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Command-line interface for Mirror Protocol on Terra.

Table of Contents



mirrorcli can be installed off NPM.

$ npm install -g @mirror-protocol/mirrorcli

The entrypoint mirrorcli should then be available in your path:

$ mirrorcli Usage: mirrorcli [options] [command] Command-line interface for interacting with Mirror Protocol on Terra Options: -V, --version output the version number -v,--verbose Show verbose error logs -h, --help display help for command Commands: exec|x Execute a function on a smart contract query|q Run a smart contract query function config|c Access configuration settings help [command] display help for command


On first launch, mirrorcli will generate a ~/.mirrorclirc.json in your $HOME directory, which will be used in subsequent sessions to specify settings such as LCD provider, gas prices for fee estimation, as well as contract addresses. It will come pre-configured with the official contracts for the mainnet version of Mirror on its columbus-4 setting.

The following instructions show you how to modify settings using the tequila-0004 network by default:

mirrorcli will create a configuration file in your home directory: $HOME/.mirrorclirc.json.

Specifying LCD settings

Each network config should define how to connect to the Terra blockchain via LCD parameters.

  "networks": {
    "tequila-0004": {
      "lcd": {
        "chainId": "tequila-0004",
        "url": "",
        "gasPrices": {
          "uluna": 0.15,
          "usdr": 0.1018,
          "uusd": 0.15,
          "ukrw": 178.05,
          "umnt": 431.6259
        "gasAdjustment": 1.2

Specifying Contracts

Each network configuration should point to the correct Mirror core contract addresses.

  "networks": {
    "tequila-0004": {
      "contracts": {
        "collector": "terra1v046ktavwzlyct5gh8ls767fh7hc4gxc95grxy",
        "community": "terra10qm80sfht0zhh3gaeej7sd4f92tswc44fn000q",
        "factory": "terra10l9xc9eyrpxd5tqjgy6uxrw7dd9cv897cw8wdr",
        "gov": "terra12r5ghc6ppewcdcs3hkewrz24ey6xl7mmpk478s",
        "mint": "terra1s9ehcjv0dqj2gsl72xrpp0ga5fql7fj7y3kq3w",
        "oracle": "terra1uvxhec74deupp47enh7z5pk55f3cvcz8nj4ww9",
        "staking": "terra1a06dgl27rhujjphsn4drl242ufws267qxypptx",
        "terraswap": "terra18qpjm4zkvqnpjpw0zn0tdr8gdzvt8au35v45xf"

Specify the Network [IMPORTANT]

By default, mirrorcli will use the network setting for columbus-4 configured in ~/.mirrorclirc.json. You can direct mirrorcli to use a different network configuration by changing the value of the MIRRORCLI_NETWORK environment variable.


MIRRORCLI_NETWORK=tequila-0004 mirrorcli x mint [deposit ...]


export MIRRORCLI_NETWORK=tequila-0004
mirrorcli x mint [deposit ...]


mirrorcli allows you to:

  • execute state-changing functions on Mirror and Terraswap smart contracts
  • query readonly data endpoints on Mirror and Terraswap smart contracts


USAGE: mirrorcli exec|x [options] [command]

Execute a function on a smart contract

  --yaml                                        Encode result as YAML instead of JSON
  -y,--yes                                      Sign transaction without confirming (yes)
  --home <string>                               Directory for config of terracli
  --from <key-name>                             *Name of key in terracli keyring
  --generate-only                               Build an unsigned transaction and write it to stdout
  -G,--generate-msg                             Build an ExecuteMsg (good for including in poll)
  --base64                                      For --generate-msg: returns msg as base64
  -b,--broadcast-mode <string>                  Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default: sync) (default: "sync")
  --chain-id <string>                           Chain ID of Terra node
  -a,--account-number <int>                     The account number of the signing account (offline mode)
  -s,--sequence <int>                           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode)
  --memo <string>                               Memo to send along with transaction
  --fees <coins>                                Fees to pay along with transaction
  --gas <int|auto>                              *Gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically
  --gas-adjustment <float>                      Adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation
  --gas-prices <coins>                          Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 10uluna,12.5ukrw)
  -h, --help                                    display help for command

  collector [options]     Mirror Collector contract functions
  community [options]     Mirror Community contract functions
  factory [options]       Mirror Factory contract functions
  gov [options]           Mirror Gov contract functions
  mint [options]          Mirror Mint contract functions
  oracle [options]        Mirror Oracle contract functions
  staking [options]       Mirror Staking contract functions
  airdrop [options]       Mirror Airdrop contract functions [mainnet only]
  terraswap|ts [options]  Terraswap contract functions
  token [options]         Terraswap CW20 Token contract functions
  help [command]          display help for command


USAGE: mirrorcli query|q [options] [command]

Run a smart contract query function

  -h, --help              display help for command

  collector [options]     Mirror Collector contract queries
  community [options]     Mirror Community contract queries
  factory [options]       Mirror Factory contract queries
  gov [options]           Mirror Gov contract queries
  mint [options]          Mirror Mint contract queries
  oracle [options]        Mirror Oracle contract queries
  staking [options]       Mirror Staking contract queries
  airdrop [options]       Mirror Airdrop contract queries [mainnet only]
  terraswap|ts [options]  Terraswap contract queries
  token [options]         Terraswap CW20 Token contract queries
  help [command]          display help for command


This section illustrates the usage of mirrorcli through some use cases. All examples assume you have a key in terracli keychain called test1.

Adjusting CDP collateral ratio via mint / burn

The Mirror Web App currently requires you to open a new position if you want to mint more mAssets, and burn all your minted tokens and close your position completely. You can do additional mint / burn operations against an existing position to adjust your collateralization ratio by:


mirrorcli x mint mint $POSITION_ID 10000000mAAPL --from test1 --gas auto --fees 100000uluna --b block


mirrorcli x mint burn $POSITION_ID 10000000mAAPL --from test1 --gas auto --fees 100000uluna --b block

Creating a new poll

The following create a community-pool spend poll:

export RECIPIENT=terra1...
mirrorcli x gov create-poll \
  --title 'Community pool spend' \
  --desc 'Spends some funds from community' \
  --deposit 512000000 \
  --link '' \
  --execute-to $(mirrorcli c get \
  --execute-msg $(mirrorcli x community spend $RECIPIENT 100000 -G) \
  --from test1 \
  --gas 500000 \
  --fees 20000000uluna \
  -b block

Note how the output of $(mirrorcli x community spend $RECIPIENT 100000 -G) is used to generate a Mirror message which can be used inside other mirrorcli functions that accept messages.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Read more about it here.

© 2020 Mirror Protocol