to jQuery
- [x] [@sparkica](https:/sparkica): form validation with jQuery

###kibble 04.09.2013
- [x] [@lumeaa](https:/lumeaa): basics of UX

###kibble 11.09.2013
- [x] [@betmenka](https:/betmenka): RMA

###kibble 18.09.2013
- [x] [@ialja](https:/ialja): static website generators and GitHub pages

###kibble 23.10.2013
- [x] [@mr_foto](https:/mr_foto): Git Branches
- [x] [@sparkica] (https:/sparkica): Python and JSON

###kibble 29.10.2013
- [ ] [@goranche] (https:/goranche): Node.js and JSON
- [ ] [nina]: Project presentation
- [ ] [@Fibiola] (https:/Fibiola): Rock, paper, scissors, Spock, Lizzard - update
- [ ] [@ashocka] (https:/ashocka) Semantic Grid System and responsive design

#Required reading
- [Syncing a fork](