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IBC interfaces for CosmWasm contracts

If you import cosmwasm-std with the stargate feature flag, it will expose a number of IBC-related functionality. This requires that the host chain is running an IBC-enabled version of x/wasmd, that is v0.16.0 or higher. You will get an error when you upload the contract if the chain doesn't support this functionality.

Sending Tokens via ICS20

There are two ways to use IBC. The simplest one, available to all contracts, is simply to send tokens to another chain on a pre-established ICS20 channel. ICS20 is the protocol that is used to move fungible tokens between Cosmos blockchains. To this end, we expose a new CosmosMsg::Ibc(IbcMsg::Transfer{}) message variant that works similar to CosmosMsg::Bank(BankMsg::Send{}), but with a few extra fields:

pub enum IbcMsg {
    /// Sends bank tokens owned by the contract to the given address on another chain.
    /// The channel must already be established between the ibctransfer module on this chain
    /// and a matching module on the remote chain.
    /// We cannot select the port_id, this is whatever the local chain has bound the ibctransfer
    /// module to.
    Transfer {
        /// existing channel to send the tokens over
        channel_id: String,
        /// address on the remote chain to receive these tokens
        to_address: String,
        /// packet data only supports one coin
        /// https:/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.40.0/proto/ibc/applications/transfer/v1/transfer.proto#L11-L20
        amount: Coin,
        /// when packet times out, measured on remote chain
        timeout: IbcTimeout,

/// In IBC each package must set at least one type of timeout:
/// the timestamp or the block height. Using this rather complex enum instead of
/// two timeout fields we ensure that at least one timeout is set.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct IbcTimeout {
    block: Option<IbcTimeoutBlock>,
    timestamp: Option<Timestamp>,

Note the to_address is likely not a valid Addr, as it uses the bech32 prefix of the receiving chain. In addition to the info you need in BankMsg::Send, you need to define the channel to send upon as well as a timeout specified either in block height or block time (or both). If the packet is not relayed before the timeout passes (measured on the receiving chain), you can request your tokens back.

Writing New Protocols

However, we go beyond simply using existing IBC protocols, and allow you to implement your own ICS protocols inside the contract. A good example to understand this is the cw20-ics20 contract included in the cosmwasm-plus repo. This contract speaks the ics20-1 protocol to an external blockchain just as if it were the ibctransfer module in Go. However, we can implement any logic we want there and even hot-load it on a running blockchain.

This particular contract above accepts cw20 tokens and sends those to a remote chain, as well as receiving the tokens back and releasing the original cw20 token to a new owner. It does not (yet) allow minting coins originating from the remote chain. I recommend opening up the source code for that contract and referring to it when you want a concrete example for anything discussed below.

In order to enable IBC communication, a contract must expose the following 6 entry points. Upon detecting such an "IBC-Enabled" contract, the x/wasm runtime will automatically bind a port for this contract (wasm.<contract-address>), which allows a relayer to create channels between this contract and another chain. Once channels are created, the contract will process all packets and receipts.

Channel Lifecycle

You should first familiarize yourself with the 4 step channel handshake protocol from the IBC spec. After realizing that it was 2 slight variants of 2 steps, we simplified the interface for the contracts. Each side will receive 2 calls to establish a new channel, and returning an error in any of the steps will abort the handshake. Below we will refer to the chains as A and B - A is where the handshake initialized at.

Channel Open

The first step of a handshake on either chain is ibc_channel_open, which combines ChanOpenInit and ChanOpenTry from the spec. The only valid action of the contract is to accept the channel or reject it. This is generally based on the ordering and version in the IbcChannel information, but you could enforce other constraints as well:

/// enforces ordering and versioning constraints
pub fn ibc_channel_open(deps: DepsMut, env: Env, msg: IbcChannelOpenMsg) -> StdResult<()> { }

This is the IbcChannel structure used heavily in the handshake process:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct IbcChannel {
    pub endpoint: IbcEndpoint,
    pub counterparty_endpoint: IbcEndpoint,
    pub order: IbcOrder,
    pub version: String,
    /// CounterpartyVersion can be None when not known this context, yet
    pub counterparty_version: Option<String>,
    /// The connection upon which this channel was created. If this is a multi-hop
    /// channel, we only expose the first hop.
    pub connection_id: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct IbcEndpoint {
    pub port_id: String,
    pub channel_id: String,

This IbcChannel value has to be wrapped in the IbcChannelOpenMsg type.

let msg = IbcChannelOpenMsg::new_init(channel);
// or
let msg = IbcChannelOpenMsg::new_try(channel, counterparty_version);

Note that neither counterparty_version nor counterparty_endpoint is set in ibc_channel_open for chain A. Chain B should enforce any counterparty_version constraints in ibc_channel_open. Chain A must enforce counterparty_version or counterparty_endpoint restrictions in ibc_channel_connect.

