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Neural Network Obfuscator

The goal is to create a proof of concept for a neural network obfuscator.

Given a neural network trained on a dataset $X$ called $NN_0$ it should be transformed into another neural network called $NN_1$ such that:

  • $NN_0$ and $NN_1$ have almost the same accuracy on $X$
  • $NN_1$ topology is different and more complex to understand than $NN_0$
  • $NN_0$ parameters should not be easy to retrieve when looking at $NN_1$ parameters and topology
  • $NN_1$ inference speed can be up to x500 longer than $NN_0$

Table of contents


This is a toy project. Mostly to play with ONNX and onnx-runtime.

Inspired by onnx-optimizer and onnx-simplifier

An obfuscator use-case is to hide and protect one's intellectual property. In my humble opinion this technique is not really effective to protect one's model. If this model is made available to an end user or customer then it should be safe to say this model has a good enough accuracy. The user then can just make inferences using on his dataset and use the predictions as labels for his dataset. This is a similar process to knowledge distillation, a technique often used to compress neural network.

Also it's a toy project, privacy regarding user data and protection of a company intellectual property are real challenges for the next years that could enable greater use-case for machine learning algorithms.

Changing the topology of the model can be done in either the framework used for training like Pytorch or Tensorflow but one should make sure that all operation are supported by the framework and ONNX.

Compiling the model

One of the first idea that can come to mind is to statically compile the model with the execution engine or compile the model to another format that can be run by an engine. This process makes the model, to my knowledge, impossible to be clearly visible by the user. The tool that first come to mind is tensorRT. After a transformation from onnx to tensorRT, onnx-tensorRT, engine format. The model can only be run by their runtime. To my knowledge there is no existing tool that would make it easy to see the topology and the weights of the model. Other framework could allow this hiding by compiling paradigm. TVM from OctoML is one of the other compiler for Neural Network and can be a good choice also for performance. Moreover some new tool like Tract from sonos could be another candidate. Still this is an idea and not really answering to the challenge.

Architecture of the Obfuscator

The goal during the week would be to have a simple CLI that can take as input any ONNX model and convert it to another ONNX model. There would be a main function obfuscate that would apply some possible changes that a first module called Obfuscator would have identify as possible changes.

The Obfuscator has a simple api.

class Obfuscator(ABC):

    def check_model(self, onnx_model: ModelProto) -> List[Modification]:

It takes a ONNX graph as input an see by stepping over all the operator if it can be modify.

Modifications can be of multiple type and resume in this Enum.

class ModificationType(Enum):
    DELETE = "delete"
    REPLACE = "replace"
    ADD = "add"
    IDENTITY = "identity"
    REPLACEINIT = "replace"
    ADDINIT = "add_initializer"

Each modification is link to a node from the unprocess, or currently process graph and add or swap some node.

class Modification:
    modif_type: ModificationType
    old_node: Optional[NodeProto]
    old_node_index: Optional[int]
    new_node: Optional[NodeProto]

To note: This approach doesn't require to rewrite the complete graph. It's quite simple but it might not be the best to compose more intricate Obfuscator

Feature Tracking

  • NoOp Obfuscator that run over all node and just do some print

  • EncryptName Obfuscator to be able to change name of operator

  • Add a operator that doesn't really affect chain of maths operator

    • Add some identity operator, + 0, * 1
    • Add then subtrack with random weights
    • Add a Elu before a relu
    • Add a maxpooling with a kernel size similar to input channels
    • Add some back to back transpose
  • Replace standard Convolution with equivalent operator

    • Split a conv into two parallel convolution
    • Replace a conv with equivalent linear layer i.e fully connected
  • Encryption of the different weights

    • Quantize to f16 or int8 then add a secret key like a big prime number An Neural Network Obfuscator based on ONNX

Install & Setup

Local setup with pyenv and poetry

  1. Install Python 3.x using pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management

    Install on Mac OS X ```sh #eg on Mac Os X brew update brew install pyenv pyenv install 3.8.2 # or any other ^3.8 ```
    Install on Ubuntu Desktop ```bash git clone https:/pyenv/pyenv ~/.pyenv echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.zshrc # or >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc # or >> ~/.bashrc echo -e 'if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then\n eval "$(pyenv init -)"\nfi' >> ~/.zshrc # or ~/.bash_profile source ~/.zshrc # or >> ~/.bashrc pyenv install 3.8.2 # or any other ^3.8 ```
    Install on Windows Follow you prefered installation from [pyenv-win](https:/pyenv-win/pyenv-win#get-pyenv-win) ```powershell pyenv install 3.8.2 # or any other ^3.8 ```
  2. Install Poetry for dependency management

    curl -sSL | python
    source $HOME/.poetry/env
    poetry --version
  3. Install dependencies in virtual environement

poetry config true # Can be set globally
poetry shell # initialize `.venv/` virtualenv directory
poetry install
# Also make sure to install libomp.dylib for onnx-runtime
brew install libomp

Docker setup

You can use the script in .devcontainer/ to build an image with all the dependencies. Then you can use the script in .devcontainer/ the other one to run and attach to a container.

Another way can be to use the built-in feature of remote container from vscode


poetry run obfuscator path_to_private_model.onnx path_to_obfuscated_destination.onnx
poetry run obfuscator --help
poetry run python
poetry run pytest tests


Neural Network Obfuscator







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