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283 lines (216 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

283 lines (216 loc) · 10.7 KB


Changelog is moved to datasource-proxy User Guide(Current). (Snapshot documentation is here)


  • QueryLoggingListeners(Commons, SLF4J, JUL) added overridable loggingCondition callback(boolean supplier) that simply decides whether to skip entire logging logic based on the current log level set on its logger.
    e.g.: when SLF4JQueryLoggingListener writes SQL in DEBUG level, but the logger is set to INFO(more serious than DEBUG), then it will NOT perform logging logic including constructing log statement, etc.

  • Proxying ResultSet is refactored to align how other proxies are managed.
    Also, existing resultset-proxy is renamed to RepeatableReadResultSetProxyLogic.
    As part of refactoring, ResultSetProxyJdbcProxyFactory is removed.
    To enable proxying ResultSet, ProxyDataSourceBuilder now has #proxyResultSet() and #repeatableReadResultSet() methods.

      // before
      builder.jdbcProxyFactory(new ResultSetProxyJdbcProxyFactory()).build();
      // new
      builder.repeatableReadResultSet().build();  // or
      builder.proxyResultSet(new RepeatableReadResultSetProxyFactory()).build();
  • ProxyConfig is added to represent all proxy related configurations (datasource name, listeners, proxy factory, connection id manager). All values on InterceptorHolder are moved to ProxyConfig and InterceptorHolder class is removed.

  • MethodExecutionListener is added.
    MethodExecutionListener is a new type of listener that intercepts JDBC API calls:

    • Connection, Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement: All methods
    • ResultSet: All methods when result set proxy is enabled. (ProxyDataSourceBuilder#[proxyResultSet()|repeatableReadResultSet()])
    • ProxyDataSource: getConnection() method

    listeners can be registered via ProxyDataSourceBuilder#methodListener().

  • ProxyDataSourceBuilder has added beforeMethod(), afterMethod(), beforeQuery(), and afterQuery() methods.
    These methods help inlining listener definitions especially with Java8 Lambda expression.

        .proxyResultSet()  // apply listener on resultset
        // register MethodExecutionListener
        .afterMethod(executionContext -> {
            Method method = executionContext.getMethod();
            Class<?> targetClass = executionContext.getTarget().getClass();
            System.out.println(targetClass.getSimpleName() + "#" + method.getName());
        // register QueryExecutionListener
        .afterQuery((execInfo, queryInfoList) -> {
            System.out.println("Query took " + execInfo.getElapsedTime() + "msec");

    sample output:

      # code:
      Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
      PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)");
      ps.setString(2, "FOO");
      ps.setInt(1, 3);
      ps.setInt(1, 4);
      ps.setString(2, "BAR");
      # output:
      Query took 1msec


  • Assign connection ID on each connection
    When a connection is obtained from DataSource(DataSource.getConnection()), sequentially increasing unique number is assigned as its connection ID. (default implementation: DefaultConnectionIdManager)
    The connection ID is printed as Connection in logging.

  • Remove methods that don't take dataSourceName on JdbcProxyFactory
    Instead, you need to specify null, empty String, or datasource name to the dataSourceName parameter. Following methods are removed:

    • Connection createConnection(Connection connection, InterceptorHolder interceptorHolder);
    • Statement createStatement(Statement statement, InterceptorHolder interceptorHolder);
    • PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, String query, InterceptorHolder interceptorHolder);
  • DataSourceQueryCountListener now takes a strategy to resolve QueryCount.
    Default uses ThreadQueryCountHolder that uses thread local to hold QueryCount. This behaves same as before that the QueryCount holds per request counts(servlet request-response lifecycle).
    SingleQueryCountHolder uses single instance to hold count values. Therefore, this holds total accumulated values from all threads.

  • Update SlowQueryListener to use daemon threads as default. It is configurable by SlowQueryListener#setUseDaemonThread method.


  • Add setLog/setLogger to {Commons|SLF4J|JUL}QueryLoggingListener to allow users to set custom logger.
    Also added getters as well.

  • Update ~QueryCountLoggingServletFilter to allow configuring logger by name

  • Add query count logging implementation for JUL(Java Util Logging)

    • JULQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor
    • JULQueryCountLoggingRequestListener
    • JULQueryCountLoggingServletFilter
  • Fix writing log with null in parameter set methods. (e.g: setString(1, null); )

  • Add SlowQueryListener that triggers callback method when query takes longer than specified threshold time.
    Also, added slow query logging listeners:

    • CommonsSlowQueryListener
    • JULSlowQueryListener
    • SLF4JSlowQueryListener
    • SystemOutSlowQueryListener

    In ProxyDataSourceBuilder, these methods are added:

    • logSlowQueryByCommons()
    • logSlowQueryByJUL()
    • logSlowQueryBySlf4j()
    • logSlowQueryToSysOut()
  • Add support to easily apply formatters on each query for logging.
    DefaultQueryLogEntryCreator#formatQuery() method has added.
    Subclass can override this method to provides formatted query.

