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Objective-C /Cococa Port of Kryo Library


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What is KryoCocoa?

KryoCocoa is an Objective-C Port of the great Kryo Serialization-Library for Java ( It was designed to be compatible to Kryo and the basic Java Datatypes.

How can i use it?

Kryo *kryo = [Kryo new];
// ...
NSOutputStream *outputStream = [NSOutputStream outputStreamToFileAtPath:@"file.bin" append:NO];
KryoOutput *output = [[Kryo alloc] initWithStream:outputStream];
SomeClass *someObject = ...
[kryo writeObject:someObject to:output];
[output close];
// ...
NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:@"file.bin"];
KryoInput *input = [[KryoInput alloc] initWithInput:inputStream];
SomeClass *someObject = [kryo readObject:input ofClass:[SomeClass class]];
[input close];


KryoCocoa is a serialization framework. It doesn't enforce a schema or care what data is written or read. This is left to the serializers themselves. Serializers are provided by default to read and write data in various ways. If these don't meet particular needs, they can be replaced in part or in whole. The provided serializers can read and write most objects but, if necessary, writing a new serializer is easy. The Serializer protocol defines methods to go from objects to bytes and bytes to objects.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "../Serializer.h"

@interface UIColorSerializer : NSObject<Serializer>



#import "UIColorSerializer.h"
#import "Kryo.h"

@implementation UIColorSerializer

- (void)write:(Kryo *)kryo value:(id)value to:(KryoOutput *)output
	UIColor *colorValue = (UIColor *)value;
	CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha;

	[colorValue getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
	SInt32 rgbValue = ((SInt32)(red * 255) << 16)
	                | ((SInt32)(green * 255) << 8)
	                | (SInt32)(blue * 255);

	[output writeInt:rgbValue optimizePositive:YES];

- (id)read:(Kryo *)kryo withClass:(Class)type from:(KryoInput *)input
	SInt32 rgbValue = [input readIntOptimizePositive:YES];
	return [UIColor colorWithRed:((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f
	                       green:((rgbValue & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.0f
	                        blue:((rgbValue & 0xFF) / 255.0f alpha:1.0];


The Serializer protocol defines two methods which must be implemented. write:value:to writes the object as bytes. read:withClass:from creates a new instance of the object and reads from the input to populate it. The Kryo instance can be used to write and read nested objects. If Kryo is used to read a nested object in read:withClass:from then [kryo reference:] must first be called with the parent object if it is possible for the nested object to reference the parent object. It is unnecessary to call [kryo reference:] if the nested objects can't possibly reference the parent object, Kryo is not being used for nested objects, or references are not being used. If nested objects can use the same serializer, the serializer must be reentrant. Code should not make use of serializers directly, instead the Kryo read and write methods should be used. This allows Kryo to orchestrate serialization and handle features such as references and nil objects.

By default, serializers do not need to handle the object being nil. The KryoCocoa framework will write a byte as needed denoting nil or not nil. If a serializer wants to be more efficient and handle nils itself, it can return YES from acceptsNull. This can also be used to avoid writing the nil denoting byte when it is known that all instances of a type will never be nil.

Compatibility to Kryo (Java)

The KryoCocoa framework is currently based on Kryo v2.20 and it was attempted to be binary compatible as much as possible. Since the language Objective-C doesn't provide features like packages, annotations and generics you must provide these meta informations in another way.

The following Java-Types are directly supported by KryoCocoa.

Java Objective-C
bool bool (not BOOL, because bool is a builtin type which can be determined by reflection whereas BOOL is just a typedef to char)
byte char
short SInt16
int SInt32
long SInt64
float float
double double
char unichar
bool[] JBooleanArray
byte[] NSData
short[] JShortArray
int[] JIntegerArray
long[] JLongArray
float[] JFloatArray
double[] JDoubleArray
char[] JCharacterArray
Object[] NSArray
java.lang.Boolean JBoolean
java.lang.Byte JByte
java.lang.Short JShort
java.lang.Integer JInteger
java.lang.Long JLong
java.lang.Float JFloat
java.lang.Double JDouble
java.lang.Character JCharacter
java.lang.String NSString
java.lang.StringBuilder NSMutableString
java.util.Date NSDate
java.util.List NSArray
java.util.Map NSDictionary
java.util.Locale NSLocale

Handling Packages

Since objective-c doesn't know the concept of namespaces or packages it is now nessesary to provide KryoCocoa with this information. All you have to do is extending your class with the SerializationAnnotation protocol and providing the method serializingAlias which must return the full qualified java class name (including the packages). This means that it is not important that the name of the Objective-C class is the same as on Java side as long as you provide the java classname with serializingAlias.

package test;

public class SampleBean
	private int key;
	private String name;

	public SampleBean()

	public int getKey()
		return key;

	public void setKey(int key)
		this.key = key;

	public String getName()
		return name;

	public void setName(String name)
	{ = name;


#import "SampleBean.h"

@implementation SampleBean

+ (NSString *)serializingAlias
	return @"test.SampleBean";


