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Collections for PHP - It's basically a syntax sugar over classic array structure, which allows you to use it as classic array, but adds some cool features.


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MFCollections for PHP

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It's basically a syntax sugar over classic array structure, which allows you to use it as classic array, but adds some cool features.

Table of Contents


composer require mf/collections-php


  • PHP ^8.2

Base Interfaces

Check out Documentation for more details.




A list is an ordered (possibly immutable) series of elements of the same type.


A map is an ordered (possibly immutable) series of key values pairs.


A sequence is a logical series of elements all of one type.


A tuple is a grouping of unnamed but ordered values, possibly of different types.

Mutable Collections


  • Mutable\Generic\ICollection, Mutable\Generic\IList, Mutable\Generic\IMap


  • implements Mutable\Generic\IList
  • is eager as possible


  • implements Mutable\Generic\IMap
  • is eager as possible


  • implements IEnumerable
  • holds items with generic type by priority
  • is eager as possible

Example of strategies by priority

For case when you want to apply only the first strategy which can do what you want. You can add strategies dynamically and still apply them by priority later.

// initialization of strategies
/** @phpstan-var PrioritizedCollection<StrategyInterface> $strategies */
$strategies = new PrioritizedCollection();
$strategies->add(new DefaultStrategy(), 1);

// added later
$strategies->add(new SpecialStrategy(), 100);

// find and apply first suitable strategy
/** @var StrategyInterface $strategy */
foreach ($strategies as $strategy) {
    if ($strategy->supports($somethingStrategic)) {
        return $strategy->apply($somethingStrategic);

Immutable Collections

  • internal state of Immutable\Collection instance will never change from the outside (it is readonly)
$list = new Immutable\ListCollection();
$listWith1 = $list->add(1);

// $list != $listWith1
echo $list->count();        // 0
echo $listWith1->count();   // 1
  • $list is still an empty Immutable\ListCollection
  • $listWith1 is new instance of Immutable\ListCollection with value 1


  • Immutable\Generic\ICollection, Immutable\Generic\IList, Immutable\Generic\IMap, Immutable\Generic\ISeq, Immutable\ITuple


  • implements Immutable\Generic\IList
  • is eager as possible


  • implements Immutable\Generic\IMap
  • is eager as possible


  • implements Immutable\Generic\ISeq
  • is lazy as possible (even could be Infinite)
$seq = Seq::infinite()                         // 1, 2, ...
    ->filter(fn ($i) => $i % 2 === 0)   // 2, 4, ...
    ->skip(2)                           // 6, 8, ...
    ->map(fn ($i) => $i * $i)           // 36, 64, ...
    ->takeWhile(fn ($i) => $i < 100)    // 36, 64
    ->reverse()                         // 64, 36
    ->take(1);                          // 64
// for now the Sequence is still lazy

// this will generate (evaluate) the values
$array = $seq->toArray();               // [64]


  • always has a Key and the Value
  • key is restricted to int|string so it may be used in the foreach as a key
  • can contain any values


  • implements Immutable\ITuple
  • must have at least 2 values (otherwise it is just a single value)
  • is eager as possible
  • allows destructuring, matching and parsing/formatting
  • can contain any scalar values and/or arrays
    • in string representation of a Tuple, array values must be separated by ; (not by ,)


Tuple::parse('(foo, bar)')->toArray();                  // ['foo', 'bar']
Tuple::parse('("foo, bar", boo)')->toArray();           // ['foo, bar', 'boo']
Tuple::parse('(1, "foo, bar", true)')->toArray();       // [1, 'foo, bar', true]
Tuple::parse('(1, [2; 3], [four; "Five"])')->toArray(); // [1, [2, 3], ['four', 'five']]

Matching and comparing

Tuple::from([1, 1])->match('int', 'int');                      // true
Tuple::from([1, 2, 3])->isSame(Tuple::of(1, 2, 3));            // true
Tuple::of(10, 'Foo', null)->match('int', 'string', '?string'); // true
Tuple::of(10, [9, 8])->match('int', 'array');                  // true

Parsing and matching

Tuple::parseMatch('(foo, bar)', 'string', 'string')->toArray();        // ['foo', 'bar']
Tuple::parseMatchTypes('(foo, bar)', ['string', 'string'])->toArray(); // ['foo', 'bar']

// invalid types
Tuple::parseMatch('(foo, bar, 1)', 'string', 'string'); // throws \InvalidArgumentException "Given tuple does NOT match expected types (string, string) - got (string, string, int)"


Tuple::from([1, 'foo', null])->toString();          // '(1, "foo", null)'

// for URL
Tuple::from(['foo', 'bar'])->toStringForUrl();      // '(foo,bar)'
Tuple::from(['foo-bar', 'boo'])->toStringForUrl();  // '(foo-bar,bar)'
Tuple::from(['mail', '[email protected]'])->toStringForUrl(); // '(mail,"[email protected]")'


$tuple  = Tuple::of('first', 2, 3); // ('first', 2, 3)
$first  = $tuple->first();          // 'first'
$second = $tuple->second();         // 2
[$first, $second] = $tuple;         // $first = 'first'; $second = 2
[,, $third]       = $tuple;         // 3


sprintf('Title: %s | Value: %s', ...Tuple::of('foo', 'bar')); // "Title: foo | Value: bar"


  • merging Tuples will automatically flat them (see last example below)
$base  = Tuple::of('one', 'two');                       // ('one', 'two')
$upTo3 = Tuple::merge($base, 'three');                  // ('one', 'two', 'three')
$upTo4 = Tuple::merge($base, '3', 'four');              // ('one', 'two', '3', 'four')
$upTo5 = Tuple::merge($base, ['3', '4'], '5');          // ('one', 'two', ['3', '4'], '5')
$upTo5 = Tuple::merge($base, Tuple::of('3', '4'), '5'); // ('one', 'two', '3', '4', '5')

Merging and matching

$base = Tuple::of('one', 'two');                                    // ('one', 'two')
$upTo3 = Tuple::mergeMatch(['string', 'string', 'int'], $base, 3);  // ('one', 'two', 3)

// invalid types
Tuple::mergeMatch(['string', 'string'], $base, 3); // throws \InvalidArgumentException "Merged tuple does NOT match expected types (string, string) - got (string, string, int)."

Sequences and lazy mapping

  • if your Sequence get mapped and filtered many times (for readability), it is not a problem
    • map -> map -> filter -> map -> filter -> map will iterate the collection only once (for applying all modifiers at once)
    • this modification is done when another method is triggered, so adding new modifier is an atomic operation
  • all the values are generated on the fly, so it may end on out of memory exception

Plans for next versions

  • use Symfony/Stopwatch in unit tests
  • even better documentation (current)