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Local Lingust Server

This is a back-end server application for the Local Linguist Android application.

Local Linguist is a mobile application for capturing linguistic data from remote locations where there is insufficient funding to research and document the local languages and dialects that exist. This has been developed on the Android platform to make it as widely available as possible.

Linguist is a web application designed to fulfil two primary goals:

  • Consolidate the information uploaded from Local Linguist into a database that can be searched by linguists.

  • Provide the facility for Linguists to define studies to be sent to the Local Linguist application for research.

Linguist has been developed using Ruby on Rails. To run this application, you will need the following installed:

  • Ruby version 2.2.2 (2.2 or later is fine)
  • Rails version 4.2.3
  • Postgresql

To install and run Local Linguist:

git clone https:/RHoKAustralia/local-linguist-server
gem install bundler
cd local-linguist-server
bundle install

Database Installation and Configuration:

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rake db:test:prepare

Runing tests:


Running the server

rails s

The server will then be running.

Running in docker

There are scripts to run the server and app within docker, under the docker/ directory.

data relationships

The Linguist application has the following data relationships.

  • More detail here...

Local Linguist Client

The client component and instructions for setting it up are avaliable here:
