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added in StringTorics M2 package and related packages
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mikestillman committed May 30, 2024
1 parent 20feb06 commit aad4399
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Showing 23 changed files with 19,697 additions and 0 deletions.
1,416 changes: 1,416 additions & 0 deletions CYToolsM2/DanilovKhovanskii.m2

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

825 changes: 825 additions & 0 deletions CYToolsM2/IntegerEquivalences.m2

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,167 changes: 1,167 additions & 0 deletions CYToolsM2/StringTorics.m2

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455 changes: 455 additions & 0 deletions CYToolsM2/StringTorics/CYPolytope.m2

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

415 changes: 415 additions & 0 deletions CYToolsM2/StringTorics/CYTools.m2

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions CYToolsM2/StringTorics/CalabiYauInToric.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
-- CalabiYauInToric (soon to change back to CalabiYauInToric? ----------

CalabiYauInToric.synonym = "Calabi-Yau hypersurface in a normal toric variety"
CalabiYauInToric.GlobalAssignHook = globalAssignFunction
CalabiYauInToric.GlobalReleaseHook = globalReleaseFunction
expression CalabiYauInToric := X -> if hasAttribute(X, ReverseDictionary)
then expression toString getAttribute(X, ReverseDictionary) else
(describe X)#0
net CalabiYauInToric := X -> net expression X
describe CalabiYauInToric := X -> Describe (
"A Calabi-Yau "|dim X|"-fold hypersurface with h11="|hh^(1,1) X|" and h21="|hh^(1,2) X |" in a "|(dim X + 1)|"-dimensional toric variety"

CYPolytope.synonym = "Calabi-Yau reflexive polytope"
CYPolytope.GlobalAssignHook = globalAssignFunction
CYPolytope.GlobalReleaseHook = globalReleaseFunction
expression CYPolytope := X -> if hasAttribute (X, ReverseDictionary)
then expression getAttribute (X, ReverseDictionary) else
(describe X)#0
describe CYPolytope := X -> Describe (expression CYPolytope) (
expression rays X, expression max X)

CYDataFields = {
-- first entry: true means it must exist and be in the main hash table
-- false: it might exist, and is in the cache table.
"polytope data" => {value, Q -> toString Q.cache#"id", CYPolytope},
"triangulation" => {value, toString, List}

-- These are the cache fields that we write to a string via 'dump'
CYDataCache = {
-- first entry: true means it must exist and be in the main hash table
-- false: it might exist, and is in the cache table.
"id" => {value, toString, ZZ},
"c2" => {value, toString, List},
"intersection numbers" => {value, toString, List},
"toric intersection numbers" => {value, toString, List},
"toric mori cone cap" => {value, toString, List}

setCYIntersectionRing = (X, R) -> (
-- X is a CalabiYauInToric
-- R is a polynomial ring, or null (if not, an error is raised).
n := hh^(1,1) X;
if R =!= null then (
if not instance(R, PolynomialRing) or numgens R != n then
error ("expected polynomial ring with "|n|" variables");
X.cache.PicardRing = R;
else (
a := getSymbol "a";
X.cache.PicardRing = ZZ[a_1..a_n];

calabiYau = method(Options => {ID => null, Ring => null})
-- TODO, BUG!! The triang needs to indices in the Q rays.
calabiYau(CYPolytope, List) := CalabiYauInToric => opts -> (Q, triang) -> (
X := new CalabiYauInToric from {
symbol cache => new CacheTable,
"polytope data" => Q,
"triangulation" => triang
if opts.ID =!= null then X.cache#"id" = opts.ID;
setCYIntersectionRing(X, opts#Ring);

cyData = method(Options => options calabiYau)
cyData(CYPolytope, List) := opts -> (Q, triang) -> calabiYau(Q, triang, opts)

picardRing = method()
picardRing CalabiYauInToric := X -> X.cache.PicardRing

cyData(String, Function) :=
calabiYau(String, Function) := CalabiYauInToric => opts -> (str, F) -> (
-- F is a function which takes an id of a CYPolytope and returns the CYPolytope
-- The string is the value taken from a CY database .
L := lines str;
if L#0 != "CYData" then error "string is not in proper format";
fields := hashTable for i from 1 to #L-1 list getKeyPair L#i;
-- First get the main elements (these are required!):
polytopeid := value fields#"polytope data";
required := for field in CYDataFields list (
k := field#0;
if k === "polytope data" then (
"polytope data" => F polytopeid
else (
readFcn := field#1#0;
if fields#?k then k => readFcn fields#k else error("expected key "|k)
X := new CalabiYauInToric from prepend(symbol cache => new CacheTable, required);
-- now read in the cache values (including "id" value, if any)
for field in CYDataCache do (
k := field#0;
readFcn := field#1#0;
if fields#?k then X.cache#k = readFcn fields#k;
if opts.ID =!= null then X.cache#"id" = opts.ID; -- just for compatibility with other constructors...
setCYIntersectionRing(X, opts#Ring);

