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Post-training quantization (PTQ)

What's This Example Folder About?

This folder demonstrates how the Model Optimizer does PTQ quantization on an LLM and deploys the quantized LLM with TensorRT-LLM.

This document introduces:

  • The scripts to quantize, convert and evaluate LLMs,
  • The Python code and APIs to quantize and deploy the models.

If you are interseted in quantization-aware training (QAT) for LLMs, please refer to the QAT README.

Model Quantization and TRT LLM Conversion

All-in-one Scripts for Quantization and Building

There are many quantization schemes supported in the example scripts:

  1. The FP8 format is available on the Hopper and Ada GPUs with CUDA compute capability greater than or equal to 8.9.

  2. The INT8 SmoothQuant, developed by MIT HAN Lab and NVIDIA, is designed to reduce both the GPU memory footprint and inference latency of LLM inference.

  3. The INT4 AWQ is an INT4 weight only quantization and calibration method. INT4 AWQ is particularly effective for low batch inference where inference latency is dominated by weight loading time rather than the computation time itself. For low batch inference, INT4 AWQ could give lower latency than FP8/INT8 and lower accuracy degradation than INT8.

  4. The W4A8 AWQ is an extension of the INT4 AWQ quantization that it also uses FP8 for activation for more speed up and acceleration.

The following scripts provide an all-in-one and step-by-step model quantization example for Llama-3, NeMo Nemotron, Megatron-LM, and Medusa models. The quantization format and the number of GPUs will be supplied as inputs to these scripts. By default, we build the engine for the fp8 format and 1 GPU.

cd <this example folder>

For the Hugging Face models:

For LLM models like Llama-3:

# Install model specific pip dependencies if needed

export HF_PATH=<the downloaded LLaMA checkpoint from the Hugging Face hub, or simply the model card>
scripts/ --type llama --model $HF_PATH --quant [fp8|int8_sq|int4_awq|w4a8_awq] --tp [1|2|4|8]

If the Huggingface model calibration fails on a multi-GPU system due to mismatched tensor placement, please try setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to a smaller number.

*FP8 calibration over a large model with limited GPU memory is not recommended but possible with the accelerate package. Please tune the device_map setting in if needed for model loading and the calibration process can be slow.

For NeMo models like nemotron:

NeMo PTQ requires the NeMo package installed. It's recommended to start from the NeMo container( directly.

# Inside the NeMo container:
# Download the nemotron model from the Hugging Face.
export GPT_MODEL_FILE=Nemotron-3-8B-Base-4k.nemo

# Install modelopt
pip install "nvidia-modelopt[torch]" --extra-index-url

# Install other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

scripts/ --type gptnext --model $GPT_MODEL_FILE --quant [fp8|int8_sq|int4_awq] --tp [1|2|4|8]

For Megatron-LM models:

Megatron-LM framework PTQ and TensorRT-LLM deployment examples are maintained in the Megatron-LM GitHub repo. Please refer to the examples here.

If GPU out-of-memory error is reported running the scripts, please try editing the scripts and reducing the max batch size of the TensorRT-LLM engine to save GPU memory.

The example scripts above also have an additional flag --tasks, where the actual tasks run in the script can be customized. The allowed tasks are build,summarize,mmlu,humaneval,benchmark specified in the script parser. The tasks combo can be specified with a comma-separated task list. Some tasks like mmlu, humaneval can take a long time to run.

Please refer to the Technical Details section below about the stage executed inside the script and the outputs per stage.

Model Support List

Model type fp8 int8_sq int4_awq w4a8_awq1
GPT2 gpt2 Yes Yes No No
GPTJ llama Yes Yes Yes Yes
LLAMA 2 llama Yes Yes Yes Yes
LLAMA 3, 3.1 llama Yes No Yes No
LLAMA 2 (Nemo) llama Yes Yes Yes Yes
CodeLlama llama Yes Yes Yes No
Mistral llama Yes Yes Yes No
Mixtral 8x7B, 8x22B llama Yes3 No Yes2 No
Snowflake Arctic2 llama Yes No Yes No
Falcon 40B, 180B falcon Yes Yes Yes Yes
Falcon 7B falcon Yes Yes No No
MPT 7B, 30B mpt Yes Yes Yes Yes
Baichuan 1, 2 baichuan Yes Yes Yes Yes
ChatGLM2, 3 6B chatglm No No Yes No
Bloom bloom Yes Yes Yes Yes
Phi-1,2,3 phi Yes Yes Yes Yes4
Nemotron 8B gptnext Yes No Yes No
Gemma 2B, 7B gemma Yes No Yes Yes
Gemma 2 9B, 27B gemma Yes No Yes No
RecurrentGemma 2B recurrentgemma Yes Yes Yes No
StarCoder 2 gptnext Yes Yes Yes No
QWen-1,1.5 qwen Yes Yes Yes Yes
DBRX dbrx Yes No No No
InternLM2 internlm Yes No Yes Yes4
Exaone exaone Yes Yes Yes Yes