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SerializationAnnotation.h"

@interface SampleBean : NSObject<SerializationAnnotation>

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, assign) SInt32 key;


Handling Generics

Given the following Java bean with the property infoMap of type Map with key-type Integer and value-type String.

package test;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class OtherBean
	private Float price;
	private Map<Integer, String> infoMap;
	private List<SampleBean> elements;

	public OtherBean()
	public Float getPrice()
		return price;
	public void setPrice(Float price)
		this.price = price;
	public Map<Integer, String> getInfoMap()
		return infoMap;
	public void setInfoMap(Map<Integer, String> infoMap)
		this.infoMap = infoMap;
	public List<SampleBean> getElements()
		return elements;
	public void setElements(List<SampleBean> elements)
		this.elements = elements;

To notify KryoCocoa about the generic types on the objective-c side you must provide a static method named <name of property>Generics returning a NSArray with the two Class-objects, JInteger and NSString in this case.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SerializationAnnotation.h"
#import "JFloat.h"

@interface OtherBean : NSObject<SerializationAnnotation>

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *infoMap;
@property (nonatomic, strong) JFloat *price;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *elements;

+ (NSArray *)infoMapGenerics;



#import "OtherBean.h"

@implementation OtherBean

+ (NSArray *)infoMapGenerics
	return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[JInteger class], [NSString class], nil];

+ (NSString *)serializingAlias
	return @"test.OtherBean";



It it possible to use Enumerations as property types. But on Objective-C side this means that you can't use the native C enums, the corresponding type must be implemented as a class. There is a very fine small Enum-Implementation on the web (gandreas Blog) which was included into KryoCocoa.

package test;

public enum SampleEnum
	Sun, Earth, Moon


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Enum.h"
#import "SerializationAnnotation.h"

@interface SampleEnum : Enum<SerializationAnnotation>

+ (SampleEnum *)SUN;
+ (SampleEnum *)EARTH;
+ (SampleEnum *)MOON;



#import "SampleEnum.h"

@implementation SampleEnum


+ (NSString *)serializingAlias
	return @"test.SampleEnum";


To create a KryoCocoa compatible Enumeration-Class all you have to do is creating a new class inherited by Enum (optionally extended by SerializationAnnotation to annote the full Java classname) adding a static method for each enumeration constant and add an ENUM_ELEMENT-entry for each constant in the m-file where the first parameter of ENUM_ELEMENT is for the constant name, the second is the ordinal value which must correspond to the ordinal value on java side and as third parameter any key/value-pair you want as extended information for your enum constant. See gandreas blog for further details on this. It is important that the constant names must be uppercase because only uppercase-names will be recognized currently.

Handling final classes

Dealing with final classes is pretty easy. If you have to write your own serializer for a class just implement the isFinal-Method. If you have a simple bean, which needs no special serializer, just add the protocol FinalAnnotation which needs no method to be implemented. The fact that your class implements the protocol is enought to mark this class as final.

Using TaggedFieldSerializer

If you want to use TaggedFieldSerializer as default serializer your serializable classes have to conform to protocol TagAnnotation which defines the static method taggedProperties which returns a dictionary from property name to tag value. If a tag value is negative it is treated as deprecated.

package test;

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers;

public class TaggedBean
	private int value;

	private String name;

	private int deprecatedField;

	public TaggedBean()
	public int getValue()
		return value;
	public void setValue(int value)
		this.value = value;
	public String getName()
		return name;
	public void setName(String name)
	{ = name;
	public int getDeprecatedField()
		return deprecatedField;
	public void setDeprecatedField(int deprecatedField)
		this.deprecatedField = deprecatedField;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SerializationAnnotation.h"
#import "TagAnnotation.h"

@interface TaggedBean : NSObject<SerializationAnnotation, TagAnnotation>

@property (nonatomic, assign) SInt32 value;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SInt32 deprecatedField;



#import "TaggedBean.h"

@implementation TaggedBean

+ (NSString *)serializingAlias
	return @"test.TaggedBean";

+ (NSDictionary *)taggedProperties
	return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@1, @"value", @2, @"name", @-3, @"deprecatedField", nil];



Currently there is no support for cloning objects. On java side you can annote a property with @NotNull which is currently not supported.

The following Serializers are still not ported which is not a technical problem but lack of time:

  • BlowfishSerializer
  • DeflateSerialier
  • BigDecimalSerializer
  • ClassSerializer
  • EnumSetSerializer
  • CurrencySerializer
  • StringBufferSerializer
  • KryoSerializableSerializer
  • TimeZoneSerializer
  • CalendarSerializer
  • TreeMapSerializer

JavaSerializer will probably never be ported because of the different serialization API in Cocoa but maybe someone has a good idea for that.

Since NSDictionary require the key-type to conform to the protocol NSCopying not every key-type which is possible under java can also be used under objective-c.


Objective-C /Cococa Port of Kryo Library



MIT, BSD-3-Clause licenses found

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