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The CALM project is joint effort lead by NCAI in collaboration with Yandex and HuggingFace to train an Arabic language model with volunteers from around the globe. The project is an adaptation of the framework proposed at the NeurIPS 2021 demonstration: Training Transformers Together.

One of the main obstacles facing many researchers in the Arabic NLP community is the lack of computing resources that are needed for training large models. Models with leading performane on Arabic NLP tasks, such as AraBERT, CamelBERT, AraELECTRA, and QARiB, took days to train on TPUs. In the spirit of democratization of AI and community enabling, a core value at NCAI, CALM aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of collaborative training and form a community of volunteers for ANLP researchers with basic level cloud GPUs who wish to train their own models collaboratively.

CALM trains a single BERT model on a dataset that combines MSA, Oscar and Arabic Wikipedia, and dialectal data for the gulf region from existing open source datasets. Each volunteer GPU trains the model locally at its own pace on a portion of the dataset while another portion is being streamed in the background to reduces local memory consumption. Computing the gradients and aggregating them is performed in a distributed manner, based on the computing abilities of each participating volunteer. Details of the distributed training process are further described in the paper Deep Learning in Open Collaborations.

How to participate in training?

To join the collaborative training, all you have to do is to keep a notebook running for at least 15 minutes, you're free to close it after that and join again in another time. There are few steps before running the notebook:

  1. Create an account on Huggingface.
  2. Join the NCAI-CALM Organization on Huggingface through the invitation link shared with you by email.
  3. Get your Access Token, it's later required in the notebook
    1. Go to your HF account.
    2. Go to Settings ⇒ Access Tokens.
    3. Generate a new Access Token and enter any name for what's this token for.
    4. Select read role.
    5. Copy your access token.
    6. Paste it in the notebook once it prompts you in cell number 4.

Start training

Pick one of the following methods to run the training code.
NOTE: Kaggle gives you around 40 hrs per week of GPU time, so it's preferred over Colab, unless you have Colab Pro or Colab Pro+.

1. Using Kaggle (recommended)

Open In Kaggle

(Please make sure to switch the "internet" ON, in kernel editor settings) If you are a new member at Kaggle:

  1. Verified your phone number in the settings pane
  2. Enable "Internet"

2. Using Google Colab

Open In Colab

3. Running locally

If you have additional local computing GPUs, please visit our discord channel for instructions to set it.

Issues or questions?

We are there to provide any assistance needed, please make sure to join our Open in discord.

How to host your own experiment?

Here you can find the best practices that we learned from running the CALM experiment. These may help you set up your own collaborative experiment.

If your training run is not confidential, feel free to ask for help on the hivemind discord channel

1. Choose and verify your training configuration

Depending on you use case, you may want to change

When transitioning to a new language or new dataset, it is important to check that the tokenizer/collator works as intended before you begin training. The best way to do that is to manually look at training minibatches:

from import make_training_dataset
from tasks.mlm.whole_word_mask import DataCollatorForWholeWordMask

tokenizer = create_tokenizer_here(...)
dataset = make_training_dataset(tokenizer, max_sequence_length=...)  # see
collator = DataCollatorForWholeWordMask(tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=...)  # see
data_loader =, collate_fn=collator, batch_size=4)

# generate a few batches
rows = []
with tqdm(enumerate(data_loader)) as progress:
    for i, row in progress:
        if i > 10:

# look into the training data
row_ix, sample_ix = 0, 1
sources = [tokenizer.decode([i]) for i in rows[row_ix]['input_ids'][sample_ix].data.numpy()]
print("MASK RATE:", (rows[row_ix]['input_ids'][sample_ix] == 4).data.numpy().sum() / (rows[row_ix]['input_ids'][sample_ix] != 0).data.numpy().sum())

for i in range(len(sources)):
    if sources[i] == '[MASK]':
        pass#sources[i] = '[[' + tokenizer.decode(rows[row_ix]['labels'][sample_ix][i].item()) + ']]'

print(' '.join(sources))

If you make many changes, it also helps to train a very model using your own device to check if everything works as intended. A good initial configuration is 6 layers, 512 hidden, 2048 intermediate).

If you're training with volunteers, the most convenient way is to set up a Hugging Face organization. For instructions on that, see "make your own" section of . We use WANDB for tracking logs and training progress: we've set up a WandB team named CALM for this experiment. Alternatively, you can use hivemind standalone (and even without internet access) by setting --authorize False and WANDB_DISABLED=true -- or manually removing the corresponding options from the code.