1.The w4a8_awq is an experimental quantization scheme that may result in a higher accuracy penalty. Only available on sm90 GPUs

2.For some models, there is only support for exporting quantized checkpoints.

3.Mixtral FP8 only available on sm90 GPUs

4.W4A8_AWQ is only available on some models but not all

The accuracy loss after PTQ may vary depending on the actual model and the quantization method. Different models may have different accuracy loss and usually the accuracy loss is more significant when the base model is small. If the accuracy after PTQ is not meeting the requirement, please try either modifying and disabling the KV cache quantization or using the QAT instead.

Deploy FP8 quantized model using vLLM

This feature is experimental.

Besides TensorRT-LLM, the Model Optimizer also supports deploying the FP8 quantized Hugging Face LLM using vLLM. Model Optimizer supports exporting a unified checkpoint1 that is compatible for deployment with vLLM2. The unified checkpoint format aligns with the original model built from the HF transformers library. A unified checkpoint can be exported using the following command:

# Quantize and export
scripts/ --type <model_type> --model <huggingface_model_card> --quant fp8 --export_fmt hf

Then start the inference instance using vLLM in python, for example:

from vllm import LLM

llm_fp8 = LLM(model="<the exported model path>", quantization="modelopt")
print(llm_fp8.generate(["What's the age of the earth? "]))

1. Unified checkpoint export currently does not support sparsity, medusa, KV cache quantization or AutoQuantize. 2. Exported checkpoint can be deployed on vLLM with changes from this unmerged PR. Users can deploy to vLLM directly once the PR has been merged.

Model Support List

Model type FP8
LLAMA 2 llama Yes
LLAMA 3, 3.1 llama Yes
QWen2 qwen Yes
Mixtral 8x7B llama Yes
CodeLlama llama Yes

Optimal Partial Quantization using AutoQuantize

AutoQuantize is a PTQ algorithm from ModelOpt which quantizes a model by searching for the best quantization format per-layer while meeting the performance constraint specified by the user. This way, AutoQuantize enables to trade-off model accuracy for performance.

Currently AutoQuantize supports only weight_compression as the performance constraint (for both weight-only quantization and weight & activation quantization). The weight_compression constraint specifies the total weight size as a ratio of the un-quantized fp16/bf16 weight size. See AutoQuantize documentation for more details.

AutoQuantize can be performed for Huggingface LLM models like Llama-3 as shown below:

export HF_PATH=<the downloaded LLaMA checkpoint from the Hugging Face hub, or simply the model card>
# --compression specifies the weight_compression constraint for `AutoQuantize`
scripts/ --type llama --model $HF_PATH --quant w4a8_awq --tp [1|2|4|8] --compression 0.30 --calib_batch_size 4

The above example perform AutoQuantize where the less quantization sensitive layers are quantized with w4a8_awq (specified by --quant w4a8_awq) and the more sensitive layers are kept un-quantized such that the total fp16/bf16 model weight size is compressed to 30% (specified by --compression 0.30).

Medusa model Quantization and Building

Medusa is a simple framework that democratizes the acceleration techniques for LLM generation with multiple decoding heads. It adds extra "heads" to LLMs to predict multiple future tokens simultaneously. During generation, these heads each produce multiple likely words for the corresponding position. These options are then combined and processed using a tree-based attention mechanism. Finally, a typical acceptance scheme is employed to pick the longest plausible prefix from the candidates for further decoding. The medusa model can be quantized using ModelOpt to further speed up the inference.

# Make sure git-lfs is installed before running the example.
git clone
# The medusa_num_heads in medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/config.json is incorrect
# Make sure to manualy change it from 2 to 5 as there are 5 medusa heads in the
# Medusa state dict
jq -c '.medusa_num_heads=5' medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/config.json >> medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/tmp.json && mv medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/tmp.json medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/config.json
jq -c '. += {"medusa_head_path": "medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/"}' medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/config.json >> medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/tmp.json && mv medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/tmp.json medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3/config.json

# Perform PTQ on the medusa model
scripts/ --type llama --model medusa-vicuna-7b-v1.3 --quant fp8 --tp [1|2|4|8]

Technical Details

Quantization and will use the Model Optimizer to calibrate the PyTorch models, and generate a TensorRT-LLM checkpoint, saved as a json (for the model structure) and safetensors files (for the model weights) that TensorRT-LLM could parse.

