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128 lines (105 loc) · 4.19 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (105 loc) · 4.19 KB

Coding conventions


  • Length of a line should not be longer than 120 characters. In the rare cases when we need a longer line (e.g. in a preprocessor macro) use backslash character to mark a continuation.

  • Tab characters are not welcome in the source. Replace them with spaces.

  • Indentation is 4 characters. Contininuation indent is also 4 charachters.

  • Parameter list is a frequent place, when a line tends to be longer than the limit. Break the line and align parameters, as seen in the example below.

    void aMethodWithManyParameters(
        const std::string& str1,
        const std::string& str2,
        const std::int32_t id);
  • Namespaces are not indented.

    namespace railroad
    /* ... */
    } // railroad
  • Blocks should follow the K&R style, where related opening and closing brackets for namespaces, classes and function blocks should be placed to the same column; while other compound statements should have their opening braces at the same line as their respective control statements.

  • Class declarations should use only one public, protected and private part (in this order). The keywords public, protected, private are not indented, the member declarations are indented as usual (with 4 spaces). Inside a visibility class declare types first.

    class MyClass
        int getX();
        int _protX;
        int _privX;
  • Friend declarations, if any, should be placed before the public visibility items, before the public keyword.

  • The pointer and reference qualifier * and & letters should come directly after the type, followed by a space and then the variable's name: int* ptr, const MyType& rhs, std::unique_ptr<T>&& data.


  • File names should contain ASCII characters and written in upper CamelCase (with a few exceptions like main.cpp). Avoid other characters, like dash (-). Header file extension is .h, source file extension is .cpp.
  • Class and Type names are written in upper CamelCase. Avoid underscore in class or type names. Pointers to major types should be typedef-ed, and should be called according the pointed type with a Ptr suffix.
  • Function names start with lowercase letter, and have a capital letter for each new major tag. We do not require different names for static methods, or global functions.
  • Class member names with private or protected visibility start with underscore character following a lowercase letter, and have a capital letter for each new major tag. Do not use other underscores in member names.
  • Function parameter names start with a lowercase letter, and have a capital letter for each new major tag. Do not use other underscores in parameter names.
  • Namespace names are written in lower case. As for now, a single namespace railroad is used only.


  • Include guards are mandatory for all headers. The guard names are all capital letters, and should start with the RAILROAD_ prefix. For example the AboveFilter.h has the following header guard: RAILROAD_ABOVEFILTER_H.

    namespace railroad
    class AboveFilter : public CloudProcessor
    } // railroad
  • Order of the inclusion of headers - either in source files or in other header files - should be the following: First include standard C++ headers, then Boost headers, then other supporting library headers (LASlib, PCL, OpenCV, etc.), then your implementing headers.

    #include <vector>
    #include <map>
    #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
    #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
    #include <lasreader.hpp>
    #include <laswriter.hpp>
    #include <pcl/point_types.h>
    #include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
    #include "helpers/LogHelper.h"
    #include "helpers/LASHelper.h"
    #include "filters/DensityFilter.h"
    #include "filters/AboveFilter.h"
  • Never apply using namespace directive in headers.