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Orchestrator Service

The goal of this program is to build an orchestrator service that would read any request it receives and forwards it to other orchestrator services and data services. The final working of the Orchestrator looks like this

  • Request
client ---RPC--> orchestrator_1(:9000) ---RPC--> orchestrator_2(:9001) ---RPC--> mock_data_service(:10000)
  • Response
mock_data_service(:10000) ---RPC--> orchestrator_2(:9001) ---RPC--> orchestrator_1(:9000) ---RPC--> client   

Installation and Usage

  • Use git to clone this repo git clone https:/MayankPandey01/orchestrator-service

On Windows

  • Use Powershell to Launch all the Servers
  • Start a Powershell in the root of the Cloned Repo
  • Use powershell launch.ps1
  • This will Launch All the Servers [ Plz Wait A Few Seconds to Fully Load all the modules and Start the Server]
  • You will Be Prompted By Firewall to Open Ports [9000,9001,10000]
  • Now in a new Powershell window run the Client by using go run .\client\client.go
  • You Can See the Output/Error depending on the input provided in the client.go file.

On Linux

  • Use Terminal to Launch all the Servers
  • Start a bash Terminal in the root of the Cloned Repo
  • Use sudo bash launch.ps1
  • This will Launch All the Servers [ Plz Wait A Few Seconds to Fully Load all the modules and Start the Server]
  • Now in a new bash terminal run the Client by using sudo go run .\client\client.go
  • You Can See the Output/Error depending on the input provided in the client.go file.

File Structure


  • It is the main service that receives a request and based on the request, returns a response based on simple logic.
  • Running as a separate microservice on port 10000


  • This is the first Orchestrator Running on Port 9000
  • It has a method GetUserByName which Forwards the Requests to orchestrator-2.go


  • This is the Second Orchestrator Running on Port 9001
  • It has a method GetUser which recives request from orchestrator-1.go and Forwards the Requests to datamock.go


  • This is where the client logic Resides.
  • An Input is passed to the Orchestrator-1 and from there requested are passed to services running on different ports [as described above]
  • The input is Hardcoded in this file, you can change this according to your need.


  • This is a different server, this was made in the initial steps of making this Orchestrator Service.
  • It runs on POrt 50051 and returns a Hardcoded Response
  • It's not part of the actual working of the Program.

launch.ps1 and

  • These files are made to automate the launching of the servers on Windows and Linux. It saves the effort to manually launch all the 3 servers

Things to note

  • This program was tested on both Windows and Linux and It works as expected
  • If an error arises for context timeout then try to wait for a few seconds and relaunching the client, This issue only arises if the servers are not fully Online and the client is trying to make the Request
  • Go Version Used: 1.14 - 1.17


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