2. Setting up auxiliary peers

Auxiliary peers are low-end servers without GPU that will keep track of the latest model checkpoint and report metrics and assist in communication. You will need 1-3 workers that track metrics, upload statistics, etc. These peers do not use GPU. If you have many participants are behind firewall (in --client_mode), it helps to add more auxiliary servers, as they can serve as relays and help with all-reduce.

Minimum requirements: 15+ GB RAM, at least 100Mbit/s download/upload speed, at least one port opened to incoming connections;

Where to get: cloud providers that have cheap ingress/egress pricing. Good examples: pebblehost "Essential-01" and hetzner CX41. Path of the true jedi: use your homelab or university server -- but that may require networking experience. AWS/GCP/Azure has similar offers, but they cost more due to egress pricing.

Setup env:

sudo apt install -y git tmux
curl >
bash -b -p ~/anaconda3
source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

git clone https:/NCAI-Research/CALM/
pip install https:/learning-at-home/hivemind/archive/
cd CALM && pip install -q -r requirements.txt &> log

# re-install bitsandbytes for the actual CUDA version
pip uninstall -y bitsandbytes-cuda111
pip install bitsandbytes-cuda113==0.26.0

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install

Run auxiliary worker:

  1. Open a tmux (or screen) session that will stay up after you logout. (tmux new , about tmux)
  2. Generate peer ID ahead of time
curl -L > p2p-keygen
chmod +x p2p-keygen
./p2p-keygen -f ./identity

This ensures that if you restart the peer during training, it will have the same identity, which is useful if others use your worker as initial peer.

  1. Measure internet bandwidth and set $BANDWIDTH variable
# You can measure bandwidth automatically:
curl -s | python -  --json > speedtest.json
export BANDWIDTH=`python -c "import json; speedtest = json.load(open('speedtest.json')); print(int(max(1, min(speedtest['upload'], speedtest['download']) / 1e6)))"`
echo "Internet Bandwidth (Mb/s) = $BANDWIDTH"
# If that doesn't work, you can simply `export BANDWIDTH=TODOyour_bandwidth_mbits_here` using the minimum of download and upload speed.
  1. Run the auxiliary peer
export MY_IP=`curl --ipv4 -s`
export PORT=12345   # please choose a port where you can accept incoming tcp connections (or open that port if you're on a cloud)

export LISTEN_ON=/ip4/$PORT
export ANNOUNCE_ON=/ip4/$MY_IP/tcp/$PORT
export WANDB_START_METHOD=thread
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=  # do not use GPUs even if they are avilable
# organizations

# experiment name

export HF_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN=TODO_create_user_access_token_here_with_WRITE_permissions_
# note: you can avoid setting the two tokens above: in that case, the script will ask you to login to wandb and huggingface
# activate your anaconda environment
source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate

ulimit -n 16384 # this line is important, ignoring it may cause Too Many Open Files

python --run_id $EXP_NAME --host_maddrs $LISTEN_ON --announce_maddrs $ANNOUNCE_ON --wandb_project $WANDB_PROJECT --identity ./identity --store_checkpoints --upload_interval 43200 --repo_url $HF_ORGANIZATION_NAME/$HF_MODEL_NAME --authorize --assist_in_averaging --bandwidth $BANDWIDTH
# Optionally, add more peers to the training via `--initial_peers ONE_OR_MORE PEERS_HERE`

If everything went right, it will print its address as such: image

Please copy this address and use it as --initial_peers with GPU/TPU trainers and other auxiliary peers.

3. Setting up a trainer Trainers are peers with GPUs (or other compute accelerators) that compute gradients, average them via all-reduce and perform optimizer steps. There are two broad types of trainers: normal (full) peers and client mode peers. Client peers rely on others to average their gradients, but otherwise behave same as full peers. You can designate your trainer as a client-only using the `--client_mode` flag.

When do I need client mode? if a peer is unreliable (e.g. will likely be gone in 1 hour) OR sits behind a firewall that blocks incoming connections OR has very unstable internet connection, it should be a client. For instance, it is recommended to set colab / kaggle peers as clients. In turn, cloud GPUs (even spot instances!) are generally more reliable and should be full peers.

