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Open Bank Project JVM Library. This project can be used by OBP-API or indpendently to connect to core banking resources via transports including Kafka.


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A set of libraries and a demo application. Not quite ready for release. Pull requests and comments very welcome.

Using this Library in your Project

Add dependencies


If you use Kafka, also add


For testing, also add


The library has not yet been released to maven central. To use it, clone the repository and run mvn verify install. This will install the library in your local repository. In detail, do this:

$ git clone https:/OpenBankProject/OBP-JVM.git
$ cd OBP-JVM
$ git checkout nov2016
$ mvn clean verify install

This will install the current development branch into your local maven repository. To check do find ~/.m2/repository -name obp-ri\*.jar.

Whenever you need to update, change to the branch you want to use, pull, and mvn clean install.

Use the simple demo to check that it all works

java -cp obp-ri-demo/target/obp-ri-demo-2016.11-RC4-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.tesobe.obp.demo.SimpleDemo

The SimpleDemo logs to demo.log. See obp-ri-demo/src/main/resources/logback.xml.

Run the kafka demo

Install and start kafka. The demo needs two topics that default to Request amd Response.

$ java -jar obp-ri-demo/target/obp-ri-demo-2016.11-RC4-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
Option                             Description                                 
------                             -----------                                 
-?, -h, --help                     This message.                               
--consumer-props <String: CPROPS>  Consumer configuration (default: consumer.  
--consumer-topic <String: CTOP>    Consumer topic (default: south Request,     
                                     north Response)                           
--kafka                            Use Apache Kafka                            
--north                            This is the north side                      
--producer-props <String: PPROPS>  Producer configuration (default: producer.  
--producer-topic <String: PTOP>    Producer topic. (default: north Request,    
                                     south Response)                           
--responder <String: RESPONDER>    The demo data (default: com.tesobe.obp.demo.
--south                            This is the south side                          

If you can use the default configuration for kafka you can then start the south and north sides of the demo. They can by started in any order but if you wish to start them in a single console this way is clearer:

$ java -jar obp-ri-demo/target/obp-ri-demo-2016.11-RC4-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --kafka --south&
Starting TESOBE's OBP kafka south demo...
Check the log files 'demo.log' and 'south.log'

This process does not write to the console so it is ok to start the north side in the same console. North will send a few requests to the south, print the response and then exit. The details are in demo.log. The JSON messages only are in south.log

$ java -jar obp-ri-demo/target/obp-ri-demo-2016.11-RC4-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --kafka --north
Starting TESOBE's OBP kafka south demo...
Check the log files 'demo.log' and 'south.log'
Starting TESOBE's OBP kafka north demo...
Check the log files 'demo.log' and 'south.log'
The banks (1)
  fo First Open
The users (3)
  a Анна
  b Berta
  c 金色
Анна's accounts at First Open (1)
  1 fo a
Berta's accounts at First Open (2)
  2 fo b
  3 fo b
金色's accounts at First Open (0)
$ less south.log
INFO  00:11:24.347 [pool-1-thread-1] 5377acaf-2a37-4a48-bebc-48da3265e3a1 → {"north":"getBanks","name":"get","count":0,"version":"Nov2016","target":"banks"}
INFO  00:11:24.356 [pool-1-thread-1] 5377acaf-2a37-4a48-bebc-48da3265e3a1 ← {"data":[{"bankId":"fo","name":"First Open","logo":"","url":""}],"count":0,"target":"banks"}
INFO  00:11:27.515 [pool-1-thread-1] 4845b807-029b-4d28-8caf-67b4b3bc21a4 → {"north":"getUsers","name":"get","count":0,"version":"Nov2016","target":"users"}
INFO  00:11:27.515 [pool-1-thread-1] 4845b807-029b-4d28-8caf-67b4b3bc21a4 ← {"data":[{"name":"Анна","id":"a","email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"Berta","id":"b","email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"金色","id":"c","email":"[email protected]"}],"count":0,"target":"users"}
INFO  00:11:28.039 [pool-1-thread-1] 451bae36-d0ff-4239-9f4a-7a6f62e6fd19 → {"bankId":"fo","north":"getAccounts","name":"get","count":0,"version":"Nov2016","userId":"a","target":"accounts"}
INFO  00:11:28.050 [pool-1-thread-1] 451bae36-d0ff-4239-9f4a-7a6f62e6fd19 ← {"data":[{"accountId":"1","number":"FO-A1","bankId":"fo","balanceAmount":"42","balanceCurrency":"RUB","userId":"a"}],"count":0,"target":"accounts"}
INFO  00:11:28.610 [pool-1-thread-1] a0c70f06-a052-4537-815f-b09abdf8b815 → {"bankId":"fo","north":"getAccounts","name":"get","count":0,"version":"Nov2016","userId":"b","target":"accounts"}
INFO  00:11:28.610 [pool-1-thread-1] a0c70f06-a052-4537-815f-b09abdf8b815 ← {"data":[{"accountId":"2","number":"FO-B1","bankId":"fo","balanceAmount":"42","balanceCurrency":"EUR","userId":"b"},{"accountId":"3","number":"FO-B2","bankId":"fo","balanceAmount":"42","balanceCurrency":"USD","userId":"b"}],"count":0,"target":"accounts"}
INFO  00:11:29.150 [pool-1-thread-1] ee66fd3d-c1e3-43e3-bd7f-dfd7debcd5fe → {"bankId":"fo","north":"getAccounts","name":"get","count":0,"version":"Nov2016","userId":"c","target":"accounts"}
INFO  00:11:29.150 [pool-1-thread-1] ee66fd3d-c1e3-43e3-bd7f-dfd7debcd5fe ← {"count":0,"target":"accounts"}

Adding a method to the API

The new method will be using the existing get verb. What needs to done is to describe the data sent and received. To do that, define an interface in the package corresponding to the version you are supporting.

