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Supporting code and data for the ASIACRYPT 2021 paper "Convexity of division property transitions: theory, algorithms and compact models"


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ASIACRYPT 2021: Convexity of division property transitions: theory, algorithms and compact models

Supporting code for the ASIACRYPT 2021 paper by Aleksei Udovenko

Convexity of division property transitions and CNF/MILP modeling of large S-boxes.

Full version can be found on eprint.


  • Can be run on pypy3 or python3 of recent versions (including SageMath).
  • It is recommended to set up a virtual environment (venv).
  • It is recommended to update pip with pip install -U pip.

Install swig and OpenMP using system package manager:

apt install swig libomp-dev  # ubuntu

(optional) Create virtual environment:

pypy3 -m venv .venv/pypy3
. .venv/pypy3/bin/activate

Install packages (later will be available from PyPI):

pip install packages/justlogs packages/hackycpp packages/optisolveapi
pip install packages/subsets
pip install packages/divprop

Reproducing results from the paper

Division convex sets sizes for various S-boxes (Table 1)

python scripts/  # (verbose)
python scripts/ >/dev/null  # (latex source of the table)

To include super-sboxes, run beforehand

# equiv. to
# make ssb

# fast (one key)
python ./scripts/ SSB_ZEROKEY_LED
python ./scripts/ SSB_ZEROKEY_SKINNY64

# slow
python ./scripts/ SSB_SKINNY64
python ./scripts/ SSB_LED
python ./scripts/ SSB_MIDORI64

Note: it takes quite some time (up to a day per full Super-Sbox), however the final division core is reached after processing a few chunks (a couple of minutes). For experiments, it should be safe to stop each super-sbox after, say, 1024 keys (8 x 128 chunks).

LED trail search

Note: requires GNU parallel to be installed, and runs in 4 threads.

Note: May consume significant amount of RAM on the first run (afterwards, the division core is cached). Reduce the number of threads in the Makefile if needed.

Takes about 16 hours on a 4-core/8-threads Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU.

Requires kissat solver installed.

mkdir .cache  # to enable cache of super-sbox data (optional)
make LED

The final trails are available in data/LED_trails_I_J_greedy.txt, where I is the index of the input Super-Sbox (0..3), J is ihe index of the output Super-Sbox, i.e. data/LED_trails_0_0_greedy.txt up to data/LED_trails_3_3_greedy.txt. The format is one trail per line: (not u) v state0 state1 state2 state3 state4 state5. The state transitions are SR.MC.SR, Super-Sbox, SR.MC.SR, Super-Sbox, SR.MC.SR (external Super-Sboxes are implicit).

LED trail verification

Note: requires GNU parallel to be installed, and runs in 4 threads.

Note: May consume significant amount of RAM on the first run (afterwards, the division core is cached). Reduce the number of threads in the Makefile if needed.

Takes about 5 minutes per input/output Super-Sbox combination. (20 minutes total in 4 threads, excluding warmup computations)

mkdir .cache  # to enable cache of super-sbox data (optional)
make LED_verify

Random 32-bit S-box model

Tool divprop.random_sbox_benchmark is installed by pip and can be used to benchmark the advanced algorithm for division core computation.

# up to 16-bit S-boxes are checked against basic algorithm
time divprop.random_sbox_benchmark 16
00:00:00.544 INFO divprop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark:RandomSboxBenchmark: divcore: 720 elements, saving to divcore_random/16/divcore.txt.gz ...
00:00:00.545 INFO divprop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark:RandomSboxBenchmark: lb: 336 elements, saving to divcore_random/16/lb.txt.gz ...
00:00:00.546 INFO divprop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark:RandomSboxBenchmark: ub: 2846 elements, saving to divcore_random/16/ub.txt.gz ...
00:00:00.575 INFO divprop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark:RandomSboxBenchmark: testing...
00:00:26.102 INFO divprop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark:RandomSboxBenchmark: sanity check ok! (n <= 16)
00:00:26.103 INFO divprop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark:RandomSboxBenchmark: finished
Executed in   26.67 secs

Note that most of the time is spent in the basic algorithm for testing. For example, for 17+ bits there is no sanity testing. n=17 runs in a second.

For 24+ bits S-boxes, specify the -l flag which will use filesystem storage for components.

time divprop.random_sbox_benchmark -l 32

Packages overview


Provides operations on sets of n-bit strings represented densely (bit-packed), including multidimensional transforms and simple bitwise operations. Contains Python bindings to the C++ core. Examples:

from subsets import DenseSet

d = DenseSet(4)  # n=4
# <DenseSet hash=35035b6d757eed96 n=4 wt=0 | >

d.do_UpperSet()  # in-place
# <DenseSet hash=030f7a531e7cb9aa n=4 wt=5 | 2:1 3:3 4:1>
# [Bin(0b0110, n=4), Bin(0b0111, n=4), Bin(0b1011, n=4), Bin(0b1110, n=4), Bin(0b1111, n=4)]

# <DenseSet hash=7594984eab0754a0 n=4 wt=2 | 2:1 3:1>
# [Bin(0b0110, n=4), Bin(0b1011, n=4)]

More information in ./packages/subsets/.


DivProp is the main package related to the paper's developments on division property. The two most important classes are Sbox and SboxDivision.

  • Sbox is a small wrapper for representing S-boxes.
  • SboxDivision allows to easily compute all the convex sets described in the paper.


from divprop.all_sboxes import AES
from divprop import Sbox, SboxDivision

s = Sbox(AES, 8, 8)
# <Sbox hash=3b66e44419610dd0 n=8 m=8>

sd = SboxDivision(s)
# <DenseSet hash=14421c71a4b40a67 n=16 wt=122 | 2:25 3:66 4:29 8:2>
# <DenseSet hash=3bdcec9ddb5303f2 n=16 wt=2001 | 0:1 2:64 3:224 4:448 5:560 6:428 7:173 8:54 9:42 10:6 16:1>
# <DenseSet hash=af326bfc6e4b2f4a n=16 wt=87 | 3:30 4:41 7:16>
# <DenseSet hash=d165309d0be60267 n=16 wt=319 | 3:137 4:168 5:6 9:8>
# <DenseSet hash=82186fa2cffeefc6 n=16 wt=274 | 3:152 4:112 5:2 9:8>
[[0], [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128], [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128], ..., [4, 10, 18, 24, 33, 40, 48, 65, 80, 98, 129, 144], [255]]

The advanced algorithm for heavy S-boxes is implemented in divprop.divcore_peekanfs:

from divprop.divcore_peekanfs import SboxPeekANFs

divcore, invalid_max = SboxPeekANFs(s).compute()
assert divcore == set(sd.divcore.to_Bins())
assert invalid_max == set(sd.invalid_max.to_Bins())

Its variation with filesystem cache (to reduce RAM usage) is implemented in divpop.tool_random_sbox_benchmark

More information in ./packages/divprop/.


This package is aiming to provide unified api for SAT and MILP solvers. For now, it provides an API for using external SAT solvers such as kissat.

In addition, it provides functions for encoding various constraints (sequential counters, convex encodings, etc.).


  author="Udovenko, Aleksei",
  editor="Tibouchi, Mehdi and Wang, Huaxiong",
  title="Convexity of Division Property Transitions: Theory, Algorithms and Compact Models",
  booktitle="Advances in Cryptology -- ASIACRYPT 2021",
  publisher="Springer International Publishing",


Supporting code and data for the ASIACRYPT 2021 paper "Convexity of division property transitions: theory, algorithms and compact models"







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