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[CVPR 2022] Official PyTorch Implementation of "AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement" (


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AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement


The codebase provides the official PyTorch implementation and some model checkpoints for the paper "AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement" (accepted by CVPR 2022).

AdaInt (Adaptive Interval) is an effective and efficient mechanism for promoting learnable 3D lookup tables (LUTs) on the real-time image enhancement task, which can be implemented as a plug-and-play neural network module. The central idea is to introduce image-adaptive sampling intervals for learning a non-uniform 3D LUT layout. To enable the learning of non-uniform sampling intervals in the 3D color space, a differentiable AiLUT-Transform (Adaptive Interval LUT Transform) operator is also proposed to provide gradients to the sampling intervals. Experiments demonstrate that methods equipped with AdaInt can achieve state-of-the-art performance on two public benchmark datasets with a negligible overhead increase.

The codebase is based on the popular MMEditing toolbox (v0.11.0). Please refer to for the original README.

Code Structure

  • mmedit/: the original MMEditing toolbox (without any modification).
  • adaint/: the core implementation of the paper, including:
    • annfiles/: including the annotation files for FiveK and PPR10K datasets.
    • the dataset class for image enhancement (FiveK and PPR10K).
    • including some augmentations not provided by MMEditing toolbox.
    • ailut_transform/: including the python interfaces, the C++ CUDA implementation, and the wheel package of the proposed AiLUT-Transform.
    • the implementation of AiLUT model (3D-LUT + AdaInt).
    • configs/: including configurations to conduct experiments.
    • metrics/: including MATLAB scripts to calculate metrics reported in the paper.
    • a python script to run a demo.
  • pretrained/: including the pretrained models.



  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz
  • GPU: NVIDIA Tesla V100 SXM2 32G


  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  • Python 3.7.10
  • PyTorch 1.8.1
  • GCC/G++ 7.5
  • CUDA 10.2
  • MMCV 1.3.17
  • MMEditing 0.11.0


You can set up the MMEditing toolbox with conda and pip as follows:

conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.8.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -y
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -v -e .

The proposed AiLUT-Transform is implemented as a PyTorch CUDA extension. You can install the extension in either the following two ways:

  • Compile and install the extension manually.
python adaint/ailut_transform/ install
  • Use the pre-compiled python wheel package in ./adaint/ailut_transform.
pip install adaint/ailut_transform/ailut-1.5.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl

Note that the CUDA extension should be compiled and packaged using Python 3.7.10, PyTorch 1.8.1, GCC/G++ 7.5, and CUDA 10.2. If you fail to install the extension or encounter any issue afterward, please first carefully check your environment accordingly.

In case you would like to remove the installed AiLUT-Transform extension, please execute the following command:

pip uninstall ailut


We provide a quick demo script in adaint/ You can execute it in the following way:


For quick testing, we provide a pretrained model in ./pretrained/AiLUT-FiveK-sRGB.pth and an input image from the FiveK dataset in 8-bit sRGB format (./resources/a4739.jpg). You can conduct enhancement on it using the below command:

python adaint/ adaint/configs/ pretrained/AiLUT-FiveK-sRGB.pth resources/a4739.jpg resources/a4739_enhanced.png

The enhanced result can be found in resources/a4739_enhanced.png.


The paper use the FiveK and PPR10K datasets for experiments. It is recommended to refer to the dataset creators first using the above two urls.


  • FiveK

You can download the original FiveK dataset from the dataset homepage and then preprocess the dataset using Adobe Lightroom following the instructions in

For fast setting up, you can also download only the 480p dataset preprocessed by Zeng ([GoogleDrive],[onedrive],[baiduyun:5fyk]), including 8-bit sRGB, 16-bit XYZ input images and 8-bit sRGB groundtruth images.

After downloading the dataset, please unzip the images into the ./data/FiveK directory. Please also place the annotation files in ./adaint/annfiles/FiveK to the same directory. The final directory structure is as follows.

        JPG/480p/                # 8-bit sRGB inputs
        PNG/480p_16bits_XYZ_WB/  # 16-bit XYZ inputs
    expertC/JPG/480p/            # 8-bit sRGB groundtruths
  • PPR10K

We download the 360p dataset (train_val_images_tif_360p and masks_360p) from PPR10K to conduct our experiments.

After downloading the dataset, please unzip the images into the ./data/PPR10K directory. Please also place the annotation files in ./adaint/annfiles/PPR10K to the same directory. The expected directory structure is as follows.

    source/       # 16-bit sRGB inputs
    source_aug_6/ # 16-bit sRGB inputs with 5 versions of augmented
    masks/        # human-region masks
    target_a/     # 8-bit sRGB groundtruths retouched by expert a
    target_b/     # 8-bit sRGB groundtruths retouched by expert b
    target_c/     # 8-bit sRGB groundtruths retouched by expert c


General Instruction

  • You can configure experiments by modifying the configuration files in adaint/configs/. Here we briefly describe some critical hyper-parameters:

    • model.n_ranks: (int) The number of ranks in the mapping h (denoted as M in the paper).
    • model.n_vertices: (int) The number of sampling points along each lattice dimension (denoted as N in the paper).
    • model.en_adaint: (bool) Whether to use the AdaInt. If False, the model degenerates to TPAMI 3D-LUT.
    • model.en_adaint_share: (bool) Whether to share AdaInt among color channels (see the Share-AdaInt in ablation studies).
    • model.backbone: (str) The architecture of backbone (mapping f in the paper). Can be either 'tpami' or 'res18'.
  • Execute commands in the following format to train a model (all experiments can be conducted on a single GPU).

python tools/ [PATH/TO/CONFIG]
  • Execute commands in the following format to run the inference given a pretrained model.
  • Use MATLAB to calculate the metrics reported in the paper.
cd ./adaint/metrics
(matlab) >> fivek_calculate_metrics([PATH/TO/SAVE/RESULTS], [PATH/TO/GT/IMAGES])


  • On FiveK-sRGB (for photo retouching)
python tools/ adaint/configs/
  • On FiveK-XYZ (for tone mapping)
python tools/ adaint/configs/
  • On PPR10K (for photo retouching)
python tools/ adaint/configs/


We provide some pretrained models in ./pretrained/. To conduct testing, please use the following commands:

  • On FiveK-sRGB (for photo retouching)
python tools/ adaint/configs/ pretrained/AiLUT-FiveK-sRGB.pth --save-path [PATH/TO/SAVE/RESULTS]
  • On FiveK-XYZ (for tone mapping)
python tools/ adaint/configs/ pretrained/AiLUT-FiveK-XYZ.pth --save-path [PATH/TO/SAVE/RESULTS]
  • On PPR10K (for photo retouching)
python tools/ adaint/configs/ pretrained/AiLUT-PPR10KA-sRGB.pth --save-path [PATH/TO/SAVE/RESULTS]


This codebase is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


If you find this repository useful, please kindly consider citing the following paper:

  title={AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement},
  author={Yang, Canqian and Jin, Meiguang and Jia, Xu and Xu, Yi and Chen, Ying},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


This codebase is based on the following open-source projects. We thank their authors for making the source code publically available.


[CVPR 2022] Official PyTorch Implementation of "AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement" (







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