An Example: getChallengeThreshold

def getChallengeThreshold(userId: String, accountId: String, transactionRequestType: String, currency: String):(BigDecimal, String)

A method is needed that returns the amount and currency, as three letter ISO code. As the current version is Nov2016, define an interface in the package com.tesobe.obp.transport.nov2016:

public interface ChallengeThreshold
  String amount();

  String currency();

  interface Parameters
    String accountId = com.tesobe.obp.transport.nov2016.Parameters.accountId;
    String userId = com.tesobe.obp.transport.nov2016.Parameters.userId;
    String type = "type";
    String currency = "currency";

The interface ChallengeThreshold specifies the fields that are returned, the subinterface Parameters specifies the names of fields that are sent. A target must be added:

  public enum Target
    account, accounts, bank, banks, challengeThreshold, transaction,
    transactions, user, users

Next the test case in com.tesobe.obp.transport.spi.ConnectorNov2016Test:

@Test public void getChallengeThreshold() throws Exception
  Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();

  parameters.put(ChallengeThreshold.Parameters.accountId, "account-x");
  parameters.put(ChallengeThreshold.Parameters.userId, "user-x");
  parameters.put(ChallengeThreshold.Parameters.type, "type-x");
  parameters.put(ChallengeThreshold.Parameters.currency, "currency-x");

  Decoder.Response response = connector.get("getChallengeThreshold", Transport.Target.challengeThreshold, parameters);

  assertThat(response.error(), notPresent());

This will not fail. It is a legal request. The south side just does not know what to do with it and will return an empty result. This is the exchange with the encoding used by the version Nov2016 (from the log):

TRACE 20:37:25.738 [main] c.t.o.t.spi.ConnectorNov2016 get:82 - fab8445f-7cb5-4483-b1b4-1af6e71788b6 {"accountId":"account-x","north":"getChallengeThreshold","name":"get","currency":"currency-x","type":"type-x","version":"Nov2016","userId":"user-x","target":"challengeThreshold"} → {"target":"challengeThreshold"}

This is the request:


This is the response:


And fab8445f-7cb5-4483-b1b4-1af6e71788b6 is the message id. When the test is extended to check the returned data, it will fail:

    assertThat(response.error(), notPresent());
    assertThat(, is(1));
    assertThat(, is("amount-x"));
    assertThat(, is("currency-x"));

We expect one record in the result with two text fields. Some boilder-plate needs to be added to the interface to be able to use the field names in the result:

public interface ChallengeThreshold
  String amount();

  String currency();

  default List<String> fields()
    return FIELDS;

  String amount = "amount";
  String currency = "currency";

  List<String> FIELDS = asList(amount, currency);

  interface Parameters
    String accountId = com.tesobe.obp.transport.nov2016.Parameters.accountId;
    String userId = com.tesobe.obp.transport.nov2016.Parameters.userId;
    String type = "type";
    String currency = "currency";

The values will be supplied by the mock responder, once the method is implemented on the south.

To make things easy for the user, define a reader for the data.

public class ChallengeThresholdReader implements ChallengeThreshold
  public ChallengeThresholdReader(Data bank)
    data = bank;

  @Override public String amount()
    return data.text(amount);

  @Override public String currency()
    return data.text(currency);

  protected final Data data;

And the test can be re-written as:

    assertThat(response.error(), notPresent());
    assertThat(, is(1));

    Optional<ChallengeThresholdReader> threshold =

    assertThat(threshold, isPresent());
    assertThat(threshold.get().amount(), is("amount-x"));
    assertThat(threshold.get().currency(), is("currency-x"));

In Scala the result could be retrieved with: => new ChallengeThresholdReader(data)).headOption match {
  case Some(threshold) => ...
  case None => ...

Now the South. The com.tesobe.obp.transport.spi.DefaultResponder needs a new case for the new Target that was defined above.

  case challengeThreshold:
    return challengeThreshold(state, p, ps);

And a new method in MockResponder to handle it.

  protected Response challengeThreshold(String state,
    Decoder.Pager p, Decoder.Parameters ps)
    HashMap<String, String> response = new HashMap<>();

    response.put(ChallengeThreshold.amount, "amount-x");
    response.put(ChallengeThreshold.currency, "currency-x");

    return Collections.singletonList(response);

Now the test now longer fails.

Finally, the new method needs to added to the supported methods in the describe call. See com.tesobe.obp.transport.spi.MockResponder#describe.


Open Bank Project JVM Library. This project can be used by OBP-API or indpendently to connect to core banking resources via transports including Kafka.







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