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Automated testing: The ./tests/ script is called by Travis (in .travis.yml, via hooks/test) with each commit to the master branch. Failing tests cause and update to the 'Build status' tag above.

"Files to FHIR Server" Appliance


This "Files to FHIR server" appliance can run stand-alone or integrate into PDS development stack. It can be used to serve FHIR data off disk (e.g., from Synthea), serve PCORNet data as FHIR, or pass through data from another FHIR server. Hence, this appliance allows the administrator to hot-swap FHIR servers without modifying any code or configuration data on the FHIR clients.

Appliance Setup

  1. Ensure prerequisites are met

    • Prerequisites
      • docker v19.03.14 or above
      • docker-compose 1.23.2 or above Refer to doc/ for help with installing docker, docker-compose, if needed.
  2. Edit tests/env.docker:

    • API_PORT the port on which the FHIR server will be listening
    • FHIR_SERVER_URL_BASE an URL to a 3rd party FHIR server, if 'pass-through' functionality is desired. If the appliance is serving data off disk, set this variable to a dummy value.
    • The following can be provided arbitrary values in support of a database that will hold an internal representation of the patient data:
      • MONGODB_DATA_VOLUME - the host directory where patient data will be persisted. Directory must be secure for LDS and PHI.

Verify Setup


Trouble shooting

  • If docker group was created and user was added to that group, sudo permission should not be required.
  • If 404 error is encountered, ensure API_PORT is not already in use by another application, and that Appliance is not yet started
    netstat -tunlp
    docker ps

Deploy Appliance

  • Start
  • Stop

Note: Stopping the appliance will not free the attached docker volumes, hence the patient database will persist between deployment cycles unless epxlictly deleted.


Populate Appliance

non-pass-through option

If the appliance is not serving as a pass-through, it can be deployed to serve stored data from a research data warehouse or a simulated patient database. To serve data from storage, follow these steps to have the appliance ingest the data.

  1. Ensure prerequistes are met

    • Prerequisites
      • Python 3.8 or above
      • Python libraries: pandas, tx-functional, joblib, tqdm, requests, python-dateutil Refer to doc/ for help with installing python 3.8 and libraries, if needed.
  2. Ensure the FHIR server appliance container is running

docker ps # look for containers started by ./
  1. Ingest patient data

To ingest FHIR data from disk, run:

PYTHONPATH=tx-utils/src python --base_url <base_url> --input_dir <input_dir>

To ingest PCORNet data, run:

PYTHONPATH=tx-utils/src:tx-pcornet-to-fhir/ python --base_url <base_url> --input_dir <pcori_data_input_dir> --input_data_format pcori --output_dir <pcori_data_output_dir>

Note: the pcori value instructs the ingest to write FHIR jsons to <pcori_data_output_dir>. Hence, subsequent runs can ingest directly from disk, with <input_dir> = <pcori_data_output_dir>.

For example, PCORNet ingestion might look like this:

 PYTHONPATH=tx-utils/src:tx-pcornet-to-fhir/ python --base_url http://localhost:8080 --input_dir 1000-null --input_data_format pcori --output_dir 1000-out

and subsequent ingests might look like this:

PYTHONPATH=tx-utils/src python --base_url http://localhost:8080 --input_dir null-out

Trouble shooting

  • To interact with the patient database, once populated, look for the mongodb container, e.g., pdspi-fhir-example-mongodb (not to be confused with pdspi-fhir-example), and run it interactively, as in:
docker exec -it pdspi-fhir-example-mongodb /bin/sh
  • The patient database name, root username and password are set in the environmental variables PDSPI_FHIR_EXAMPLE_MONGO_DATABASE, ..._MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME, ..., not to be confused with ..._MONGO_NON_ROOT_USERNAME, ...

  • For example, to count the number of patients in the patient database, one might execute the following:

$ docker exec -it pdspi-fhir-example-mongodb /bin/sh
# mongo --username rootuser --password rootpass
> use fhirdb
switched to db fhirdb
> show collections
> db.Patient.count();

The count will be 0 if the database is empty.

API doc and live example

  • Docker image built from latest commit to master


Each commit to master triggers a build on dockerhub, tagged with 'unstable'. This image can be run in lieue of ./, provided the appropriate environemetnal variables such as those found in tests/env.docker.

  • API documentation