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A MontiCore language for defining class diagrams and related tooling. Detailed documentation can be found here: https:/MontiCore/cd4analysis/blob/master/src/main/grammars/de/monticore/

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Class Diagram Languages: CD4A, CD4C

This introduction is intended for modelers who use the class diagram (CD) languages. We also provide a detailed documentation of CD languages for language engineers using or extending one of the CD languages.

The CD languages are mainly intended for

  1. analysis modeling (i.e., structures of the system context as well as data structures of the system),
  2. (implementation-oriented) code modeling, including method signatures,
  3. generating code, data tables, transport functions and more.
  4. It is also possible to use CDs only as intermediate structures to map from one or more other DSLs into an object-oriented target language, such as Java or C++. (e.g., the MontiCore generator maps grammars to CDs before generating code from there).
  5. Finally, CDs can also be used as reported results from any other generation or analysis process.


An Example Model

The following example CD MyCompany illustrates the textual syntax of CDs:

package corp;
import java.util.Date;

classdiagram MyCompany {

  abstract class Entity;
  package people {
    class Person extends Entity {
      Date birthday;
      List<String> nickNames;
      -> Address [*] {ordered};
    class Address {
      String city;
      String street;
      int number;
  class Company extends Entity {
    CorpKind kind;
  class Employee extends people.Person {
    int salary;
  class Share {
    int value;
  association [1..*] Company (employer) <-> Employee [*];
  composition [1] Company <- Share [*];
  association shareholding [1] Entity (shareholder) -- (owns) Share [*];


This example CD contains the following information:

  • The CD is contained in the package corp and is called MyCompany.
  • The package corp also serves as the default package for all classes in the CD.
  • The CD defines the six (6) classes Entity,Person, Address, Company, Employee, and Share.
  • Entity is an abstract class, and therefore cannot be instantiated directly.
  • Person and Address are contained in the package people. Packages can be used to structure the classes contained in a CD.
  • The class Employee extends the class Person (like in Java, implementation of interfaces are also possible).
  • Each class may contain attributes, which have a type and name.
  • The CD uses available default types (which are basic types from Java),
  • imported types (like Date), and predefined forms of generic types (e.g., List<.>),
  • Enums can also be defined (eg., CorpKind ).
  • The CD contains associations and compositions that are defined between two classes.
  • An association can have a name and navigation information (e.g., <->).
  • Each side of an association can have a role name, a cardinality (e.g., [0..1]) and certain predefined tags/stereotypes (e.g., {ordered}).
  • Associations and attributes may also reference qualified types (e.g., [java.util.Date]).

More examples can be found here.

The CD language infrastructure can be used as a command-line tool from shell or gradle, as well as a framework with direct Java API access.

Command Line Interface Tool

The tool provides typical functionality used when processing models, including:

  • parsing with coco-checking and symbol table creation,
  • pretty-printing,
  • storing symbols in symbol files,
  • loading symbols from symbol files,
  • transforming a CD into a graphical svg format
  • computing the semantic difference of 2 CDs, and
  • merging 2 CDs (iff the result is semantically sound)

The requirements for building and using the CD tool are that Java 11, Git, and Gradle are installed and available for use (e.g., in bash).

Downloading the Latest Version of the Tool

A ready to use version of the tool can be downloaded in the form of an executable JAR file. You can use this download link for downloading the tool. Alternatively, the wget command can be used to download the latest version into your working directory:

wget "" -O MCCD.jar

Actions and Parameters of the Tool

The tool provides quite a number of executable actions and configurable parameters. These commands are examples for calling the tool:

java -jar MCCd.jar -i src/MyCompany --path symbols -o out --gen
java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -s symbols/MyAddress.cdsym
java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/MyLife --path symbols -pp 

To try them out for yourself download and put the files and into your src directory. The second command needs to be executed before the third.