(Just test if the counterparty_version field is Some(x) in both calls and then enforce the counterparty restrictions if set. That will check these once at the proper place for both chain A and chain B).

You should save any state only in ibc_channel_connect once the channel has been approved by the remote side.

Channel Connect

Once both sides have returned Ok() to ibc_channel_open, we move onto the second step of the handshake, which is equivalent to ChanOpenAck and ChanOpenConfirm from the spec:

/// once it's established, we may take some setup action
pub fn ibc_channel_connect(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    msg: IbcChannelConnectMsg,
) -> StdResult<IbcBasicResponse> { }

At this point, it is expected that the contract updates its internal state and may return CosmosMsg in the Response to interact with other contracts, just like in execute. In particular, you will most likely want to store the local channel_id (channel.endpoint.channel_id) in the contract's storage, so it knows what open channels it has (and can expose those via queries or maintain state for each one).

Once this has been called, you may expect to send and receive any number of packets with the contract. The packets will only stop once the channel is closed (which may never happen).

Channel Close

A contract may request to close a channel that belongs to it via the following CosmosMsg::Ibc:

pub enum IbcMsg {
    /// This will close an existing channel that is owned by this contract.
    /// Port is auto-assigned to the contract's IBC port
    CloseChannel { channel_id: String },

Once a channel is closed, whether due to an IBC error, at our request, or at the request of the other side, the following callback is made on the contract, which allows it to take appropriate cleanup action:

pub fn ibc_channel_close(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    msg: IbcChannelCloseMsg,
) -> StdResult<IbcBasicResponse> { }

Packet Lifecycle

Unfortunately the IBC spec on Packet Lifecycle is missing all useful diagrams, but it may provide some theoretical background for this text if you wish to look.

In short, IBC allows us to send packets from chain A to chain B and get a response from them. The first step is the contract/module in chain A requesting to send a packet. This is then relayed to chain B, where it "receives" the packet and calculates an "acknowledgement" (which may contain a success result or an error message, as opaque bytes to be interpreted by the sending contract). The acknowledgement is then relayed back to chain A, completing the cycle.

In some cases, the packet may never be delivered, and if it is proven not to be delivered before the timeout, this can abort the packet, calling the "timeout" handler on chain A. In this case, chain A sends and later gets "timeout". No "receive" nor "acknowledgement" callbacks are ever executed.

Sending a Packet

In order to send a packet, a contract can simply return IbcMsg::SendPacket along with the channel over which to send the packet (which you saved in ibc_channel_connect), as well as opaque data bytes to be interpreted by the other side. You must also return a timeout either as block height or block time of the remote chain, just like in the ICS20 Transfer messages above:

pub enum IbcMsg {
    /// Sends an IBC packet with given data over the existing channel.
    /// Data should be encoded in a format defined by the channel version,
    /// and the module on the other side should know how to parse this.
    SendPacket {
        channel_id: String,
        data: Binary,
        /// when packet times out, measured on remote chain
        timeout: IbcTimeout,

For the content of the data field, we recommend that you model it on the format of ExecuteMsg (an enum with serde) and encode it via cosmwasm_std::to_binary(&packet_msg)?. This is the approach for a new protocol you develop with cosmwasm contracts. If you are working with an existing protocol, please read their spec and create the proper type along with JSON or Protobuf encoders for it as the protocol requires.

Receiving a Packet

After a contract on chain A sends a packet, it is generally processed by the contract on chain B on the other side of the channel. This is done by executing the following entry point on chain B:

pub fn ibc_packet_receive(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    msg: IbcPacketReceiveMsg,
) -> Result<IbcReceiveResponse, Never> {
    // ...

This is a very special entry point as it has a unique workflow. (Please see the Acknowledging Errors section below to understand it fully).

Also note the different return response here (IbcReceiveResponse rather than IbcBasicResponse). This is because it has an extra field acknowledgement: Binary, which must be filled out. All successful message must return an encoded Acknowledgement response in this field, that can be parsed by the sending chain.

The IbcPacket structure contains all information needed to process the receipt. This info has already been verified by the core IBC modules via light client and merkle proofs. It guarantees all metadata in the IbcPacket structure is valid, and the data field was written on the remote chain. Furthermore, it guarantees that the packet is processed at most once (zero times if it times out). Fields like dest.channel_id and sequence have a similar trust level to MessageInfo, which we use to authorize normal transactions. The data field should be treated like the ExecuteMsg data, which is only as valid as the entity that signed it.