dump CalabiYauInToric := String => {} >> opts -> X -> (
s1 := "CYData\n";
strs := for field in CYDataFields list (
k := field#0;
writerFunction := field#1#1;
if not X#?k then error("expected key: "|k#0);
" " | k | ":" | writerFunction(X#k) | "\n"
strs2 := for field in CYDataCache list (
k := field#0;
writerFunction := field#1#1;
if not X.cache#?k then continue;
" " | k | ":" | writerFunction(X.cache#k) | "\n"
strs = join({s1}, strs, strs2);
concatenate strs

makeCY = method(Options => {ID => null, Ring => null})
makeCY CYPolytope := CalabiYauInToric => opts -> Q -> (
P2 := polytope Q;
(LP,tri) := regularStarTriangulation(dim P2-2,P2);
if rays Q =!= LP then error "I have a lattice point mismatch";
cyData(Q, tri, opts)

makeCY(List, List) := CalabiYauInToric => opts -> (pts, triangulation) -> (
-- We keep the translation around?
Q := cyPolytope pts;
-- now we need the translation from old vertices to new.
H := hashTable for i from 0 to #rays Q - 1 list (rays Q)#i => i;
mapping := hashTable for i from 0 to #pts-1 list (
p := pts#i;
if all(p,a -> a == 0) then continue; -- leave out the origin
if H#?p then i => H#p else
error("lattice point found which is likely interior to a facet: "|(toString p))
tri := sort for t in triangulation list (
sort for t1 in drop(t,1) list mapping#t1
Q.cache#"vertex translation" = mapping;
cyData(Q, tri, opts)

normalToricVariety CalabiYauInToric := opts -> X -> (
if not X.cache.?NormalToricVariety then X.cache.NormalToricVariety = (
Q := X#"polytope data";
T := X#"triangulation";
GLSM := transpose matrix degrees Q;
normalToricVariety(rays Q, T, opts, WeilToClass => matrix GLSM)
-- TODO: this fails if the class group is torsion! (Fails: later it gives an inscrutable error...)

rays CalabiYauInToric := X -> rays cyPolytope X
max CalabiYauInToric := X -> X#"triangulation"

-- TODO: triangulation is used with 2 different pieces of data:
-- with, without cone point! Change this to use only one point.
-- Also: there are 4 matrices one can imagine: A, A0 (A with origin), Ah, A0h...
-- We need to be consistent about these!
-- TODO: do we really need this?
triangulation CalabiYauInToric := Triangulation => opts -> X -> (
if not opts.Homogenize then error "Homogenize flag is not used in this method";
if not X.cache#?"triangulation" then (
rys := X#"polytope data"#"rays";
d := #rys#0;
B := (transpose matrix rys) | matrix{d:{0}};
X.cache#"triangulation" = triangulation(B, for t in X#"triangulation" list append(t, #rys)); -- TODO: BUG?? where is "triangulation" key? In cache??

cyPolytope CalabiYauInToric := opts -> X -> X#"polytope data"
dim CalabiYauInToric := X -> dim ambient X - 1
polytope CalabiYauInToric := X -> polytope cyPolytope X
polytope(CalabiYauInToric, String) := (X, which) -> polytope(cyPolytope X, which)
basisIndices CalabiYauInToric := List => X -> basisIndices cyPolytope X
degrees CalabiYauInToric := List => X -> degrees cyPolytope X

ambient CalabiYauInToric := X -> normalToricVariety X

label = method()
label CYPolytope := Q -> if Q.cache#?"id" then Q.cache#"id" else ""
label CalabiYauInToric := X -> (label cyPolytope X, if X.cache#?"id" then X.cache#"id" else "")

hh(Sequence, CalabiYauInToric) := (pq, X) -> hh^pq cyPolytope X

isFavorable CalabiYauInToric := Boolean => X -> isFavorable cyPolytope X

abstractVariety CalabiYauInToric := opts -> X -> (
-- Store this with X.
V := ambient X;
aX := completeIntersection(V, {-toricDivisor V});
abstractVariety(aX, base())
abstractVariety(CalabiYauInToric, AbstractVariety) := opts -> (X, pt) -> (
-- Store this with X?
-- Check: pt is of dimension zero?
V := ambient X;
aX := completeIntersection(V, {-toricDivisor V});
abstractVariety(aX, pt)

