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hlane33 edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 21 revisions

Significant contributors to Sunny

Alphabetized by last name:

  • Xiaojian Bai, LSU
  • Kipton Barros, Los Alamos National Lab.
  • Cristian Batista, U. Tennessee Knoxville
  • David Dahlbom, Oak Ridge National Lab.
  • Harry Lane, University of St Andrews.
  • Ying Wai Li, Los Alamos National Lab.
  • Sakib Matin, Los Alamos National Lab.
  • Cole Miles, Kodiak Robotics
  • Martin Mourigal, Georgia Tech.
  • Alin Niraula, LSU
  • Daniel Pajerowski, Oak Ridge National Lab.
  • Sam Quinn, Georgia Tech.
  • Bhushan Thipe, LSU
  • Zhentao Wang, Zhejiang University
  • Matthew Wilson, Los Alamos National Lab.
  • Hao Zhang, Los Alamos National Lab.

If you have contributed significantly to Sunny, please remind us and we'll add you to the list. New contributors are welcome! Join our #developers channel on the Sunny Slack.

Project organization

The current core maintainers of Sunny are David Dahlbom and Kipton Barros. Sam Quinn added many features for intensities calculations, and contributed to optimization. Cole Miles wrote the first version of Sunny. Matt Wilson developed Monte Carlo samplers and visualization tools. Sakib Matin developed model fitting tools. Hao Zhang and Zhentao Wang developed the linear spin wave theory module. Harry Lane developed features related to LSWT and the KPM module. Harry and Bhushan Thipe ported the SpinW examples. Alin Niraula and Xiaojian Bai developed the spiral LSWT module. Xiaojian also developed tests and helped design the user interface. Daniel Pajerowski leads community outreach and guides facility integration. Many others have made important contributions. The informal project leadership team includes Kipton Barros (LANL, methods and coding), Cristian Batista (UTK, theory) and Martin Mourigal (GATech, applications).

Broader community

2024 Oak Ridge workshop

Analyzing Neutron Scattering Magnetic Data with Sunny.jl

Group image

2024 Los Alamos workshop

Methods for modeling transport and dynamics of quantum magnets, May 28-31

2024-lanl-reduced pajarito-reduced

2023 Oak Ridge workshop

Analyzing Neutron Spectroscopy Data with (Linear) Spin-Wave Theory

ornl2023-group-reduced ornl2023-wide

2022 Oak Ridge workshop on spin waves
