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Requirement: KKAPI 1.15(+) -> https:/IllusionMods/IllusionModdingAPI
Requirement: ABMX 4.4.1+ -> https:/ManlyMarco/ABMX
Requirement: ExtensibleSaveFormat -> https:/IllusionMods/BepisPlugins

This plugin adds additional advanced control over the IK solver and positioning of the final poses.

Current Features: IK Shoulder Rotation Control, IK Spine Hints from FK, IK Shoulder Hints from FK, Procedural Breathing Animation Overlay, Automatic IK Adjusment For Different Character Heights

Shoulder Rotation Control

Tells the IK Solver to move the Shoulder to help achieve IK reach goals. If you don't know what that means, it means that when the arms are reaching up or down, the shoulder will now actually rotate to make that look more natural.

To use:

Click on character. Click Anim->Kinematics->Adv IK

Enable/Disable Shoulder Rotation Correction
Reverse Shoulder Reach inverts the effect of reach on shoulder rotation. Use to simulate weight pushing up the arm into the shoulder instead of the shoulder reaching towards the arm.
Shoulder Weight controls how strongly the shoulder rotates
Shoulder Offset controls how far the hands have to move before the rotation starts to kick in
Spine Stiffness (works regardless of Shoulder Rotation) Controls how much the IK solver bends the spine during shoulder/hips movement. Higher number means less spine movement.\

IK Spine Hints from FK

Passes the current FK rotation of the Spine01 and Spine02 bones into the IK solver to weight it towards using that spine curvature.

IK Shoulder Hints from FK

Passes the current FK rotation of the Shoulders into the IK solver to weight it towards that configuration.

IK Toe Hints from FK

Rotates the toes using current FK rotation of the Toes as a baseline.

To use:

Click on character.
Click Anim->Kinematics->FK and enable Body FK
Rotate Spine1 and Spine2 to achieve the desired spine curvature
Turn off Body FK
Enable Body IK
Click Anim->Kinematics->Adv IK\

Enable Spine FK Hints

Position body IK as desired

Note: Enabling Shoulder Rotation is strongly recommended, the extra solver path available helps the hint apply as desired greatly. Set Shoulder Weight and Offset to 0 if you don't want shoulder movement, but leave the rotation toggle on.

Procedural Breathing

This is a procedurally animated breathing overlay. It simulates breathing by actively adjusting the scale of the chest in an appropriate (and configurable) manner. This is an animation overlay, meaning it is procedurally computed from the current final state pose...and then removed prior to the next animation pass. Thus it is compatible with IK, FK, other animations and just about anything else.

To use:

Click Anim->Kinematics->Adv IK->Breath

Set Enable Breathing to active

Settings available:

Breath Size %: A quick slider to scale up or down the size of the chest expansion. Larger number exagerates the motion, smaller makes it...smaller.
Intake Pause %: Percentage of intake time spent holding at minimum inhalation. Basically how long the char waits with empty breath before starting the inhale.
Hold Pause %: Percentage of exhale time spent holding at maximum inhalation. How long the char holds the breath at the 'top' of the breathing cycle.
Inhale %: Percentage of breath time spent inhaling vs. exhaling. For example 0.6 means that 60% of breath time is inhale, 40% exhale.
Breath Per Min: Number of breaths taken per minute. Normal human respiration is 12-18 BPM at rest, increasing to 30-40 when exercising. 50+ is hyperventilation territory.
Shldr Damp %: Shoulder dampening percentage. Reduces the shoulder movement caused by the chest movement. At 1 the shoulders do not move at all (and thus arm position doesn't fluctuate). At 0 the shoulders move naturally with the chest. Values in the middle split the difference.\

Restore Default: Sets everything back to factory shine.

Advanced Shape Options:

Overall Breath Scale: Allows quick scaling of all three components (Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Abdomen) in both X, Y and Z scales.
Upper Chest Scale: Upper chest scaling applied at maximum inhalation.
Lower Chest Scale: Lower chest scaling applied at maximum inhalation.
Abdomen Scaling: Abdomen scaling applied at maximum inhalation. Note, use a negative number for diaphragm breathing, positive for belly breathing.\

Note: The individual component scaling is multiplied by the Overall Breath Scale and then by the Breath Size watch the multiplicative effects :)

Auto IK Adjustment on Replacement Characters of Different Sizes

This feature adjusts the IK Targets for the character when the character is replaced by a character of a different height, compensating for the size change. To do this, the plugin needs some information about the pose to adjust correctly. Specifically it needs the center point the other IK points should adjust from. To specify this, go to the Adv IK plugin window (under Anim->Kinematics) and hit the Resize button at the top to bring up the Resize panel. You'll see a large array of center points you can adjust from.

Off - Deactivates adjustment.
Auto - System attempts to select the correct center for you. May or may not pick something useful.
Body - Readjusts IK target points out from the body center point. Use this for many lying down poses or if otherwise unsure.
Feet (Left/Center/Right) - Adjusts IK points up from the feet (either left or right or midway between them). Use this for standing positions, select the down foot or center if both are planted.
Thigh (Left/Center/Right) - Adjusts IK points from the thigh point selected. Best used with seated poses.
Hands (Left/Center/Right) - Adjusts IK points from the hand point selected. Best with poses where the character is dangling from things by the hands or standing on their hands?
Shoulder (Left/Center/Right) - Adjusts IK points from the shoulder point selected. Works with some lying poses where the shoulder is in contact with the 'ground'.
Knee (Left/Center/Right) - Adjusts IK points from the knee point selected. Best with kneeling poses.
Elbow (Left/Center/Right) - Adjusts IK points from the elbow point selected. Useful with some leaning back on elbow poses.
Rescale Chara - Brute force option, completely rescales the character to match the scaling of the prior character, erasing any height differences. Unlike the other options this works in any mode (IK, FK, or even just plain animation).

Individual limb controls - These allow you to turn off adjustment for the specified limb. Useful if you want everything else to adjust but not this. For example a seated chair pose with feet on the floor wants to use the Center Thigh point for adjustment but turn off the leg chains so the feet don't move.

Unapply Resize Adjustment - If an adjustment has been applied to this character, clicking this reverses out the adjustment, restoring the character to an unadjusted state. The button will then change to read Apply.
Apply Resize Adjustment - If no adjustment has been applied to this character, clicking this applies the adjustment specified on the panel. Using Unapply/Apply will allow you to experiment with various settings. Note: if the character has not been replaced, application of settings does nothing.

Rescale via folder - Intended to allow resizing from a VNGE scene, when you jump from VNGE scene to scene the scene locks in the original character's IK positions. Replacing the character will resize only the current position, as soon as you swap scenes everything will revert to original and you need to apply resizing again. To make this work with VNGE, add a folder as a child of the character to resize (pick any attachment point, doesn't matter) and name it -RESIZE:CENTROID_NAME where CENTROID_NAME is the name of the resize adjustment point. Then track that folder as visible in your scene. When you switch to the scene VNGE will make the folder visible, AdvIKPlugin will spot that folder, apply the adjustment and then disable the folder automatically. Note that setting the folder visible will immediately trigger the replacement and set it back hidden, which makes it hard to have time to update the scene in VNGE. The trick is to temporarily rename the folder (remove the leading hyphen for example), set the folder visible, update the scene, then make it hidden and rename it back before saving. As VNGE doesn't track the folder name this'll work.

List of CENTROID_NAME - must be EXACTLY one of these, all upper case as listed below:
