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Marco Brandizi edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 15 revisions

The RDF-2-PG Converter

rdf2pg is a framework to convert from RDF data to labelled property graphs (or, PG), aiming at supporting custom mapping from RDF data models to any target PG format or graph database.

At the moment, we have used the core libraries to write an RDF-to-graphml format, and to rewrite the original RDF-to-Neo4j converter that the project has originated from.


While RDF, the Semantic Web stack and the linked data approach are solid foundations for data modelling and standardisation, ever more graph-oriented datasets are being managed by means of graph databases such as Neo4j, or technological stacks like TinkerPop/Gremlin. Such technologies are based on the so called labelled property graph model (PG), which is similar to the triple-based RDF model, but with significant differences, such as support to relations with attributes.

The two approaches aren't necessarily opposed, on the contrary, in the Knetminer project, we take advantages of the complementary set of pros/cons that come from both. For that reason, we have initially developed the rdf2neo tool, to convert our own RDF-based data models onto similar Neo4j databases. Later, we have generalised the core components of the tool to support conversions to other graph databases and PG formats, and we have used implemented an rdf2graphml tool, to support the needs of [TODO: Carlos affiliation].

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