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Eden Landau edited this page Nov 15, 2016 · 7 revisions



The following steps will explain how to connect to the Open Bank project API and add real bank accounts during the user authentication. The further described authentication mechanism is very similar to the one described here so please refer to it for more details when needed.

The BASE_URL alias in the following URLs must be replaced by

Application registration

Before to start interacting with the API using real data, third party applications needs to get OAuth keys (consumer key and secret key). You can register your application here to get those keys.

The "User authentication URL" field in the form specifies the URL of the service that will authenticate the user. If this field is left blank then the user will be asked to login with their Open Bank Project account (that they can create here) during the second step of the OAuth flow see Step 2: Redirecting the user.

If the field is set with a valid URL, the user will be redirect during the authentication (see Step 2: Redirecting the user) to that URL for login before being able to enter their banking credentials for adding the bank account. In that case the authentication service needs to satisfy a certain specification explained in more details below

Step 1: Obtaining a request token

To start the sign-in flow, the application must obtain a request token by sending a signed message to

POST BASE_URL/oauth/initiate with all the OAuth headers (more details here)

Step 2: Redirecting the user

In this step the OAuth client should redirect the user so that he can:

  1. authenticate and grant the application access to its data
  2. add its bank account details

In details:

  1. Authenticate:

The OAuth client should redirect the user to:
where REQUEST_TOKEN is the request token that the OAuth client received in step 1.
The difference between the two URLs is the optional query parameter "delegate-authentication".
If the query parameter is present and set to true (like in the second URL) then the user will not see the default Open Bank Project login page but instead he will be redirect to the a third party authentication service (this service could the OAuth client itself). The URL of this authentication service was already set previously during the OAuth client registration (see Application registration).

  1. Banking details:

Once the user authentication done (either on the open bank login page or on a third party service then redirected back ), he will be asked to enter his banking credentials by selecting the country and the bank, also felling in the account number and the pin code fields.
Upon a successful authentication, the callback URL of the OAuth client would receive a request containing the oauth_token and oauth_verifier parameters. The application should verify that the token matches the request token received in step 1.
If the callback URL was not specified (oob) than the verifier will be shown in the page and the user has to enter it into the application manually.

Screen shot of the banking credentials page.

Step 3: Obtaining an access token

This the final step of the OAuth flow, the application must make a:
POST BASE-URL/oauth/token request with a header containing the oauth_verifier (value obtained in step 2) and the oauth_token (received after the step 1) parameters. More details here.

Step 4 : Accessing to protected resources

Once the application have an a access token and secret token, it can access to protected resources. The request is the same as in step 3 except the oauth_verifer which MUST not be included in the header.

Please see the API documentation for more details how to access protected resources.

User authentication service

In the second step of the OAuth flow, if the user is redirect to the third party service to authenticate, a query parameter named token will be appended to the URL. Its value should be saved by the authentication service to be reused later.

Once the user in the login screen of the third party service (which could be the OAuth client itself) and the authentication completed the user should be redirect back to the Open Bank project API by that same service with:

POST BASE-URL/oauth/callback plus two parameters user_id and token in the body.

  • user_id should contain the user Id at that third party service. This Id MUST be unique for each user at this service and the same after each login.
  • token should contain the value present as a query parameter in the initial redirection (see upper).

Please note that the call back to the Open Bank Project MUST be done with a POST request, so the parameters MUST be part of the body and not the URL.


If you have any question about the Open Bank Project API or the previously described flow please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

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