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Skinny Bot

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A framework to create discord bot in PHP using DiscordPHP.


This is the core of the Bot. The skeleton of the application can be found there.


If you just want to use and/or develop your own bot, you should use the Skinny Skeleton as a base for your project. Installation steps can be found there.





Creating news Modules

The bot come with a Module system and a Module manager that allow you to create Modules for your custom commands. Your module must implement the Skinny\Module\ModuleInterface.

Here is the default template for a module, named Basic for example :


namespace Bot\Module\Modules;

use Skinny\Module\ModuleInterface;
use Skinny\Network\Wrapper;

class Basic implements ModuleInterface

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param \Skinny\Network\Wrapper $wrapper The Wrapper instance.
     * @param array $message The message array.
     * @return void
    public function onChannelMessage(Wrapper $wrapper, $message)

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param \Skinny\Network\Wrapper $wrapper The Wrapper instance.
     * @param array $message The message array.
     * @return void
    public function onPrivateMessage(Wrapper $wrapper, $message)

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param \Skinny\Network\Wrapper $wrapper The Wrapper instance.
     * @param array $message The message array.
     * @return void
    public function onCommandMessage(Wrapper $wrapper, $message)

With these 3 functions you can handle every messages on discord :

  • Command Message : A normal message in a channel WITH a valid command.
  • Private Message : A private message.
  • Channel Message : A normal message in a channel WITHOUT a valid command.

For example if we want to do a !say [text] command, we could do that in the onCommandMessage function :

public function onCommandMessage(Wrapper $wrapper, $message)
    switch ($message['command']) {
        case 'say':


Then we need to add this command in the config/commands.php file :

'say' => [
    'params' => 1,
    'syntax' => 'Say [Message]'

That's all, you did a !say command.

The variable $message

This variable is created by the class Skinny\Message\Message and is an array. For example with the phrase !dev param1 param2 param3 etc, we will have the following array :

    'raw' => '!dev param1 param2 param3 etc',
    'parts' => [
            (int) 0 => '!dev',
            (int) 1 => 'param1 param2 param3 etc'
    'command' => 'dev',
    'message' => 'param1 param2 param3 etc',
    'commandCode' => '!',
    'arguments' => [
            (int) 0 => 'param1',
            (int) 1 => 'param2',
            (int) 2 => 'param3',
            (int) 3 => 'etc'

The object $wrapper

The object is an instance of the class Skinny\Network\Wrapper and is used as a wrapper to split all the Discord's classes for a better accessibility and clarity when developing modules.

For example, doing a debug() on this object would generate the following output :

object(Skinny\Network\Wrapper) {
    ModuleManager => object(Skinny\Module\ModuleManager) {
    Message => object(Discord\Parts\Channel\Message) {
    Channel => object(Discord\Parts\Channel\Channel) {
    Guild => object(Discord\Parts\Guild\Guild) {
    Members => object(Discord\Repository\Guild\MemberRepository) {

The Module System

As i said before, this bot implement a Module system. The Module system work like that in debug mode only : The Module system load the file's contents first, then use preg_replace() to replace the original class-name with a random one. After that, its create a copy and include it.

When a message is triggered, the module system will do some tests on it to ensure it's a valid message, then it will dispath it into all the loaded modules.


Yes, you can create plugins for this bot. While i recommend to create a plugin using composer you can also create a plugin without using composer, it can be usefull when you develop a plugin. You can find the demo plugin named Basic here.

Creating a Plugin with composer

Creating a plugin with composer is easy. First you must create a composer.json file like this :

    "name": "skinnybot/basic",
    "description": "A simple plugin for Skinny.",
    "homepage": "https:/SkinnyBot/Basic",
    "keywords": ["discord", "bot", "skinny", "plugin"],
    "type": "skinny-plugin",
    "license": "MIT",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.6",
        "skinnybot/skinny": "dev-master"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Basic\\": "src"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "BasicTest\\": "tests"
    "minimum-stability": "stable"

Note : The type of the composer file must be skinny-plugin, else your plugin won't work. The hierarchical structure of the files will be like this :


When you have finished to code your plugin, you must of course publish it on Packagist.

Creating a Plugin without composer

When you create a plugin without composer, your plugins must be in the plugins folder. Let's create the same Basic plugin without composer, the hierarchical structure of the files will be like this :


After you have created your plugin, you must tell to composer to do the dumpautoload event, so the plugin will be registered in the vendor/skinny-plugins.php file and it will update your autoloader :

composer dumpautoload

After that, you will need to load the plugin in the config/bootstrap.php file in your application :

//Or if you're using a bootstrap file :
Plugin::load('Basic', ['bootstrap' => true]);


Core plugins list

  • Module Plugin The Module plugin is a module that allow you to manage modules with commands. Installed by default in the Skinny Skeleton.
  • Basic Plugin This plugin is primary used to show how to create plugin and for testing purpose. Installed by default in the Skinny Skeleton.


Follow this guide to contribute

Special Thanks

  • Thanks to the CakePHP team and their awesome CakePHP Core classes used to create the plugin system.