The possible options are:

Option Explanation
-ct,--configTemplate <file> Executes this template at the beginning of a generation with --gen. This allows configuration of the generation process (optional, -fp is needed to specify the template path).
-d,--defaultpackage <boolean> Configures if a default package should be created. Default: false. If true, all classes, that are not already in a package, are moved to the default package.
--difflimit <int> Maximum number of shown witnesses when using --semdiff (optional; default is: 1, i.e. only one witness is shown).
--diffsize <int> Maximum number of objects in witnesses when comparing the semantic diff with --semdiff (optional; default is based on a heuristic, but at least 20). This constrains long searches.
--fieldfromrole <fieldfromrole> Configures if explicit field symbols, which are typically used for implementing associations, should be added, if derivable from role symbols (default: none). Values: none is typical for modeling, all adds always on both classes, navigable adds only if the association is navigable.
-fp,--templatePath <pathlist> Directories and jars for handwritten templates to integrate when using --gen (optional, but needed, when -ct is used).
--gen Generate .java-files corresponding to the classes defined in the input class diagram.
-h,--help Prints short help; other options are ignored.
-i,--input <file> Reads the source file and parses the contents as a CD. Alternatively, --stdin can be used to read the input CD from stdin. Using one of the two options is mandatory for all further operations.
--json Writes a "Schema.json" to the output directory.
-nt,--nobuiltintypes If this option is used, built-in-types will not be considered.
--merge <files> Parses the files as additional CDs and merges them with the input CD (iff semantically sound). The result is stored in memory.
-o,--output <dir> Defines the path for generated files (optional; default is: .).
--open-world Compute the open-world difference of 2 class diagrams when using --semdiff (optional). The method is either reduction-based or alloy-based (default is: reduction-based).
--path <dirlist> Artifact path for importable symbols, separated by spaces (default is: .).
-pp,--prettyprint <file> Prints the input CDs to stdout or to the specified file (optional). The output directory is specified by -o.
-r,--report <dir> Prints reports of the parsed artifact to the specified directory (optional) or the output directory specified by -o (default is: .) This includes e.g. all defined packages, classes, interfaces, enums, and associations. The file name is "report.{CDName}"
--rule-based Uses a rule-based approach to --semdiff instead of the model-checker Alloy to compute the diff witnesses. Improved performance.
-s,--symboltable <file> Stores the symbol table of the CD. The default value is {CDName}.cdsym. This option does not use the output directory specified by -o.
--semdiff <file> Parses the file as a second CD and compares it semantically with the first CD that is currently in memory. Output: object diagrams (witnesses) that are valid in the first CD, but invalid in the second CD. This is a semantics-based, asymmetric diff. Details:
--show <print_option> Specifies the print option for --syntaxdiff: diff (default) prints only the differences in a color-coded format (red for deleted, yellow for changed, and green for newly added elements). old will print only the old CD with color-coded diffs and new only the new CD. both prints both CDs. added prints only the added CD-elements; removed prints only the removed CD-elements, and changed prints only the changed CD-elements.
--stdin Reads the input CD from stdin instead of the source file specified by -i. Using one of the two options is mandatory for all further operations.
--syntaxdiff <file> Performs a syntactical difference analysis on the current CD in memory (new) and a second CD (old) and prints the result to stdout. Default: Outputs color-coded differences (red for deleted, yellow for changed, and green for newly added elements) to stdout.
--reference Parses the file as a reference CD and checks if the the input CD specified by -i is conform to it.
--map Specify the names of stereotypes that are used as incarnation mappings in the concrete model. Default : 'incarnates'

Building the Tool from the Sources (if desired)

As alternative to a download, it is possible to build an executable JAR of the tool from the source files located in GitHub. In order to build an executable Jar of the tool with Bash from the source files available in GitHub, execute the following commands.

First, clone the repository:

git clone https:/MontiCore/cd4analysis.git

Change the directory to the root directory of the cloned sources:

cd cd4analysis

Then build the source files with gradle (if gradle is not recognized as a command in your shell, please install Gradle). To this effect, execute the following two commands:

gradle build
gradle shadowJar

Congratulations! The executable JAR file MCCD.jar is now in the directory target/libs.

