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Taylor's Neovim config 🚀

Want to be fancy and use neovim, but don't want to have to figure out all the plugins and setup for yourself? Just steal Taylor's!


The big ones

Shortcut Pneumonic What it does Notes
{space} ef Explore Files Searches files ctrl+p, ctrl+n to move up/down the list
{space} rg Rip Grep Find everywhere ctrl+p, ctrl+n to move up/down the list. This is a regex, so you'll need to do things like escape periods like \.
{space} w... Window splits Navigate window splits s = split horizontal, v = split veritcal, hjkl = move focus left/down/up/right
{space} gd Go to Definition Jumps to definition ctrl + o (go back) / ctrl + i (go forward) moves you in the jump list
{space} gr Go to References Opens references
{space} ex No good one, EXplore? Explore files/directories with ranger Need to do :q to quit ranger
Alt+... None Navigate tabs num keys = go to tab X, p = tab picker mode (follow up with key that appears next to the tab that you want, ,. = prev/next tab, i = pin tab, c = close tab
{space} m{letter} Mark Sets a bookmark bound to that letter {space} '{letter} = go to bookmark (` also works), Capital {letter} is a global bookmark, lowercase is local to that file.
{space} rn Rename Renames a variable. :wa will write to all files.

Complete list of shortcuts can be found in ~/.config/nvim/lua/whichkey.lua (newer, more readable) and ~/.config/nvim/lua/keybindings.lua (deprecated)

Some more

Shortcut Pneumonic What it does Notes
(from ripgrep window) ctrl+q quickfix Throws all results into a quickfix list {space} [q = jump to next quickfix item, {space} ]q = jump to previous quickfix item, {space} ts = hide quickfix list~, {space} tab (when quickfix window is focused) = close quickfix list
gcc comment Toggles comment for line Can be used with other vim modifiers: e.g. gc5j = comment out 6 lines (current + 5 below)
ysiw) yank, surround inner word with ) Surrounds current word with parenthesis Can be used with other vim modifiers
{space} cd Check Diagnostic Opens error message Type cd again to enter into the window; then {space} ts (tab split) to full screen window; then {space} tab to get out


(All of these install steps were done on a relatively fresh Ubuntu machine, modify as needed)

install nvim with this config

  • mkdir ~/.config/nvim
  • cd ~/.config/nvim
  • gh repo clone TaylorBeeston/init.vim .
  • sudo apt install cargo
  • Install neovim: "sudo apt install neovim" got me a version that was too old, so I installed using bob
    • sudo apt install libssl-dev - dependency for bob
    • cargo install --git https:/MordechaiHadad/bob.git
    • add "~/.cargo/bin" to your path
      • For fish shell: set -U fish_user_paths ~/.cargo/bin $fish_user_paths
    • bob install stable
    • bob use stable
    • add  "~/.local/share/neovim/bin" to your path
      • For fish shell: `set -U fish_user_paths ~/.local/share/neovim/bin/ $fish_user_paths
  • cargo install ripgrep
  • cargo install fd-find
  • sudo apt install bat
  • Run the command at the top of "The command at the top of ~/.config/nvim/lua/pluginList.lua": git clone https:/wbthomason/packer.nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
  • nvim
  • :PackerUpdate
    • I needed to do this twice because reasons

But wait, there's more!

I didn't have any fonts installed, so I was getting a bunch of ugly square icons with hex codes in them. To fix that, install a font!



I also started using Kitty for my terminal per Taylor's advice. "It runs on your GPU" is about all I know about it 😆 The main difference I can see is that it's slighly opaque. It also allows splitting the terminal window and using multiple "tabs"

  • sudo apt install kitty
  • mkdir/cd ~/.config/kitty
  • gh repo clone TaylorBeeston/kitty.conf
Shortcut What it does Notes
ctrl+shift+tab New tab
ctrl+shift+left/right Navigate between tabs
ctrl+shift+q Close tab
ctrl+shift+Enter New window (split window horizontally)
ctrl+shift+[/] Focus prev/next window
ctrl+shift+w Close window Also works for closing tabs


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