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Module contains a Nomad job ./conf/nomad/trino.hcl with Trino sql server.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Compatibility
  3. Requirements
    1. Required software
  4. Usage
    1. Connect to the services (proxies)
    2. Verifying setup
    3. Providers
    4. Intentions
  5. Example usage
  6. Inputs
  7. Outputs
  8. Secrets & credentials
  9. Contributors
  10. License
  11. References


Please follow this section in original template


Software OSS Version Enterprise Version
Terraform 0.13.1 or newer
Consul 1.8.3 or newer 1.8.3 or newer
Vault or newer or newer
Nomad 0.12.3 or newer 0.12.3 or newer


Required modules

Module Version
terraform-nomad-hive 0.3.0 or newer
terraform-nomad-minio 0.3.0 or newer
terraform-nomad-postgres 0.3.0 or newer

Required software

All software is provided and run with docker. See the Makefile for inspiration.

If you are using another system such as MacOS, you may need to install the following tools in some sections:


The following command will run the example in example/trino_cluster:

make up


make up-standalone

will run the example in example/trino_standalone

For more information, check out the documentation in the trino_cluster README.

Connect to the services (proxies)

Since the services in this module use the sidecar_service, you need to connect to the services using a Consul connect proxy. The proxy connections are pre-made and defined in the Makefile:

make proxy-hive     # to hivemetastore
make proxy-minio    # to minio
make proxy-postgres # to postgres
make proxy-trino   # to trino

You can now connect to Trino using the Trino CLI with the following command:

make trino-cli # connect to Trino CLI

⚠️ Note

If you are on a Mac the proxies and make trino-cli may not work. Instead, you can install the Consul binary and run the commands in the Makefile manually (without docker run ..). Further, you need to install the Trino CLI on your local machine or inside the box. See also required software.

Verifying setup

Option 1 [Hive-metastore and Nomad]

  1. Go to http://localhost:4646/ui/exec/hive-metastore
  2. Chose metastoreserver -> metastoreserver and click enter.
  3. Connect using beeline cli:
# from metastore (loopback)
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://
  1. You can now query existing tables with the (beeline-cli)
SHOW TABLES IN <database-name>;
DROP DATABASE <database-name>;
SELECT * FROM <table_name>;

# examples
SELECT * FROM tweets;

Option 2 [Trino and Nomad]

⚠️ Only works with trino_standalone example.

  1. Go to http://localhost:4646/ui/exec/trino
  2. Chose standalone -> server and click enter.
  3. Connect using the Trino-cli:
  1. You can now query existing tables with the Trino-cli:
SHOW SCHEMAS [ FROM catalog ] [ LIKE pattern ]
SHOW TABLES [ FROM schema ] [ LIKE pattern ]

# examples
SHOW TABLES IN hive.default;
SELECT * FROM hive.default.iris;

Option 3 [local Trino-cli]

ℹ️ Check required software section first.

The following command contains two docker containers with the flag --network=host, natively run on Linux. An important note is that MacOS Docker runs in a virtual machine. In that case, you need to use the local binary consul to install proxy and in another terminal local binary with trino cli to connect.

In a terminal run a proxy and Trino-cli session:

make trino-cli

You can now query tables (3 tables should be available):

show tables;
select * from <table>;

To debug or continue developing you can use Trino cli locally. Some useful commands.

# manual table creation for different file types
trino --server localhost:8080 --catalog hive --schema default --user trino --file ./example/resources/query/csv_create_table.sql
trino --server localhost:8080 --catalog hive --schema default --user trino --file ./example/resources/query/json_create_table.sql
trino --server localhost:8080 --catalog hive --schema default --user trino --file ./example/resources/query/flattenedjson_json.sql
trino --server localhost:8080 --catalog hive --schema default --user trino --file ./example/resources/query/avro_tweets_create_table.sql


This module uses the following providers:


The following intentions are required. In the examples, intentions are created in the Ansible playboook 01_create_intetion.yml:

Intention between type
trino-local => trino allow
minio-local => minio allow
trino => hive-metastore allow
trino-sidecar-proxy => hive-metastore allow
trino-sidecar-proxy => minio allow

⚠️ Note that these intentions needs to be created if you are using the module in another module.

Example usage

The following code is an example of the Trino module in cluster mode. For detailed information check the example/trino_cluster or the example/trino_standalone directory.

The following code is an example usage of the example/trino_standalone.
Note: The Postgres used in this example is the same for both Hive and Trino.

module "trino" {
  source = ""

  depends_on = [

  # nomad
  nomad_job_name    = "trino"
  nomad_datacenters = ["dc1"]
  nomad_namespace   = "default"

  # Vault provided credentials
  vault_secret = {
    use_vault_provider         = true
    vault_kv_policy_name       = "kv-secret"
    vault_kv_path              = "secret/data/dev/trino"
    vault_kv_field_secret_name = "cluster_shared_secret"

  service_name     = "trino"
  mode             = "cluster"
  workers          = 1
  consul_http_addr = ""
  debug            = true
  use_canary       = true
  hive_config_properties = [

  # other
  hivemetastore_service = {
    service_name = module.hive.service_name
    port         = module.hive.port

  minio_service = {
    service_name = module.minio.minio_service_name
    port         = module.minio.minio_port
    access_key   = ""
    secret_key   = ""

