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Bash HomeMade Dependance Library for Jeedom

NB : for nodejs install, see install_nodejs script Doc

NB : for python install, see pyenv script Doc (thanks to @Mips2648)


Usage example :

######################### INCLUSION LIB ##########################
BASEDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
wget -4 --no-cache -O $BASEDIR/dependance.lib &>/dev/null
PLUGIN=$(basename "$(realpath $BASEDIR/..)")
. ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib

step 10 "Installation des paquets"
try sudo apt-get install this that
try sudo rm -f /oldFolder
wget | try sudo -E bash -
silent sudo rm -f /anotherFolderNotSure

step 50 "Configuration du plugin"
try wget ...
echo "not silent"

Result example :

result if ok :

== 01/01/2020 01:01:01 == Installation des dépendances de PLUGIN
[  0% ] : Vérification des droits...
[  9% ] : Vérification des droits : [  OK  ]
[ 10% ] : Prérequis...
[ 19% ] : Prérequis : [  OK  ]
[ 20% ] : Mise à jour APT et installation des packages nécessaires...
[ 29% ] : Mise à jour APT et installation des packages nécessaires : [  OK  ]
[ 30% ] : Vérification de la version de NodeJS installée...
Version actuelle : v12.14.1
Ok, version suffisante
[ 49% ] : Vérification de la version de NodeJS installée : [  OK  ]
[ 50% ] : Nettoyage anciens modules...
[ 59% ] : Nettoyage anciens modules : [  OK  ]
[ 60% ] : Installation des librairies, veuillez patienter svp...
[ 89% ] : Installation des librairies, veuillez patienter svp : [  OK  ]
[ 90% ] : Nettoyage...
[ 99% ] : Nettoyage : [  OK  ]
[100% ] : Terminé !
== OK == Installation Réussie

result if not ok :

== 01/01/2020 01:01:01 == Installation des dépendances de PLUGIN
[  0% ] : Vérification des droits...
[  9% ] : Vérification des droits : [  OK  ]
[ 10% ] : Prérequis...
[ 19% ] : Prérequis : [  OK  ]
[ 20% ] : Mise à jour APT et installation des packages nécessaires...
[ 29% ] : Mise à jour APT et installation des packages nécessaires : [ERROR]
[ 30% ] : Vérification de la version de NodeJS installée...
Version actuelle : v12.14.1
Ok, version suffisante
[ 49% ] : Vérification de la version de NodeJS installée : [  OK  ]
[ 50% ] : Nettoyage anciens modules...
[ 59% ] : Nettoyage anciens modules : [  OK  ]
[ 60% ] : Installation des librairies, veuillez patienter svp...
[ 89% ] : Installation des librairies, veuillez patienter svp : [  OK  ]
[ 90% ] : Nettoyage...
[ 99% ] : Nettoyage : [  OK  ]
[100% ] : Terminé !
== KO == Erreur d'Installation
== Erreur à l'étape : Mise à jour APT et installation des packages nécessaires
== Ligne 75
== La commande `sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y fdsfqfqfsqdf' pose problème 
== Le code de retour est 100
== Le message d'erreur :
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package fdsfqfqfsqdf


  • pre : display the header + prepare some stuff (MANDATORY BEFORE ANY STEP)

  • try : will try the commands of the line and catch errors (and display them at the end)

  • tryOrStop : will try the commands of the line and catch errors (and stop the script by displaying the errors)

  • silent : no matter if the commands fails, it'll be silent

IMPORTANT : dont use try or tryOrStop or silent if the command uses >> | or > or < (output/input redirections), or only in the last part of a piped command

  • step : percentage + name of the step that will follow. Every Step will close the previous one (if any) with a percentage-1 closure message.

  • post : fix the errors found in error_handlers + display the Footer (MANDATORY AT THE END)



Use it before the . ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib line if you want messages in english instead of french.

example :

######################### INCLUSION LIB ##########################
BASEDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
wget -4 --no-cache -O $BASEDIR/dependance.lib &>/dev/null
PLUGIN=$(basename "$(realpath $BASEDIR/..)")
. ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib


DEF_LANG=en (for subscript only !! (like or pyenv.lib))

Use it before the . ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib line if you use english keys in your subscript using dependance.lib.

example :

######################### INCLUSION LIB ##########################
BASEDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
wget -4 --no-cache -O $BASEDIR/dependance.lib &>/dev/null
PLUGIN=$(basename "$(realpath $BASEDIR/..)")
. ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib
wget -4 --no-cache -O $BASEDIR/ &>/dev/null



Use it before the . ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib line to time each step.

example :

######################### INCLUSION LIB ##########################
BASEDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
wget -4 --no-cache -O $BASEDIR/dependance.lib &>/dev/null
PLUGIN=$(basename "$(realpath $BASEDIR/..)")
. ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib


Other Features :