You can generally ignore timeout_* (this entry point is only called if it hasn't yet timed out) and sequence (which is used by the IBC framework to avoid duplicates). I generally use dest.channel_id like info.sender to authenticate the packet, and parse data into a PacketMsg structure, using the same encoding rules as we discussed in the last section. After that you can process PacketMsg more or less like an ExecuteMsg, including calling into other contracts.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct IbcPacket {
    /// The raw data send from the other side in the packet
    pub data: Binary,
    /// identifies the channel and port on the sending chain.
    pub src: IbcEndpoint,
    /// identifies the channel and port on the receiving chain.
    pub dest: IbcEndpoint,
    /// The sequence number of the packet on the given channel
    pub sequence: u64,
    pub timeout: IbcTimeout,

IbcPacketReceiveMsg is currently a wrapper around IbcPacket.

Acknowledging Errors

A major issue that is unique to ibc_packet_receive is that it is expected to often reject an incoming packet, yet it cannot abort the transaction. We actually expect all state changes from the contract (as well as dispatched messages) to be reverted when the packet is rejected, but the transaction to properly commit an acknowledgement with encoded error. In other words, this "IBC Handler" will error and revert, but the "IBC Router" must succeed and commit an acknowledgement message (that can be parsed by the sending chain as an error).

The atomicity issue was first analyzed in the Cosmos SDK implementation and refined into changing semantics of the OnRecvPacket SDK method, which was implemented in April 2021, likely to be released with Cosmos SDK 0.43 or 0.44. Since we want the best, future-proof interface for contracts, we will use an approach inspired by that work, and add an adapter in wasmd until we can upgrade to a Cosmos SDK version that implements this.

After quite some discussion on how to encode the errors, we struggled to map this idea to the CosmWasm model. However, we also discovered a deep similarity between these requirements and the submessage semantics. It just requires some careful coding on the contract developer's side to not throw errors. This produced 3 suggestions on how to handle errors and rollbacks inside ibc_packet_receive

  1. If the message doesn't modify any state directly, you can simply put the logic in a closure, and capture errors, converting them into error acknowledgements. This would look something like the main dispatch loop in ibc-reflect:

    pub fn ibc_packet_receive(
        deps: DepsMut,
        _env: Env,
        msg: IbcPacketReceiveMsg,
    ) -> Result<IbcReceiveResponse, Never> {
        (|| {
            // which local channel did this packet come on
            let caller = packet.dest.channel_id;
            let msg: PacketMsg = from_slice(&;
            match msg {
                PacketMsg::Dispatch { msgs } => receive_dispatch(deps, caller, msgs),
                PacketMsg::WhoAmI {} => receive_who_am_i(deps, caller),
                PacketMsg::Balances {} => receive_balances(deps, caller),
        .or_else(|e| {
            // we try to capture all app-level errors and convert them into
            // acknowledgement packets that contain an error code.
            let acknowledgement = encode_ibc_error(format!("invalid packet: {}", e));
            Ok(IbcReceiveResponse {
                submessages: vec![],
                messages: vec![],
                attributes: vec![],
  2. If we modify state with an external call, we need to wrap it in a submessage and capture the error. This approach requires we use exactly one submessage. If we have multiple, we may commit #1 and rollback #2 (see example 3 for that case). The main point is moving messages to submessages and reformatting the error in reply. Note that if you set the field in reply it will override the acknowledgement returned from the parent call. (See bottom of reply section). You can see a similar example in how ibc-reflect handles receive_dispatch. Note how we use a unique reply ID for this and use that to catch any execution failure and return an error acknowledgement instead:

    fn receive_dispatch(
        deps: DepsMut,
        caller: String,
        msgs: Vec<CosmosMsg>,
    ) -> StdResult<IbcReceiveResponse> {
        // what is the reflect contract here
        let reflect_addr = accounts(;
        // let them know we're fine
        let acknowledgement = to_binary(&AcknowledgementMsg::<DispatchResponse>::Ok(()))?;
        // create the message to re-dispatch to the reflect contract
        let reflect_msg = ReflectExecuteMsg::ReflectMsg { msgs };
        let wasm_msg = wasm_execute(reflect_addr, &reflect_msg, vec![])?;
        // we wrap it in a submessage to properly report errors
        let sub_msg = SubMsg {
            id: RECEIVE_DISPATCH_ID,
            msg: wasm_msg.into(),
            gas_limit: None,
            reply_on: ReplyOn::Error,
        Ok(IbcReceiveResponse {
            submessages: vec![sub_msg],
            messages: vec![],
            attributes: vec![attr("action", "receive_dispatch")],
    pub fn reply(deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, reply: Reply) -> StdResult<Response> {
       match (, reply.result) {
          (RECEIVE_DISPATCH_ID, ContractResult::Err(err)) => Ok(Response {
             data: Some(encode_ibc_error(err)),
          (INIT_CALLBACK_ID, ContractResult::Ok(response)) => handle_init_callback(deps, response),
          _ => Err(StdError::generic_err("invalid reply id or result")),
  3. For a more complex case, where we are modifying local state and possibly sending multiple messages, we need to do a self-call via submessages. What I mean is that we create a new ExecuteMsg variant, which returns an error if called by anyone but the contract itself (if info.sender != env.contract.address { return Err() }). When receiving the IBC packet, we can create a submessage with ExecuteMsg::DoReceivePacket and any args we need to pass down.

