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This is a sample application which demonstrates the use of team/Channel subscription that will post notifications when user create/edit/delete team/channel through teams tab.
contentType createdDate
10-03-2022 11:30:15 AM

Change Notifications For Team and Channel Using Microsoft Graph Node.js

This is a sample application which demonstrates use of Team/Channel subscription that will post notifications when user create/edit/delete team/channel.

Included Features

  • Tabs
  • Graph API
  • RSC Permissions
  • Change Notifications

Interaction with bot



Run the app (Using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code)

The simplest way to run this sample in Teams is to use Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

  1. Ensure you have downloaded and installed Visual Studio Code
  2. Install the Teams Toolkit extension
  3. Select File > Open Folder in VS Code and choose this samples directory from the repo
  4. Using the extension, sign in with your Microsoft 365 account where you have permissions to upload custom apps
  5. Before running this sample using toolkit, we need to update the .env file values in your code for 'Base64EncodedCertificate' and 'PRIVATE_KEY_PATH'. Follow this documentation for the steps to get the values - Create and install Self-Signed certificate
  6. Select Debug > Start Debugging or F5 to run the app in a Teams web client.
  7. In the browser that launches, select the Add button to install the app to Teams.

If you do not have permission to upload custom apps (sideloading), Teams Toolkit will recommend creating and using a Microsoft 365 Developer Program account - a free program to get your own dev environment sandbox that includes Teams.

Note: Please create and install self-signed certificate before running this sample using toolkit or manually.


Note these instructions are for running the sample on your local machine.

  1. Run ngrok - point to port 3978

    ngrok http 3978 --host-header="localhost:3978"

    Alternatively, you can also use the dev tunnels. Please follow Create and host a dev tunnel and host the tunnel with anonymous user access command as shown below:

    devtunnel host -p 3978 --allow-anonymous
  2. Setup for Bot

Register your application with Azure AD

  1. Register a new application in the Microsoft Entra ID - App Registrations portal.
  2. On the overview page, copy and save the Application (client) ID, Directory (tenant) ID. You'll need those later when updating your Teams application manifest and in the .env file.
  3. Navigate to API Permissions, and make sure to add the follow permissions:
  • Select Add a permission

  • Select Microsoft Graph -> Application permissions.

  • Channel.ReadBasic.All,ChannelSettings.Read.All,Directory.ReadWrite.All,Group.ReadWrite.All Team.ReadBasic.All,TeamSettings.Read.All,TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All

  • Click on Add permissions. Please make sure to grant the admin consent for the required permissions.

  1. Navigate to the Certificates & secrets. In the Client secrets section, click on "+ New client secret". Add a description (Name of the secret) for the secret and select "Never" for Expires. Click "Add". Once the client secret is created, copy its value, it need to be placed in the appsettings.json file.

Create Azure bot resource

In Azure portal, create a Azure Bot resource.

Create and install Self-Signed certificate

To include resource data of graph notifications, this Graph API require self-signed certificate. Follow the below steps to create and manage certificate.

  1. You can self-sign the certificate, since Microsoft Graph does not verify the certificate issuer, and uses the public key for only encryption.

  2. Use Azure Key Vault as the solution to create, rotate, and securely manage certificates. Make sure the keys satisfy the following criteria:

    • The key must be of type RSA
    • The key size must be between 2048 and 4096 bits
  3. Follow this documentation for the steps - Create and install Self-Signed certificate

  4. Clone the repository

    git clone https:/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples.git

A) If you are using Visual Studio Code

  • Launch Visual Studio code
  • File -> Open Folder
  • Navigate to samples/graph-change-notification-team-channel folder.
  • Select nodejs folder.

Instruction for .env 1. Provide Update configuration with the MicrosoftAppId, MicrosoftAppPassword, MicrosoftAppTenantId, Base64EncodedCertificate, EncryptionCertificateId, PRIVATE_KEY_PATH in the .env that is created in Azure. 2. Provide the tunnel url as "BaseUrl" in appsetting on which application is running on. 3. You should be having Base64EncodedCertificate from Create and install Self-Signed certificate step. 4. Use Certificate "PEM" format and add the certificate name for PRIVATE_KEY_PATH For eg PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=PrivateKeyFileName.pem" in .env file. Also make sure the private key file is stored inside helper folder of this project. Note : notificationUrl will be updated automatically from teamsapp.local.yml file when you run application by teams toolkit. And when you run locally through npm start then your notificationUrl will be like : and if you are using dev tunnels, your notificationUrl will be like:

  • Install node modules

    Inside node js folder, open your local terminal and run the below command to install node modules. You can do the same for client folder by opening the project in Visual Studio code.

    npm install

    Run your app

     npm start

B) This step is specific to Teams.

  • Edit the manifest.json contained in the appManifest folder to replace your Microsoft App Id (that was created when you registered your bot earlier) everywhere you see the place holder string <<YOUR-MICROSOFT-APP-ID>> (depending on the scenario the Microsoft App Id may occur multiple times in the manifest.json).

  • Edit the manifest.json for validDomains with base Url domain. E.g. if you are using ngrok it would be then your domain-name will be and if you are using dev tunnels then your domain will be like:

  • Zip up the contents of the appManifest folder to create a (Make sure that zip file does not contains any subfolder otherwise you will get error while uploading your .zip package)

  • Upload the to Teams (In Teams Apps/Manage your apps click "Upload an app". Browse to and Open the .zip file. At the next dialog, click the Add button.)

  • Add the app to personal/team/groupChat scope (Supported scopes).

Running the sample

You can interact with Teams Tab by subscribing the teams/channel for notifications.

  1. Show Welcome - Channel Welcome Message when Channel selected for subscription. Channel-Welcome

  2. Channel Notifications Channel Created Update Delete Message CreatedDeletedUpdated-Channel

  3. Show Welcome - Team Welcome Message when Team selected for subscription. Team-Welcome

  4. Team Notifications

  • Team Update Edit Message TeamEditUpdate

Further reading