Quantization requires running the model in original precision (fp16/bf16). Below is our recommended number of GPUs based on our testing for as an example:

Minimum number of GPUs 24GB (4090, A5000, L40) 48GB (A6000, L40s) 80GB (A100, H100)
Llama2 7B 1 1 1
Llama2 13B 2 1 1
Llama2 70B 8 4 2
Falcon 180B Not supported Not supported 8

Post-training Sparsification

Before quantizing the model, offers users the option to sparsify the weights of their models using a 2:4 pattern. This reduces the memory footprint during inference and can lead to performance improvements. The following is an example command to enable weight sparsity:

scripts/ --type llama --model $HF_PATH --quant [fp16|fp8|int8_sq] --tp [1|2|4|8] --sparsity sparsegpt

The accuracy loss due to post-training sparsification depends on the model and the downstream tasks. To best preserve accuracy, sparsegpt is recommended. However, users should be aware that there could still be a noticeable drop in accuracy. Read more about Post-training Sparsification and Sparsity Aware Training (SAT) in the Sparsity README.

TensorRT-LLM Engine Build

The script constructs the TensorRT-LLM network and builds the TensorRT-LLM engine for deployment using the quantization outputs model config files from the previous step. The generated engine(s) will be saved as .engine file(s), ready for deployment.

TensorRT-LLM Engine Validation

The script can be used to test the accuracy and latency on cnn_dailymail dataset. For each summary, the script can compute the ROUGE scores. The ROUGE-1 score is used for implementation validation.

When the script finishes, it will report the latency and the ROUGE score.

The TensorRT-LLM engine and Hugging Face model evaluations are reported in separate stages.

By default, the evaluation only runs on 20 data samples. For accurate accuracy evaluation, it is recommended to use higher data sample counts, e.g. 2000 and above. Please modify the script and increase max_ite accordingly to customize the evaluation sample count.

The script is used as a fast performance benchmark with faked inputs that match the max batch size and input length of the built engines. This benchmark runs with the TensorRT-LLM python runtime and reports the metrics like tokens per second and the peak memory.

This benchmark runs static batching and only supports multi-TP inference. For more advanced performance benchmarking, please check with the TensorRT-LLM repo directly.

This example also covers the MMLU and the human eval accuracy benchmarks, whose details can be found here.


PTQ (Post Training Quantization)

PTQ can be achieved with simple calibration on a small set of training or evaluation data (typically 128-512 samples) after converting a regular PyTorch model to a quantized model. The accuracy of PTQ is typically robust across different choices of calibration data, so we use cnn_dailymail by default. Users can try other datasets by easily modifying the get_calib_dataloader in

import modelopt.torch.quantization as mtq

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("...")

# Select the quantization config, for example, INT8 Smooth Quant

# Prepare the calibration set and define a forward loop
def forward_loop(model):
    for data in calib_set:

# PTQ with in-place replacement to quantized modules
model = mtq.quantize(model, config, forward_loop)

Export Quantized Model

After the model is quantized, the TensorRT-LLM checkpoint can be stored. The user can specify the inference time TP and PP size and the export API will organize the weights to fit the target GPUs.

The export API is

from modelopt.torch.export import export_tensorrt_llm_checkpoint

with torch.inference_mode():
        model,  # The quantized model.
        decoder_type,  # The type of the model, e.g gptj, llama or gptnext.
        dtype,  # The exported weights data type.
        export_dir,  # The directory where the exported files will be stored.
        inference_tensor_parallel,  # The number of GPUs used in the inference time tensor parallel.
        inference_pipeline_parallel,  # The number of GPUs used in the inference time pipeline parallel.
        use_nfs_workspace,  # If exporting in a multi-node setup, please specify a shared directory like NFS for cross-node communication.

Build the TensorRT-LLM engines

After the TensorRT-LLM checkpoint export, you can use the trtllm-build build command to build the engines from the exported checkpoints. Please check the TensorRT-LLM Build API documentation for reference.

In this example, we use script as the easy-to-use wrapper over the TensorRT-LLM build API to generate the engines.