Participating as a client is easy, you can find the code for that in this colab notebook(TODO). Setting up a full peer is more difficult,

Set up environment:

This part is the same as in auxiliary peer, except we don't need LFS (that was needed to upload checkpoints).

sudo apt install -y git tmux
curl >
bash -b -p ~/anaconda3
source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda install -y pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

git clone https:/NCAI-Research/CALM/
pip install https:/learning-at-home/hivemind/archive/
cd CALM && pip install -q -r requirements.txt &> log

# re-install bitsandbytes for the actual CUDA version
pip uninstall -y bitsandbytes-cuda111
pip install -y bitsandbytes-cuda113==0.26.0
# note: we use bitsandbytes for 8-bit LAMB, and in turn, bitsandbytes needs cuda -- even if you run on a non-CUDA device.
export MY_IP=`curl --ipv4 -s`
export PORT=31337  # same requirements as for aux peer
export LISTEN_ON=/ip4/$PORT
export ANNOUNCE_ON=/ip4/$MY_IP/tcp/$PORT
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0  # supports multiple cuda devices!

# organization & experiment name
export WANDB_PROJECT=$EXP_NAME-hivemind-trainers

export WANDB_API_KEY=TODO_get_your_wandb_key_here_
export HF_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN=TODO_create_user_access_token_here_with_WRITE_permissions_
# note: you can avoid setting the two tokens above: in that case, the script will ask you to login to wandb and huggingface

export INITIAL_PEERS="/ip4/ /ip4/"
# ^-- If you're runnnng an indepent experiment, this must be your own initial peers. Can be either auxiliary peers or full gpu peers.

curl -s | python -  --json > speedtest.json
export BANDWIDTH=`python -c "import json; speedtest = json.load(open('speedtest.json')); print(int(max(1, min(speedtest['upload'], speedtest['download']) / 1e6)))"`
echo "Internet Bandwidth (Mb/s) = $BANDWIDTH"

ulimit -n 16384 # this line is important, ignoring it may cause Too Many Open Files

python --run_id $EXP_NAME --host_maddrs $LISTEN_ON --announce_maddrs $ANNOUNCE_ON --initial_peers $INITIAL_PEERS --bandwidth $BANDWIDTH \
  --per_device_train_batch_size 1 --gradient_accumulation_steps 1
# you can tune per_device_train_batch_size, gradient_accumulation steps, --fp16, --gradient_checkpoints based on the device. A good rule of thumb is that the device should compute (batch size x num accumulations) gradients over 1-10 seconds. Setting very large gradient_accumulation_steps can cause your peer to miss an averaging round.
Best (and worst) practices

Hardware requirements: The code is meant to run with the following specs: 2-core CPU, 12gb RAM (more if you train a bigger model). Peers used as --initial_peers must be accessible by others, so you may need to open a network port for incoming connections. The rest depends on what role you're playing:

  - __Auxiliary peers:__  If you use `--upload_interval X --repo_url Y` must have enough disk space to store all the checkpoints. For instance, assuming that training takes 1 month and the model+optimizer state takes 1GB, you will need 30GB with `--upload_interval 86400`, 60GB if `--upload_interval 28800`, etc. If `assist_in_averaging`, ensure you have at least 100Mbit/s bandwidth, more is better.

  - __Trainers__ need *some* means for compute: a GPU with at least 6GB memory or a TPU - as long as you can run pytorch on that. You will need to tune `--per_device_train_batch_size X` to fit into memory. Also, you can use `--fp16` even on old GPUs to save memory. Finally, `--gradient_checkpointing` can reduce memory usage at the cost of 30-40% slower training. Non-client-mode peers must have at least 100Mbit/s network bandwidth, mode is better.


Swarm composition: 2-3 peers with public IP as --initial_peers for redundancy.

Support infrastructure: go cheap, go redundant.

Where to get cheap servers -
  • full redundancy, three instances of everything
  • client-to-averager ratio
  • gradient checkpointing
  • multiple GPUs per peer
  • if aux peers have less ram, you can assign it to only parts of functionality, e.g. disable --upload_interval

Training chronicles:

  • 2021 Nov & early Dec - collecting the data, preparing the code
  • 2021.12.17 - took a close look at data preprocessing, found several major bugs
  • 2021.12.19 - tested volunteer starter code
  • 2021.12.21-22 - started three initial peers: one on GCP, Pebblehost and one backup on a family homelab of one of the participants
  • 2021.12.30 - passed the loss<=9 threshold image
  • 2022.01.02 - added the dashboard that shows training progress and contributions (by @SaulLu)
  • status on TPU: @justheuristic got it running, but it takes just a bit more RAM than we have available (so it works for a slightly smaller model)
  • 2022.01.04 - got too many volunteers, some noticed that gradient averaging does not finish in time (TimeoutError in logs)
  • 2022.01.07 - added more auxiliary peers from the same source (pebblehost, trying hetzner)
  • To be continued


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