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Jade AI (V6)

What is Jade?

Jade is a contextual chatbot, using OpenAI's GPT-2 transformer model to generate logical conversation. I wrote a more detailed description of Jade's capabilities (with screenshots!!) here.


To deploy, it's rather simple.


  • Python 3+
  • Pip 3
  • 1 vCPU (more cores doesn't matter, but high single-core preformance does)
  • 1.25GB or more of RAM
  • ~10GB of storage


  1. Download the pretrained model or train your own
  2. Run pip3 install -r reqirements.txt in this folder
  3. Create a config.json file based on config_example.json
  4. run

Here is a table of commands for (in discord)

Prefix is JD

Command Short Explanation Usage Example
JD -h Help menu JDT -h
JD -p Ping menu JDT -p
JD -v Voting menu JDT -v
JD -s Settings menu JDT -s or JDT -s [setting] [new value]
JD -r Resetting history or settings JDT -r or JDT -r [history or settings]
JD [message] Talk to Jade! JDT [message]

Here is a table of arguments for

Argument Type Default value Description
model str "openai-gpt" Path, url or short name of the model
max_history int 4 Number of previous utterances to keep in history
device str cuda if torch.cuda.is_available() else cpu Device (cuda or cpu)
no_sample action store_true Set to use greedy decoding instead of sampling
max_length int 20 Maximum length of the output utterances
min_length int 1 Minimum length of the output utterances
seed int 0 Seed
temperature int 0.7 Sampling softmax temperature
top_k int 0 Filter top-k tokens before sampling (<=0: no filtering)
top_p float 0.9 Nucleus filtering (top-p) before sampling (<=0.0: no filtering)
f idk... N/A Colab is weird ok
All of these (except for the server settings) are availabe for user modifications via the JD -s command.


Training is a bit more difficult.


  • Python 3+
  • Pip 3
  • (Preferred) a server with GPU functionality. (Multi-GPU setups are supported!)
    • A single Tesla T4 will take ~12 hours to finetune the model, wouthout FP16. The formatted dataset size was ~400mb. See the dataset format here
    • FP16 will reduce the vram usage and increase the speed of the model training. Depending on your hardware configuration, your results may vary.
  • (Preffered) 25 + GB of ram
    • WARNING!! Large datasets (> 200 mb formatted datasets) may require mare than 25GB of ram during tokenization.
    • The pretrained model took ~45GB of ram to train
  • (Reccomended) 30gb of storage


See the in the train folder to see all the possible arguments for thr training script.

python3 --dataset_path data.json --model gpt2 --gradient_accumulation_steps=4 \
--lm_coef=2.0 --fp16=O1 --max_history=4 --n_epochs=1 --num_candidates=0 \
--personality_permutations=2 --train_batch_size=4 --valid_batch_size=4
  1. Run pip3 install -r reqirements-train.txt in this folder
  2. Use the formatter to create the dataset in the correct format.
  3. Run the command above (which will replicate my results), or add -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 after python if you're using more than one GPU.
    • If the progam is crashing with no errors during padding, use htop to check your RAM usage. Most cloud solutions will allow you to edit the machine memory size, or you can add swap.
  4. Use nvtop or nvidia-smi to monitor GPU usage after tokenization.
    • Use FP16 if vram usage is really high
    • try to max out your GPU(s) by increasing or decreasing --train_batch_size=4 --valid_batch_size=4. A Tesla T4 will not be maxed out until it receives batches of 4.
  5. Complete training.
    • WARNING!! TRAINING IS NOT DONE UNTIL ALL VALIDATION IS COMPLETE. Try and keep the validation set small.
    • The model will be saved to runs/[DATE]


There's a bit more to make the completed model compatable with Unfortunately, I need to re-code this part, but I'll have it uploaded soon!

(if you want to do it yourself)

  1. read the tokenizer file and use it to tokenize the personalities in your detaset file
  2. save the tokenized personalities in a list
  3. use pickle to save the list to versions.p in the model folder