-- restrictTriangulation: returns a List of
-- {2-face indices,
-- all indices of points in in this 2-face,
-- the triangles in this 2-face,
-- genus of this face}
-- TODO: need also a function which returns just: triangles, genus information.
restrictTriangulation = method()
restrictTriangulation CalabiYauInToric := List => (X) -> (
-- given X, we use its annotated faces and its triangulation, to write down the triangulations of the 2-faces
-- of the corresponding reflexive polytope in the N lattice side.
Q := cyPolytope X;
F := annotatedFaces Q;
twofaces := for x in F list if x#0 =!= 2 then continue else {x#1, x#2, x#4};
T := max X; -- triangulation
for t2 in twofaces list (
a := set t2#1; -- these are the indices we want.
atri := sort unique for t in T list (
b := sort toList(a * set t);
if #b == 3 then b else continue
{t2#0, t2#1, atri, t2#2}

restrictTriangulation(ZZ, CalabiYauInToric) := List => (d, X) -> (
-- given X, we use its annotated faces and its triangulation, to
-- write down the triangulations of the dim d-faces of the
-- corresponding reflexive polytope in the N lattice side.
Q := cyPolytope X;
F := annotatedFaces Q;
dfaces := for x in F list if x#0 =!= d then continue else x#2;
T := max X; -- triangulation
sort unique flatten for td in dfaces list (
a := set td; -- these are the indices we want.
atri := sort unique for t in T list (
b := sort toList(a * set t);
if #b == d+1 then b else continue

lineBundle(CalabiYauInToric, List) := (X, deg) -> (
if not all(deg, x -> instance(x, ZZ)) or #deg =!= degreeLength ring ambient X
then error("expected multidegree of length "|degreeLength ring ambient X);
new LineBundle from {
symbol cache => new CacheTable,
symbol variety => X,
symbol degree => deg

degree LineBundle := L ->
variety LineBundle := L -> L.variety

installMethod(symbol _, OO, CalabiYauInToric, LineBundle =>
(OO,X) -> lineBundle(X, (degree 1_(ring ambient X)))

LineBundle Sequence := (L, deg) -> (
lineBundle(variety L, degree L + toList deg)

equations CalabiYauInToric := List => X -> (
if not X.cache.?Equations then X.cache.Equations = (
V := ambient X;
{random(degree(-toricDivisor V), ring V)} -- TODO: (1) allow tuned equations, (2) do the random call more efficiently.

toricMoriCone = method()
toricMoriConeCap = method()

setToricMoriConeCap = method()
setToricMoriConeCap(CalabiYauInToric, List) := List => (Y, Xs) -> (
-- does nothing if Y is not favorable
-- Xs are all of the CY3's equivalent to Y (including Y), but NO others.
--myNTFE := restrictTriangulation Y;
--myXs := select(Xs, X0 -> restrictTriangulation X0 === myNTFE);
if not isFavorable Y then null
Y.cache#"toric mori cone cap" = sort entries transpose rays dualCone posHull matrix{for X in Xs list rays dualCone toricMoriCone X}
setToricMoriConeCap CalabiYauInToric := List => Y -> (
-- Xs are all of the CY3's equivalent to Y (including Y), possibly includes others too?
if not isFavorable Y then return null;
Q := cyPolytope Y;
Xs := findAllCYs(Q, NTFE => false, Automorphisms => false);
myNTFE := restrictTriangulation Y;
myXs := select(Xs, X0 -> restrictTriangulation X0 === myNTFE);
Y.cache#"toric mori cone cap" = sort entries transpose rays dualCone posHull matrix{for X in myXs list rays dualCone toricMoriCone X};

toricMoriConeCap CalabiYauInToric := List => Y -> (
if not isFavorable Y then return null;
if not Y.cache#?"toric mori cone cap" then setToricMoriConeCap Y;
Y.cache#"toric mori cone cap"

-- Let's test restrictTriangulation, automorphisms and getting only triangulations
-- unique up to linear automorphism of the lattice polytope.
topes = kreuzerSkarke(3, Limit => 20);
tope = KSEntry "4 7 M:74 7 N:8 7 H:3,63 [-120] id:15
1 0 0 0 -3 -3 3
0 1 1 1 1 -2 -2
0 0 3 0 3 0 -6
0 0 0 3 -3 -6 6
Q = cyPolytope tope
Xs = findAllCYs Q
auts = for e in automorphisms Q list matrix e
rayvecs = for v in rays Q list transpose matrix {v}
rayHash = hashTable for i from 0 to #rayvecs - 1 list rayvecs#i => i
g = auts#0
perms = for g in auts list
for v in rayvecs list rayHash#(g*v)
sort unique flatten restrictTriangulation(3, Xs#0)
sort for x in oo list sort perms_0_x

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