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contrail-dev-env: Contrail Developer Environment

Problems? Need Help?

This repository is actively maintained via Gerrit so please let us know about any problems you find. You can ask for help on Slack but if no one replies right away, go ahead and open a bug on JIRA and label the bug with the label "dev-env" and it will get looked at soon. You can also post to the new Google Group if you're having trouble but don't know if the problem is a bug or a mistake on your part.

Documentation for dev-env components

Since dev-env uses generally available contrail components, please refer to following documentation pages:

  1. for packages generation: contrail-packages
  2. for building containers: contrail-container-builder and contrail-deployers-containers
  3. for deployments: contrail-ansible-deployer

Container-based (standard)

There are 2 official sources of containers for dev-env:

  1. Released images on docker hub opencontrail, tagged with released version.
  2. Nightly images on docker hub opencontrailnightly, tagged with corresponding development branch. Note: tag latest points to master branch.

You can also use your own image, built using container/ script.

1. Install docker

For mac:

For CentOS/RHEL/Fedora linux host:

yum install docker

For Ubuntu linux host:

apt install

NOTE (only if you hit any issues): Make sure that your docker engine supports images bigger than 10GB. For instructions, see here: Make sure that there is TCP connectivity allowed between the containers in the default docker bridge network, (for example disable firewall).

2. Clone dev setup repo

git clone https:/Juniper/contrail-dev-env
cd contrail-dev-env

3. Execute script to start 3 containers

sudo ./

Note: This command runs container opencontrailnightly/developer-sandbox:master from opencontrailnightly docker hub by default. You can specify different image and/or tag using flags, e.g.

  1. to develop on nightly R5.0 container use: sudo ./ -t R5.0
  2. to develop code based on a tagged r5.0 release, use: sudo ./ -i opencontrail/developer-sandbox -t r5.0
docker ps -a should show these 3 containers
contrail-developer-sandbox [For running scons, unit-tests etc]
contrail-dev-env-rpm-repo  [Repo server for contrail RPMs after they are build]
contrail-dev-env-registry  [Registry for contrail containers after they are built]

4. Attach to developer-sandbox container

docker attach contrail-developer-sandbox

5. Prepare developer-sandbox container

Required first steps in the container:

cd /root/contrail-dev-env
make sync           # get latest code
make fetch_packages # pull third_party dependencies
make setup          # set up docker container
make dep            # install build dependencies

The descriptions of targets:

  • make sync - sync code in ./contrail directory using repo tool
  • make fetch_packages - pull ./third_party dependencies (after code checkout)
  • make setup - initial configuration of image (required to run once)
  • make dep - installs all build dependencies
  • make dep-<pkg_name> - installs build dependencies for <pkg_name>

6. Make artifacts

RPM packages

  • make list - lists all available RPM targets
  • make rpm - builds all RPMs
  • make rpm-<pkg_name> - builds single RPM for <pkg_name>

Container images

  • make list-containers - lists all container targets
  • make containers - builds all containers' images, requires RPM packages in /root/contrail/RPMS
  • make container-<container_name> - builds single container as a target, with all docker dependencies


  • make list-deployers - lists all deployers container targets
  • make deployers - builds all deployers
  • make deployer-<container_name> - builds single deployer as a target, with all docker dependencies

Test containers

  • make test-containers - build test containers


  • make clean{-containers,-deployers,-repo,-rpm} - delete artifacts

7. Testing the deployment

See https:/Juniper/contrail-ansible-deployer/wiki/Contrail-with-Openstack-Kolla . Set CONTAINER_REGISTRY to registry:5000 to use containers built in the previous step.

Alternate build methods

Instead of step 5 above (which runs scons inside make), you can use scons directly. The steps 1-4 are still required.

cd /root/contrail
scons # ( or "scons test" etc)

NOTE: Above example build whole TungstenFabric project with default kernel headers and those are headers for running kernel (uname -r). If you want to customize your manual build and use i.e newer kernel header take a look at below examples.

In case you want to compile TungstenFabric with latest or another custom kernel headers installed in contrail-developer-sanbox container, then you have to run scons with extra arguments:

RTE_KERNELDIR=/path/to/custom_kernel_headers scons --kernel-dir=/path/to/custom_kernel_headers

To alter default behaviour and build TF without support for DPDK just provide the --without-dpdk flag:

scons --kernel-dir=/path/to/custom_kernel_headers --without-dpdk

To build only specific module like i.e vrouter:

scons --kernel-dir=/path/to/custom_kernel_headers vrouter

To build and run unit test against your code:

RTE_KERNELDIR=/path/to/custom_kernel_headers scons --kernel-dir=/path/to/custom_kernel_headers test

Bring-your-own-VM (experimental)

Note: only RedHat 7 and CentOS 7 are supported at this time!

  1. Clone this repository to a directory on a VM.
  2. Run vm-dev-env/ (you might be asked for your password as some steps require the use of sudo). a. You can also run vm-dev-env/ -n if you don't want to clone work directory on a VM. Then you have to mount sandbox to directory named contrail next to contrail-dev-env.
  3. Run make fetch_packages to pull dependencies to contrail/third_party
  4. Run sudo ./ -b to start required containers.
  5. You can use the Makefile targets described above to build contrail.