Error Handlers

Implement your own error handler : add your handler(s) anywhere after the include header and before the post cmd :

add_fix_handler "string to grep in errors" "message to show if the string is found" "command to fix the error"


myFixFunc() {
  echo "this is my fix"
add_fix_handler "string to grep in errors" "message to show if the string is found" myFixFunc


myTestFunct() {
  echo "this is my test"
  return 0; # 0 will trigger the fix, other return value don't trigger the fix
add_fix_handler myTestFunct "message to show if the string is found" "command to fix the error"


myTestFunct() {
  grep "my error" $1 #$1 contains the path to the error log, so you can search by yourself !
  return $?; # 0 will trigger the fix, other return value don't trigger the fix
add_fix_handler myTestFunct "message to show if the string is found" "command to fix the error"


add_fix_handler "string to grep in errors" "*short message to show in default message" "command to fix the error"


add_fix_handler "string to grep in errors" "" "command to fix the error" #empty message uses the default message with "string to grep in errors"

Real life examples :

test_npm_ver() {
	npm -v | grep "8.11.0" &>/dev/null
	return $?
fix_npm_ver() {
	sudo npm install -g [email protected]
add_fix_handler test_npm_ver "*NPM 8.11.0" fix_npm_ver


add_fix_handler "EINTEGRITY" "" "sudo npm cache clean --force"


Adding subStep for sub script that would want to have their own steps, please define those variables in your subscript (or by passing it as argument if you want a generic subscript for multiple plugins)

  • firstSubStep= lower range of pourcentage your subscript will begin with (default 10)

  • lastSubStep= higher range of pourcentage your subscript will finish with (default 50)

  • numSubStepMax= max number of call to subStep you'll make in your subscript (to compute the percentage increment of each of your step) (default 9 -> 5% for each steps)

Example calling the subscript here :

######################### INCLUSION LIB ##########################
BASEDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
wget -4 --no-cache -O $BASEDIR/dependance.lib &>/dev/null
PLUGIN=$(basename "$(realpath $BASEDIR/..)")
. ${BASEDIR}/dependance.lib

step 0 "Vérification des droits"
chmod +x ./

step 20 "Installation des paquets"
try sudo apt-get install this that
try sudo rm -f /oldFolder
wget | try sudo -E bash -
silent sudo rm -f /anotherFolderNotSure

# Launching subscript !
./ 30 50

step 60 "Configuration du plugin"
try wget ...
echo "not silent"




subStep "My first step"
npm -i ...
substep "My second step"
apt install nodejs
substep "My third step"
apt remove blabla
substep "My fourth step"
rm -f /var/lib/thing
substep "My fifth step"
rm -f /var/lib/anotherThing

will display :

== 01/01/2020 01:01:01 == Installation des dépendances de PLUGIN
[  0% ] : Vérification des droits...
[ 19% ] : Vérification des droits : [  OK  ]
[ 20% ] : Installation des paquets...
[ 29% ] : Installation des paquets : [  OK  ]
[ 30% ] : My first step...
[ 34% ] : My first step : [  OK  ]
[ 35% ] : My second step...
[ 39% ] : My second step : [  OK  ]
[ 40% ] : My third step...
[ 44% ] : My third step : [  OK  ]
[ 45% ] : My fourth step...
[ 49% ] : My fourth step : [  OK  ]
[ 50% ] : My fifth step...
[ 59% ] : My fifth step : [  OK  ]
[ 60% ] : Configuration du plugin...
[ 99% ] : Configuration du plugin : [  OK  ]
[100% ] : Terminé !
== OK == Installation Réussie

language choice between english or french for error messages (for subscript only !! (like or pyenv.lib))

use that form : $(t "Clé en francais par défaut") in your bash file

example :

echo 1 > $TMPFOLDER/hasError.$$
echo -e ":fg-danger:$HR:/fg:" >> $TMPFOLDER/errorLog.$$ 
echo -e ":fg-danger:== $(t "ATTENTION Debian 10 Buster n'est officiellement plus supportée depuis le 30 juin 2024, merci de mettre à jour votre système en version plus récente de Debian !!!"):/fg:" >> $TMPFOLDER/errorLog.$$ 
echo -e ":fg-danger:== $(t "Les dépendances sont bloquées afin d'éviter tout problème, soit") $PLUGIN $(t "fonctionne et donc on y touche plus tant qu'il tourne, soit il ne fonctionne plus et donc il faut mettre à jour votre système en version plus récente de Debian."):/fg:" >> $TMPFOLDER/errorLog.$$ 
echo -e ":fg-danger:== $(t "Fin Septembre, Jeedom passe à NodeJS 20 qui est incompatible avec Debian 10. PLUS AUCUN SUPPORT NE SERA FAIT !!! Migrez donc au plus vite !"):/fg:" >> $TMPFOLDER/errorLog.$$ 
echo -e ":fg-danger:$HR:/fg:" >> $TMPFOLDER/errorLog.$$ 
exit 1

Note that variables cannot be included in translation strings, so you need to split !

If you want to use English keys, set LANG_DEF=en in the header

This library has some auto-fixes already included for this common errors :

  • apt apt --fix-broken install

  • dkpg sudo dpkg --configure -a

  • apt changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'oldstable'

  • fix issue with certificate

  • fix "The repository ' buster Release' no longer has a Release file." with commenting the source in source file (same fix than the official Atlas Plugin does)

  • fix "The repository ' buster-backports Release' no longer has a Release file." with commenting the source in sources.list file.

  • Now the library removes repository (accepted by Alex from Jeedom) and disables temporary deb-multimedia repository (often problem source)


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