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  • mkvmerge (optional, mkv output required)

! Minyami requires Node Active/Maintenance LTS latest or Current latest. Active LTS is recommended. Details here.

Make sure you had put the binary files into your system PATH.


npm -g i minyami or yarn global add minyami

Please also install the following extension to work with Minyami

  1. Install Chrome extension (recommended): (which is also open-sourced here)


     Commands                      Description                   Alias

     --help <command>              Show help documentation       -h
         <command>                 Show help of a specified comma
     --version                     Show version
     --download <input_path>       Download video                -d
         <input_path>              m3u8 file path
         --threads <limit>         Threads limit
             <limit>               (Optional) Limit of threads, defaults to 5
         --retries <limit>         Retry limit
             <limit>               (Optional) Limit of retry times
         --output, o <path>        Output path
             <path>                (Optional) Output file path, defaults to ./output.mkv
         --temp-dir <path>         Temporary file path
             <path>                (Optional) Temporary file path, defaults to env.TEMP
         --key <key>               Set key manually (Internal use)
             <key>                 (Optional) Key for decrypt video.
         --cookies <cookies>       Cookies used to download
         --headers, H <headers>    HTTP Header used to download
             <headers>             Custom header. eg. "User-Agent: xxxxx". This option will override --cookies.
         --live                    Download live
         --format <format_name>    (Optional) Set output format. default: ts
             <format_name>         Format name. ts or mkv.
         --proxy <proxy-server>    Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 proxy
             <proxy-server>        Set proxy in [protocol://<host>:<port>] format. eg. --proxy "".
         --no-proxy                Disable reading proxy configuration from system environment variables or system settings.
         --slice <range>           Download specified part of the stream
             <range>               Set time range in [<hh:mm:ss>-<hh:mm:ss> format]. eg. --slice "45:00-53:00"
         --no-merge                Do not merge m3u8 chunks.
         --keep, k                 Keep temporary files.
         --keep-encrypted-chunks   Do not delete encrypted chunks after decryption.
         --chunk-naming-strategy   Temporary file naming strategy. Defaults to 1.
     --resume <input_path>         Resume a download. (Archive)  -r
         <input_path>              m3u8 file path
     --clean                       Clean cache files


     Options                       Description
     --verbose, debug              Debug output


Q: Should I keep the browser open when downloading?

A: It's not necessary.

Q: How to set proxy for Minyami?

A: You can use --proxy to set proxy server for Minyami. HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy are supported. Or you can use environment variables HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY/ALL_PROXY to provide proxy configuration for Minyami. And Minyami will read proxy settings from environment variables and Windows system proxy settings. To disable any proxy setting from context, you can add --disable-proxy or set env.NO_PROXY to and non-empty values.

Q: How to set temporary file location?

A: You can use --temp-dir to set the directory of temporary files.

Q: How to set multiple HTTP headers?

A: By providing multiple -H/--headers option. For example, minyami -d xxxx -H "Cookie: xxxx" --headers "User-Agent: yyy".

Use as a library (3.1.0+)

import { ArchiveDownloader } from 'minyami';
import { LiveDownloader } from 'minyami';

Event: chunk-downloaded

  • currentChunkInfo <object> The information of the chunk which is just downloaded.

The 'chunk-downloaded' event is emitted when every media chunk is downloaded.

Event: chunk-error

  • error: Error

The 'chunk-error' event is emitted when failed to download or decrypt media chunks.

Event: downloaded

The 'downloaded' event is emitted after all chunks are downloaded but before starting merge.

Event: finished

The 'finished' event is emitted after all the works are done. CLI program exits after this event is emitted.

Event: merge-error

  • error: Error

The merge-error event is emitted when a merge progress is failed.

Event: critical-error

  • error: Error

The critical-error is emitted when a error that Minyami can't handle happens.


Minyami is developed with TypeScript. You need to install TypeScript Compiler before you start coding.

Install development dependencies

npm install -g typescript
git clone https:/Last-Order/Minyami
cd Minyami
npm install

To build the project, just run tsc.


Open-sourced under GPLv3. © 2018-2024, Eridanus Sora, member of MeowSound Idols.