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Symfony Force Edition

Intention: Make a common symfony2 bootstrap application skeleton. Powered by bootstrap3, grunt, bower and all the best tools available today. The environment may be setup with docker, vagrant or local installation. A team should clone the project and strip it down to whatever works for them.

Symfony force



Like a ride in Disneyland

Darth vader in disneyland

Development requirements

  • linux, unix and probably windows
  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • redis for test and prod environments
  • nodejs - grunt and bower
  • composer

What is specific?

  • Does not allow two flushes within a request, unless a manual transaction was started. Prevent bad design and data inconsistencies.
  • behat is configured to run scenarios within transaction, it saves about 70% of time for functional tests. Additionally, that allows to run behat concurrently using beflash which would in total run 85% faster on 4 cores.
  • uses twig to manage basic CMS related requirements.
  • test environment acts like prod in order to see profiler set $debug to true in web/app_test.php.


Install composer dependencies:

composer install

Install grunt and bower globally (requires root permissions):

npm install -g grunt-cli bower

Install bower and npm dependencies:

bower install
npm install

Build all assets:


Reload application database.. Runs migrations and fixtures.

bin/reload dev

Start serving application in dev environment:

app/console server:run


Bower allows you to prevent cluttering your VCS source tree with js, css, font and other asset library sources. Edit bower.json to manage your asset dependencies.


Less allows you to organize and minify your css sources, having grunt or gulp inline helps to compile and build all the necessary asset sources for production or development use.

See assets/less/ for more details and lesscss for usage reference.


Grunt is a build tool. In current application, it:

  • compiles assets for both production or development environment
  • compiles twig layout template, to inject version number
  • watches for source changes and rebuilds on change
  • creates a minified release tar.gz package for production use.

Edit package.json to manage grunt dev dependencies and gruntfile.js to manage project build configuration.

Release package

To prepare a release archive ansible/frontend.tar.gz run:

grunt release

Why release package is better than cloned source? First of all, you do not need any tools to prepare your source on production servers, etc.: nodejs, composer, git. Second, network may fail on deployment while downloading third party dependencies.

NOTE: when a release archive is being built, it uses .tarignore file to exclude files and directories which are not necessary for production use.


You can run all tests from grunt:

grunt test

For testing initially there is phpunit and behat as default options. You may change to phpspec or anything else of your preference.

bin/phpunit -c app


See behat3 for reference. To run behat tests:

bin/reload test


What comes with this skeleton application.

  • migrations and fixtures. Fixtures are executed once as a data migration subject, they are ordered and environment specific. Migrations are located in AppBundle which may be moved to separate repository if database is a shared resource. Fixtures and migrations are idempotent, meaning it cannot be included twice.
  • basic security settings: login, logout, signup and confirmation by email, profile, reset password. Should be modified on custom basis.
  • doctrine extensions - only timestampable is activated by default. See app/config/doctrine_extensions.yml.
  • a command to check anonymously accessible routes all commands are under app namespace.


Application installs some convenient binary executables on composer install|update hooks.


reload - reloads your application datasources in the order: drop database(if available), create database, run migrations, load fixtures, clear and warmup cache. These binaries are located in app/Resources/bin and may be adapted for custom usage.

bin/reload test

Would reload application for test environment. Default is dev as usual in symfony2 application.


Currently Vagrant provisions with ansible and deploys into a VirtualBox centos linux machine. In order to run successfully, you will need virtualbox, ansible, vagrant installed on your system.

vagrant up


  • It is advisable to adapt skeleton sources to application needs
  • If there are two applications like admin and client - AppBundle can be moved into separate repository. It will install the same binaries and have migrations and fixtures ready.


  • File upload service and entity + profile image.


To authenticate through API and get JWT:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/authenticate --header 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"username": "[email protected]", "password": "S3cretpassword"}' -i