    Example with BasicFormatterImpl in Hibernate.

      // set this instance to logging listeners
      public class PrettyQueryEntryCreator extends DefaultQueryLogEntryCreator {
        private Formatter formatter = FormatStyle.BASIC.getFormatter();  // from hibernate
        protected String formatQuery(String query) {
          return this.formatter.format(query);
  • Add multiline output support for query logging.
    DefaultQueryLogEntryCreator now has setMultiline() method, and ProxyDataSourceBuilder also has added multiline() method.
    When multiline is enabled, logged query entries become multi lined.

    sample log output:

      Name:MyDS, Time:0, Success:True
      Type:Prepared, Batch:True, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:2 
      Query:["INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"] 

    set up with builder:

      DataSource dataSource = 
              .logSlowQueryByCommons(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
              .multiline()   // applies to both query logger and slow query logger
  • Deprecate {Commons|SLF4J|JUL}QueryLoggingListener#resetLogger() methods.
    Use newly added setLog(String) or setLogger(String) method instead.


  • Move logging related listeners to sub package

    • from net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener to net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener.logging
  • classes for logging entry creation has been updated

    • QueryLogEntryCreator#getLogEntryAsJson has removed.
    • JSON style log entry creators is pulled up to DefaultJsonQueryLogEntryCreator
    • To use JSON style logging, you can set the QueryLogEntryCreator to [Commons|SLF4J|JUL|SystemOut]QueryLoggingListener#setQueryLogEntryCreator()
    • OracleOutputParameterLogEntryCreator has been split to OutputParameterLogEntryCreator and OutputParameterJsonLogEntryCreator
  • DefaultQueryLogEntryCreator#writeParamsForSingleEntry() has split to writeParamsEntryForSinglePreparedEntry() and writeParamsForSingleCallableEntry()

  • Do not include parameter index for logging prepared statement.


    ..., Params:[(1=10,2=foo),(1=20,2=bar)]
    ..., Params:[(1=30,2=FOO),(1=40,2=BAR)]
    ..., "params":[{"1":"10","2":"foo"},{"1":"20","2":"bar"}]}
    ..., "params":[{"1":"30","2":"FOO"},{"1":"40","2":"BAR"}]}


    ..., Params:[(10,foo),(20,bar)]
    ..., Params:[(30,FOO),(40,BAR)]
    ..., "params":[["10","foo"],["20","bar"]]}
    ..., "params":[["30","FOO"],["40","BAR"]]}
  • Add JULQueryLoggingListener which uses JUL(Java Utils Logging) to log executed queries

  • Update logging for setNull and registerOutParameter to include sqltype e.g.: NULL(VARCHAR), OUTPUT(VARCHAR[12])

  • ResultSetProxyJdbcProxyFactory to create a proxy ResultSet that can be consumed more than once. Thanks Liam Williams for this contribution!!

  • QueryExecutionListener receives same instance of ExecutionInfo in beforeQuery and afterQuery methods


  • update DefaultQueryLogEntryCreator to allow subclasses to override log entry details


  • add CommonsOracleOutputParameterLoggingListener
  • add new listener for oracle to log output params. CommonsOracleOutputParameterLoggingListener


  • make logger name configurable in CommonsQueryLoggingListener and SLF4JQueryLoggingListener
  • setNull and registerOutParameter receives descriptive string value in QueryInfo#getQueryArgsList (temporal implementation)
  • ExecutionInfo will have access to the statement/prepared/callable object used by the execution


  • update minimum jdk to java6+

  • add java8 new jdbc API (JDBC 4.2)

  • new JNDI support class: ProxyDataSourceObjectFactory

  • new fluent API builder: ProxyDataSourceBuilder

  • logging:

    • update log format
    • add json format
    • more entries: statement-type, batch, batch-size
    • new logger for System.Out
  • change metric names:
    call => total, elapsedTime => time, added success, failure, etc.

  • rename ~QueryCountLoggingFilter to ~QueryCountServletFilter

  • remove deprecated methods


  • fixed prepared statement getting already executed queries in listener (Issue #9)


  • QueryTransformer and ParameterTransformer for query and parameter replacement