  # Vault provided credentials
  minio_vault_secret = {
    use_vault_provider       = true
    vault_kv_policy_name     = "kv-secret"
    vault_kv_path            = "secret/data/dev/minio"
    vault_kv_field_access_name = "access_key"
    vault_kv_field_secret_name = "secret_key"

   postgres_service = {
      service_name  = module.postgres.service_name
      port          = module.postgres.port
      username      = module.postgres.username
      password      = module.postgres.password
      database_name = module.postgres.database_name
   postgres_vault_secret = {
      use_vault_provider      = false
      vault_kv_policy_name    = ""
      vault_kv_path           = ""
      vault_kv_field_username = ""
      vault_kv_field_password = ""


Name Description Type Default Required
nomad_provider_address Nomad provider address string "" yes
nomad_data_center Nomad data centers list(string) ["dc1"] yes
nomad_namespace [Enterprise] Nomad namespace string "default" yes
nomad_job_name Nomad job name string "trino" yes
mode Switch for Nomad jobs to use cluster or standalone deployment string "standalone" no
shared_secret_user Shared secret provided by user(length must be >= 12) string "asdasdsadafdsa" no
vault_secret Set of properties to be able fetch shared cluster secret from Vault object(bool, string, string, string) use_vault_secret_provider = true
vault_kv_policy_name = "kv-secret"
vault_kv_path = "secret/data/dev/trino"
vault_kv_field_secret_name = "cluster_shared_secret"
service_name Trino service name string "trino" yes
resource Resource allocation for Trino nodes (cpu & memory) object(number, number) {
cpu = 500
memory = 1024
resource_proxy Resource allocation for proxy (cpu & memory) object(number, number) {
cpu = 200
memory = 128
port Trino http port number 8080 yes
docker_image Trino docker image string "trinodb/trino:354" yes
local_docker_image Switch for Nomad jobs to use artifact for image lookup bool false no
container_environment_variables Trino environment variables list(string) [""] no
hive_config_properties Custom hive configuration properties list(string) [""] no
workers cluster: Number of Nomad worker nodes number 1 no
coordinator Include a coordinator in addition to the workers. Set this to false when extending an existing cluster bool true no
use_canary Uses canary deployment for Trino bool false no
consul_connect_plugin Deploy Consul connect plugin for trino bool true no
consul_connect_plugin_version Version of the Consul connect plugin for trino (on maven central) src here: https:/gugalnikov/trino-consul-connect string "2.2.0" no
consul_connect_plugin_artifact_source Artifact URI source string "" no
debug Turn on debug logging in trino nodes bool false no
hivemetastore.service_name Hive metastore service name string "hive-metastore" yes
hivemetastore.port Hive metastore port number 9083 yes
minio_service Minio data-object contains service_name, port, access_key and secret_key obj(string, number, string, string) - no
minio_vault_secret Minio data-object contains vault related information to fetch credentials obj(bool, string, string, string, string) {
use_vault_provider = false,
vault_kv_policy_name = "kv-secret",
vault_kv_path = "secret/data/dev/trino",
vault_kv_field_access_name = "access_key",
vault_kv_field_secret_name = "secret_key"
postgres_service Postgres data-object contains service_name, port, username, password and database_name obj(string, number, string, string, string) - no
postgres_vault_secret Set of properties to be able to fetch Postgres secrets from vault obj(bool, string, string, string, string) {
use_vault_provider = false,
vault_kv_policy_name = "kv-secret",
vault_kv_path = "secret/data/dev/trino",
vault_kv_field_username = "username",
vault_kv_field_password = "username"


Name Description Type
trino_service_name Trino service name string

Secrets & credentials

When using the mode = "cluster", you can set your secrets in two ways, either manually or upload secrets to Vault.

Set credentials manually

To set the credentials manually you first need to tell the module to not fetch credentials from Vault. To do that, set vault_secret.use_vault_provider to false (see below for example). If this is done the module will use the variable shared_secret_user to set the Trino credentials. These will default to defaulttrinosecret if not set by the user. Below is an example on how to disable the use of Vault credentials, and setting your own credentials.

module "trino" {
  vault_secret  = {
                    use_vault_provider         = false,
                    vault_kv_policy_name       = "",
                    vault_kv_path              = "",
                    vault_kv_field_secret_name = "",
  shared_secret_user = "my-secret-key" # default 'defaulttrinosecret'

Set credentials using Vault secrets

By default use_vault_provider is set to true. However, when testing using the box (e.g. make dev) the Trino secret is randomly generated and put in secret/dev/trino inside Vault, from the 01_generate_secrets_vault.yml playbook. This is an independent process and will run regardless of the vault_secret.use_vault_provider is false or true.

If you want to use the automatically generated credentials in the box, you can do so by changing the vault_secret object as seen below:

module "trino" {
  vault_secret  = {
                    use_vault_secret_provider   = true
                    vault_kv_policy_name        = "kv-secret"
                    vault_kv_path               = "secret/data/dev/trino"
                    vault_kv_field_secret_name  = "cluster_shared_secret"

If you want to change the secrets path and keys/values in Vault with your own configuration you would need to change the variables in the vault_secret-object. Say that you have put your secrets in secret/services/trino/users and change the key to my_trino_secret_name. You must have Vault policy with name kv-users-secret and at least read-access to path secret/services/trino/users. Then you need to do the following configuration:

module "trino" {
  vault_secret  = {
                    use_vault_secret_provider = true,
                    vault_kv_policy_name       = "kv-users-secret"
                    vault_kv_path              = "secret/data/services/trino/users",
                    vault_kv_field_secret_name = "my_trino_secret_name"



This work is licensed under Apache 2 License. See LICENSE for full details.
