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En app som ger stöd för att publicera information om kursens utveckling och historik i Kurs- och programkatalogen. Sidan innehåller tjänster för att publicera kursanalyser med kursdata för en specifik kurs.


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Welcome to kursutveckling-admin-web 👋

Version Prerequisite License: MIT


The course information project (KIP) is an initiative at KTH that was launched in 2018 to improve the quality and availability of information about KTH:s courses. The background to the project is, among other things, that it was difficult for the student to find information about the courses and even more difficult to compare information about several courses. The reason for the problems is scattered course information in several places and that there is no uniformity or assigned places for the course information. The project takes measures to consolidate course information into two locations and to present the information in a manner that is uniform for KTH. The student should find the right information about the course, depending on their needs. The result of the project is a public course site where the correct course information is collected and presented uniformly. Also, a tool is developed for teachers to enter and publish course information. Eventually, this will lead to the student making better decisions based on their needs, and it will also reduce the burden on teachers and administration regarding questions and support for the student.

Kursutveckling-admin-web is

En app som ger stöd för att publicera information om kursens utveckling i Kurs- och programkatalogen. Sidan innehåller tjänster för att publicera kursanalyser med kursdata för en specifik kurs.

The app is based on https:/KTH/node-web.


Firstly, the app has two functions:

  • to upload a course analysis and historic course memo pdf files to a blob storage and send course data about it to kursutveckling-api.
  • to change a published course data analysis
  • automatic fill in data about course development fetching from kopps-api, ug redis cache and kursstatistik api (reading from ladok db)

Later this files and course development data can be found on public pages 'Course development' served by kursutveckling-web.

User can choose several course offerings and edit fetched course data it will be noted that data were changed manually. Pdf files upload to a blob storage while in a database data about file and course offering will be saved with a list of course offerings.

  • The app consists of two pages which is used to create a new course development data and to change a published one. To do it user will go through three step: Choose a course offering(s), write data, upload a course analysis pdf file, optionally course memo pdf file (history), review it, save it as a draft or publish it.
  • There is a page called Preview, which is used to show a draft data to a person who gets a link and has other type of teacher rights to access this course, only read rights


Application is fetching data from KOPPS-API for:

  • Course title
  • Course offerings which are/were active for this course

Application is fetching data from KURSUTVECKLING-API for:

  • Fetch course offerings which have a draft or published version of course data to sort per termin and filter course offerings fetched from KOPPS-API.

  • Fetch course data and pdf names for chosen course offerings if user want to change it

  • https:/KTH/kurs-pm-api

Application is fetching data from KURSSTATISTIK-API for:

Application is fetching data from UG-REDIS cache:

Related projects

We must try to make changes that affect the template projects in the template projects themselves.


  • node 18

Blob storage. Generate Shared access signature

  • blob container (STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME) kursutveckling-blob-container
  • Allowed permissions: Read, Write, Create

While images uploads directly to a blob container located in a cloud in the storage account, f.e., kursinfostoragestage, the name of uploaded image will be saved in kurs-pm-api. To connect to blob storage, the Shared access signature is used to limit what can be done by using this signature, f.e., only read, or write and which services. In stage environment keys were generated on base of key2. For each service generated a separate Shared access signature and saved(f.e., SAS-REF-blob-service-sas-url-kursutveckling-admin-web) in standard key vault.

It requires package "@azure/storage-blob": "^12.2.1". Further to parse a file between client and server, you need to have npm package body-parser. More details in server/blobStorage.js.

Blob storage. Generate Shared access signature

To generate it, go to a storage account, f.e., kursinfostoragestage, choose Shared Access signature and choose:

  • Allowed services: Blob
  • Allowed resource types: Object
  • Allowed permissions: Read, Write, Create
  • Start and expiry date/time
  • HTTPS only
  • Signing key: key1 or key2

After a generation of a key, copy Blob service SAS URL and save it in a standard key vault and set Expiration Date. Later you will use it as a BLOB_SERVICE_SAS_URL in secrets together with a name of blob container STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME

Secrets for Development

Secrets during local development are ALWAYS stored in a .env-file in the root of your project. This file should be in .gitignore.

IMPORTANT: In Prod env, save URL:s in docker file but secrets in secrets.env

KURSUTVECKLING_API_URI=http://localhost:3003/api/kurs-pm [check api port]
API_KEY=[secret key to connect to kursutveckling-api]
KURSSTATISTIK_API_URI=https://localhost:[api port]/api/kursstatistik?defaultTimeout=100000
KURSSTATISTIK_API_KEY=[secret key to connect to kursstatistik-api]
SESSION_SECRET=[something random]
OIDC_TOKEN_SECRET=<Random string>
REDIS_URI=[connection string to redis, for cache]
BLOB_SERVICE_SAS_URL=[f.e.,[params]&spr=https&sig=[generated signature]]
/*If you want to start your server on another port, add the following two variables, else use default ones from serversettings.js*/
SERVER_PORT=[your port for the server]
LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG [only for dev env]
/* Connection Properties of UG Rest Api to fetch names of course staff */

These settings are also available in an file.


First time you might need to use options --ignore-scripts because of npm resolutions:

npm install --ignore-scripts


npm install

You might need to install as well:

npm install cross-env
npm install concurrently


Start the service on http://localhost:3000/kursinfoadmin/kursutveckling/:courseCode.

npm run start-dev

Debug in Visual Studio Code

It's possible to use debugging options available in Visual Studio Code Add a file launch.json to .vscode directory :

  • Microsoft
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "node",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Debug kursutveckling-admin-web",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}\\app.js",
      "envFile": "${workspaceFolder}\\.env",
      "env": {
        "NODE_ENV": "development"
  • Mac, Unix and so on
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "node",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Debug kursutveckling-admin-web",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/app.js",
      "envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env",
      "env": {
        "NODE_ENV": "development"

Run tests

npm run test

Use 🐳

API_KEY in docker-compose.yml is configured for a local kurs-pm-api, and might as well be changed to kurs-pm-api in ref.

docker-compose up


Handlebar Templates

Update 2021-03-12: Dependency to kth-node-build-commons has since been removed altogether.

Paths in the app have been altered, so the use of Handlebar templates has been customized. The files errorLayout.handlebars and error.handlebars were copied from kth-node-build-commons. This meant that the script move-handlebars could be removed from package.json. In errorLayout.handlebars the path for vendor.js was customized, and in error.handlebars the reference to errorModule.js was removed altogether.




En app som ger stöd för att publicera information om kursens utveckling och historik i Kurs- och programkatalogen. Sidan innehåller tjänster för att publicera kursanalyser med kursdata för en specifik kurs.








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