Tutorial: Getting Started Using the CD Tool

The following small tutorial should help to get an idea of how to use the CD tool given in MCCD.jar.

Step 1:

Executing the tool with the following command and no options prints information on the available options:

java -jar MCCD.jar

You may also use the option -h, --help for the same result:

java -jar MCCD.jar -h

For any other action, the tool requires either the option -i,--input <file>, which reads a file containing a CD model as input, or --stdin, which parses the input CD from stdin instead. If no additional options are specified, the tool processes the model, but does not produce any further output, except for error messages or a message indicating success. Note that processing means that the tool parses the model, builds its symbol table, and then checks whether the model satisfies all context conditions.

If you want to try this out yourself, copy the MCCD.jar into a directory of your choice. Then create a text file src/ (also available here) in a src subdirectory of the directory where MCCD.jar is located containing e.g. the following simple CD (please note that, like in Java, filename and model name in the file have to be the same):

import java.lang.String;

classdiagram MyExample {
  class Person {
    int age;
    String surname;

  association Person -> (friends) Person [*];

Now execute the following command:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/

You may notice that the tool prints the following text to the console:

Successfully parsed src/
Successfully checked the CoCos for class diagram MyExample

The contents of the input CD artifact can also be piped to the tool. For this, execute the following command:

cat src/ | java -jar MCCD.jar --stdin

The output is the same as for the previous command.

Step 2: Pretty-Printing

The tool provides a pretty-printer for the CD language. A pretty-printer can be used, e.g., to fix the formatting of files containing CDs, but has its main application in printing internally constructed or transformed CDs.

To execute the pretty-printer, the -pp,--prettyprint option can be used. Using the option without any arguments pretty-prints the model contained in the input file to the console (stdout):

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -pp

After executing the command, the following output should appear on your console:

import java.lang.String;

classdiagram MyExample {
  class Person {
    int age;
    String surname;
  association Person -> (friends) Person [*];

It is possible to pretty-print the models contained in the input file to an output file (here:, missing directories are created automatically:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -pp target/

Step 3: Storing Symbols

If the symbols of the src/ model should be available elsewhere, they can be stored. The symbol file will contain information about the classes and associations defined in the CD. It can be imported by other models in order to use these symbols.

Using the option -s,--symboltable <file> builds the symbol table of the input model and stores it in the file path given as argument. Providing the file path is optional. If no file path is provided, the tool stores the symbol table of the input model in the file {CDName}.cdsym.

For storing the symbol file for src/, we execute the following command (the context condition checks require using the path option):

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -s

The tool produces the file MyExample.cdsym, which can now be imported by other models, e.g., by models that need to use some of the classes defined in the CD MyExample. The tool additionally indicates the correct generation by its outputs:

Successfully parsed src/MyExample
Successfully checked the CoCos for MyExample
Creation of symbol table src/MyExample.cdsym successful

The symbol file contains a JSON representation of the symbols defined in the CD, which are type, association, interface, attribute and method symbols.

E.g., for storing the symbols of src/ in the file symbols/MyExample.cdsym, execute the following command:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -s symbols/MyExample.cdsym

Step 4: Adding FieldSymbols corresponding to association roles

By default, the CD tool stores exactly the symbols that have been explicitly defined. This is the typical modeling approach. However, code generation usually maps the CDRoleSymbols defined in an association to attributes and thus implicitly adds FieldSymbols into the classes that host an association. These additional symbols can be made available in the symbol file in the two following forms:

Form 1: For each of the CDRoleSymbols add a FieldSymbol in the source class of the role. This can be used in languages, like OCL, that always allow for the navigation in both directions. These additional field symbols are stored with:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -s symbols/MyExample.cdsym --fieldfromrole all
  • two additional FieldSymbols were stored for both sides of the association

Form 2: FieldSymbols are added only for navigable roles. This can be used in implementation oriented languages that have to cope with the actual implementation restrictions:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -s symbols/MyExample.cdsym --fieldfromrole navigable
  • only one additional FieldSymbol is stored for the navigable Role friends, because the association is only unidirectional

Step 5: Importing Symbol Files Using a Path

MontiCore is designed for modularity (both on the model and language level). The CD languages are participating in the symbol exchange infrastructure. We import a symbol file defining type symbols that are used by a CD.