    DoReceivePacket should return a proper acknowledgement payload on success. And return an error on failure, just like a normal execute call. However, here we capture both success and error cases in the reply handler (use ReplyOn::Always). For success, we return this data verbatim to be set as the packet acknowledgement, and for errors, we encode them as we did above. There is not any example code using this (yet), but it is just recombining pieces we already have. For clarity, the reply statement should look something like:

    pub fn reply(_deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, reply: Reply) -> StdResult<Response> {
        if != DO_IBC_RECEIVE_ID {
            return Err(StdError::generic_err("invalid reply id"));
        let data = match reply.result {
            ContractResult::Ok(response) =>,
            ContractResult::Err(err) => Some(encode_ibc_error(err)),
        Ok(Response {
Standard Acknowledgement Envelope

Although the ICS spec leave the actual acknowledgement as opaque bytes, it does provide a recommendation for the format you can use, allowing contracts to easily differentiate between success and error (and allow IBC explorers to label such packets without knowing every protocol).

It is defined as part of the ICS4 - Channel Spec.

message Acknowledgement {
  // response contains either a result or an error and must be non-empty
  oneof response {
    bytes  result = 21;
    string error  = 22;

Although it suggests this is a Protobuf object, the ICS spec doesn't define whether to encode it as JSON or Protobuf. In the ICS20 implementation, this is JSON encoded when returned from a contract. In ICS27, the authors are discussing using a Protobuf-encoded form of this structure.

Note that it leaves the actual success response as app-specific bytes where you can place anything, but does provide a standard way for an observer to check success-or-error. If you are designing a new protocol, I encourage you to use this struct in either of the encodings as the acknowledgement envelope.

You can find a CosmWasm-compatible definition of this format as part of the cw20-ics20 contract, along with JSON-encoding. Protobuf encoding version can be produced upon request.

Receiving an Acknowledgement

If chain B successfully received the packet (even if the contract returned an error message), chain A will eventually get an acknowledgement:

/// never should be called as we do not send packets
pub fn ibc_packet_ack(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    msg: IbcPacketAckMsg,
) -> StdResult<IbcBasicResponse> { }

The IbcAcknowledgement structure contains both the original packet that was sent as well as the acknowledgement bytes returned from executing the remote contract. You can use the original_packet to map it the proper handler (after parsing your custom data format), and parse the acknowledgement there, to determine how to respond:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct IbcAcknowledgement {
    pub acknowledgement: Binary,
    pub original_packet: IbcPacket,

On success, you will want to commit the pending state. For some contracts like cw20-ics20, you accept the tokens before sending the packet, so no need to commit any more state. On other contracts, you may want to store the data returned as part of the acknowledgement (like storing the remote address after calling "WhoAmI" in our simple ibc-reflect example.

On error, you will want to revert any state that was pending based on the packet. For example, in ics20, if the remote chain rejects the packet, we must return the funds to the original sender.

Handling Timeouts

If the packet was not received on chain B before the timeout, we can be certain that it will never be processed there. In such a case, a relayer can return a timeout proof to cancel the pending packet. In such a case the calling contract will never get ibc_packet_ack, but rather ibc_packet_timeout. One of the two calls will eventually get called for each packet that is sent as long as there is a functioning relayer. (In the absence of a functioning relayer, it will never get a response).

The timeout callback looks like this:

/// never should be called as we do not send packets
pub fn ibc_packet_timeout(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    msg: IbcPacketTimeoutMsg,
) -> StdResult<IbcBasicResponse> {}

It is generally handled just like the error case in ibc_packet_ack, reverting the state change from sending the packet (eg. if we send tokens over ICS20, both an ack failure as well as a timeout will return those tokens to the original sender. In fact they both dispatch to the same on_packet_failure function).

Note that like ibc_packet_ack, we get the original packet we sent, which must contain all information needed to revert itself. Thus the ICS20 packet contains the original sender address, even though that is unimportant in the receiving chain.