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Dazza Greenwood edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 39 revisions

Roundtable Discussion at the MIT Media Lab

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Analytics & Blockchain for Community Focused Financial Institutions
October 18th, 2016 from 10:30am - 4:00pm
75 Amherst Street, Room E14-240; Cambridge MA

Co-Hosted by the MIT Digital Currency Initiative and MIT Human Dynamics Lab, this event provides an opportunity for a small group of invited stakeholders, innovators and thought leaders to explore the transformative potential of data, analytics and blockchains for financial institutions with social missions. Facilitated and organized by Chelsea Barabas of the DCI and Dazza Greenwood of Human Dynamics, the day is designed to foster participatory learning and creative idea flow with the aim of identifying options and opportunities for innovative action.

Tentative Agenda

10:30 Roundtable Discussions Open

MIT Media Lab Professor Sandy Pentland will convene the day by framing key issues, ideas and questions.

10:45 Lightning Talks and Roundtable Discussions

Lightning talks will explore innovative capabilities of analytics and blockchain technologies for economic development and community-focused financial services, highlighting opportunities in the context of lending processes, operations and success measures. The talks will serve as "Firestarters" to catalyze roundtable discussion of key topics, questions and ideas.

Scenarios under development include:

  • Self-Issued Blockchain Identity Infrastructure (Human Dynamics)
  • Automated Loan Funds and Blockchain Border Bank (Human Dynamics/DCI)
  • Credit-Collective (DCI/Human Dynamics)
  • Crypto-Solar Security Hypothesis (DCI)

The ideas and questions surfaced during this session will provide a basis for attendees to form smaller breakout groups after lunch.

12:30 Lunch

  • During lunch, attendees will have opportunity to informally discuss and consider which key topics, questions and ideas to discuss more deeply in smaller group breakout sessions
  • A short Media Lab tour can be arranged for interested attendees

1:30 Breakout Discussions

  • Smaller Group Discussions
  • 2:30 Report Backs

2:45 Coffee Break

3:00 Breakout Discussions

  • Smaller group discussions
  • 3:30 Report Backs

3:45 Closing Discussion

After the second breakout, the whole group gathers to review and synthesize the main ideas of the day, highlighting options and unique opportunities for financial institutions with social missions to harness emerging technology for the common good. Professor Sandy Pentland will make closing remarks to wrap up roundtable discussions for the day.

4:00 Roundtable Discussions Close

Optional Evening Activities

4:30 Innovation Tour

  • From 4:30-5:30, attendees are invited to explore the Kendall Square entrepreneurial scene at nearby Cambridge Innovation Center, home of more startups than any other place on the planet for a tour, networking and demos
  • Attendees are invited to continue the conversations that evening for a social dinner at a local venue, to be decided and announced at the close of the day.

A collaborative event of the Human Dynamics Lab and the Digital Currency Initiative.