Let us now consider the example MyLife from above. Please, copy the file and save it in a file src/monticore/

Execute the following command for processing the file

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/monticore/

After executing the command, the output states that a context condition is not satisfied by the model:

[ERROR]<18,9>: 0xA0324 Cannot find symbol Address

The missing class Address is currently not imported. MyLife already has an import statement to another class diagram included (available here):

(content of src/

import java.lang.String;

classdiagram MyAddress {
  class Address {
    String city;
    String street;
    int number;

The CD tool, however, does not directly load dependent models, but only their symbol files. This has several interesting advantages:

  • it allows us to use the CD language with any other language that defines types, because it decouples the languages down to shared symbols,
  • the tools themselves also remain decoupled and independent,
  • the build process can be organized in an incremental effective way (when using e.g. gradle or make, but not mvn).
  • even symbols from languages, such as Java, that not are defined with MontiCore can be integrated (e.g. we integrate handwritten code via their symbols).

However, the tool has to be applied to the new additional model first:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -s symbols/MyAddress.cdsym

We then add the symbol file to the model path using --path:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/monticore/ --defaultpackage --path symbols

The model path is used to identify the directory structure that contains the needed symbol files. As we provide the model path to the tool, it will successfully search for symbols in symbol files stored in the model path. This means that it processes the model successfully without any context condition violations. Great!

Step 6: Create a Default Package in the Class Diagram

The class diagram languages support structuring the CD into packages (similar to Java). For classes with no explicit defined package the tool can assume those classes to be in a default package. This default is calculated as follows:

  1. If the class diagram itself is defined in a package, this package is propagated to the classes contained in the cd.
  2. If such a package is not explicitly given, the default 'de.monticore' is used.

Step 7: Generating .java-Files

By using the option --gen, we can generate .java-files corresponding to the input class diagram:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ --gen

With option -o we can specify the output directory; the default is .:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ --gen -o out

Note that the option --fieldfromrole must be used with the appropriate argument in order to generate attributes for associations contained in the input CD. Use the following commands in order to generate .java-files for the CD MyCompany(available here):

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ -o out --gen --fieldfromrole navigable

Step 8: The Semantic Difference of Two Class Diagrams

We define the semantic difference semdiff(CD1,CD2) of two class diagrams CD1 and CD2 as the set of all object diagrams that are valid in CD1 but invalid in CD2. These object diagrams are also referred to as diff-witnesses. We observe that this difference is asymmetric. For more details on semantic differencing:

The option --semdiff <file> computes the semantic difference of the current CD in memory and the CD specified by the argument.

For the following examples, download the files and and save them in src:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ --semdiff scr/

We can use the option difflimit to specify the maximum number of witnesses that are generated in the output directory; the default is to generate one diff-witness. Once again, the option -o can be used to specify the output directory; the default is .:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/  --semdiff src/ --difflimit 20 -o out

Note that --semdiff does not use symbols from symbol files.

More on the available syntactic and semantic differencing operations for class diagrams (including conformance checking to reference models) can be found here.

Step 9: Merging Two Class Diagram

The option --merge <files> merges the input-CD with the CDs specified by the argument iff the two are semantically compatible [LRSS23]. The result is stored in memory as the current CD.

For the following examples, download the files and and save them in src:

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ --merge src/ -pp

If -pp is used in conjunction with --merge, the name of the merged CD always corresponds to the name of the file (without the suffix .cd):

java -jar MCCD.jar -i src/ --merge src/ -o out -pp

Note that --merge does not use symbols from symbol files. Instead of using the --merge option from the command line, you may also call the static method CDMerge.merge() with a set of appropriate MergeParameter.

Further Information